Jan de Vries reflexiona sobre algunes de les claus per a una aproximació ampla a I'estudi del fenomen urba a I'Europa Modema. La urbanització demografica no és un episodi reductible a criteris de ritmes de creixement, sinb a I'anilisi dels condicionants que impliquen la seva ubicació espaial. L'historiador ha de defugir els plantejaments teleolbgics que I'obstaculitzin per a comprendre I'extraordinhia realitat de la urbanització histbrica al mateix temps que ha d'emprendre I'analisi del paper desenvolupat per les ciutats en I'el~laboració i reforq de la cultura dominant. Aquesta perspectiva permet reivindicar la persistkncia d'un protagonisme econbmic, social, polític i cultural i defugir la minimització del paper de la ciutat al de mera unitat administrativa dins I'estat. ; Jan de Vries reflects on the study of urban phenomenon in the Early Modem Europe, considering that demographic urbanization can not be reducted to different approaches about the rythms of growth but to the analysis of the determining factors that involved its spatial location. Historians must escape from teleological theories that are an obstacle to understand the reality of the historical urbanization and they have to focus their analysis on the role developed by cities in the construction of the dominant culture. De Vries' perspective permits to vindicate the persistence of the economic, social, political and cultural leading role of cities and to elude the tendency to consider cities as mere administrative unities in a state.
Un souci constant des historiens du climat est de substituer à des observations anecdotiques et discontinues, des données objectives quantifiables et formant des séries chronologiques ininterrompues et s'étendant sur de longues périodes. Dans un premier temps, cet article allait dans ce sens ; il présentait une série de températures hivernales moyennes en Hollande à partir de 1634. Cette série comblait mes voeux d'historien de l'économie, dans la mesure où elle permettait de déterminer les conséquences des fluctuations annuelles de température en Hollande sur un certain nombre de variables économiques. C'est en cours d'élaboration puis d'analyse de ma série, que j'ai été amené à prendre en considération des données de l'histoire du climat voisines des miennes. Il m'a fallu finalement reconsidérer la théorie même de l'histoire du climat, ce qui m'entraînait très loin de mon propos initial, et de ma sphère de compétence.
Inter-organizational systems (IOS) are ICT-based systems that enable organizations to share information and to electronically conduct business across organizational boundaries. Especially since the increasing availability of the Internet, there have been less technological barriers to implement IOS. However, that does not imply that IOS-possibilities are implemented successfully in all occasions: other barriers may remain. Innovation is not only a technical process of 'solving problems', it also involves economic and political processes in which interests are articulated, alliances are built and outcomes are struggled over. To explore this observation, this paper presents a model that helps to describe and analyze IOS from a power and interest perspective of multiple parties. To illustrate this model, eight case studies of IOS are discussed, of which two in more depth. After that, we will put the findings of the analysis in a broader perspective. The paper concludes with the assertion that the scope for the design of an effective IOS depends on a combination of technical, economic and social
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- PART 1 Reconstructing and Representing the Original Landscape -- Chapter 1 On the Shores of Bohemia: Recovering Geography -- PART 2 Economic Theory and Practice in Early Modern History -- Chapter 2 City and Countryside in Spain: Changing Structures, Changing Relationships, 1450–1850 -- Chapter 3 Great Expectations: Early Modern History and the Social Sciences -- PART 3 Social and Cultural Matrices of Collective Destinies -- Chapter 4 Images of Society -- Chapter 5 Civilizations and Frontiers: Anthropology of the Early Modern Mediterranean -- PART 4 Crises and Transformations: Politics and People -- Chapter 6 Dust and Ashes: The History of Politics and War -- Chapter 7 The Longue Durée and Cycles of Revolt in European History -- PART 5 Constructing Identities from Mentalité -- Chapter 8 Early Modern Law and the Anthropological Imagination of Old European Culture -- Chapter 9 Strategies of Survival Minority Cultures in the Western Mediterranean -- PART 6 Worlds beyond the Mediterranean -- Chapter 10 Braudel and China -- Chapter 11 Plus Ultra: America and the Changing European Notions of Time and Space -- Contributors -- A Short Braudel Bibliography -- Index
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