Corrosion resistance of ultra-high performance fibre- reinforced concrete
[EN] The corrosion resistance of ultra-high performance concrete (UH) made with different fibre contents and under distinct curing conditions was studied. No signs of carbonation were observed after 1 year of accelerated carbonation testing (3% CO2). The fibreless UHs¿ electrical resistivity was above 5000 ¿·m, although these values were 2-fold higher than a UH with 1% fibres and approximately 5-fold higher than a UH with 2% fibres. Concrete resistance to chloride penetration was also extremely high (the diffusion coefficient equalled 1.3·10¿13 m2/s) and curing temperatures of 60 °C or 90 °C improved even more these properties, while lack of curing made them slightly worse. Given these excellent properties, the corrosion rate in specimens submerged in chloride solution for 1 year was negligible (iCORR from 0.007 to 0.025 µA/cm2). These values remained stable with time, unlike the 50 MPa concrete at 2 months when iCORR starting to increase and was 12-fold higher after 1 year. The time estimated for corrosion onset in UH is on average about 150-fold higher than that of 50 MPa. ; Authors thank to the Spanish Government the financial support of project BIA2016-78460-C3-3-R and to the European Union¿s Horizon 2020 the financial support of ReSHEALience project (Grant Agreement No. 760824). Furthermore, authors would like to express their gratitude for the support of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The predoctoral scholarship granted to Josep Ramon Lliso Ferrando within the program "Formacion de Personal Investigador" from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (FPI-UPV-2018) is also gratefully acknowledged. ; Valcuende Payá, MO.; Lliso-Ferrando, JR.; Ramón Zamora, JE.; Soto Camino, J. (2021). Corrosion resistance of ultra-high performance fibre- reinforced concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 306:1-10. ; S ; 1 ; 10 ; 306