11 Ergebnisse
La natura osservata e compresa: saggi in memoria di Francesco Moiso
In: Schellinghiana 9
Il Welfare rurale nella Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Alcuni esperimenti innovativi
In: Sociologia urbana e rurale, Heft 123, S. 60-74
ISSN: 0392-4939
Trasformazioni urbane e spazi sociali: la dimensione relazionale come piattaforma di sviluppo locale
In: Sociologia urbana e rurale, Heft 116, S. 45-58
ISSN: 0392-4939
In: Annals of public and cooperative economics, Band 86, Heft 1, S. 157-178
ISSN: 1467-8292
ABSTRACTWe propose a microeconomic model aimed at describing, in a dual production process, the interaction between the formal and the informal sector. The adopted framework is characterized by the absence of information asymmetries. The latter assumption is motivated by the focus of the paper, which chooses a cooperative rather than a competitive interaction between the for‐profit and not for profit sectors, as the non‐profit sector offers services which enable and increase the labour productivity of the workers employed in the for profit sector. Specifically, the non‐profit industry can lower the monetary costs of labour by paying a share of wages and dividends in real terms. As a result, at aggregate level, consumption expenditure decreases proportionally to the share of goods and services that are not bought on the market. In this scenario the non‐profit sector can play an important role in elaborating a way out of the crisis, by: i) reducing the income inequality between the employed and the unemployed, ii) lowering labour costs, and iii) endowing workers with an alternative source of employment. The theoretical analysis, complemented by empirical evidence built on Italian data collected for the period 2005–2012, shows that the model is not yet applicable in the Italian context as the non‐profit industry is growing, but it is still inadequate in size to complement the activities of the for profit sector. However, we claim that Italy should elaborate a way out of the crisis by empowering the Third Sector, and, more in general, a 'good informal economy' made of non‐profit institutions.
The Role of Shared Administration in Overcoming Territorial Polarisation Processes
In: Euricse Working Papers No. 131|23
Il ruolo della cultura nella costruzione del benessere. Evidenze a livello nazionale 2008-2018
In: Sociologia urbana e rurale, Band 45, Heft 130, S. 1-4
ISSN: 0392-4939
Determinanti del benessere psicologico individuale nelle aree urbane e rurali in Italia: uno studio prospettico 2008 - 2018
In: Sociologia urbana e rurale, Heft 129, S. 146-163
ISSN: 0392-4939
Efficacia ed efficienza della pubblica amministrazione: Effektivität und Effizienz der öffentlichen Verwaltung
The book addresses the issue of the good performance of public administration using an interdisciplinary approach (legal, political, corporate, and economic). The concepts of efficiency and effectiveness have been defined in the field of business sciences, but have had a much wider impact. An efficient and effective administrative system, in fact, affects the system of values that are the basis of our society, since it makes it possible for citizens to concretely enjoy the services that are recognized by the regulatory system. This requirement appears even more meaningful in Italy, where the principle of so-called "substantial" equality is recognized by the Constitution.; Il libro affronta la questione del buon andamento della pubblica amministrazione usando un approccio interdisciplinare (giuridico, politologico, aziendalistico, ed economico). I concetti di efficienza ed efficacia sono stati definiti nell'ambito delle scienze aziendalistiche, ma hanno avuto un impatto ben più ampio. Un sistema amministrativo efficiente ed efficace, infatti, incide sul sistema di valori che sono a base della nostra società, poiché rende possibile ai cittadini fruire concretamente dei servizi che sono loro riconosciuti dall'ordinamento normativo. Tale esigenza appare ancora più pregnante in Italia, ove il principio di eguaglianza "sostanziale" è riconosciuto dalla Costituzione.
Perspektiven der Sozialen Landwirtschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungen in Italien: Prospettive dell'Agricoltura Sociale con particolare riferimento agli sviluppi in Italia
This volume presents the current scientific debate, innovative projects and approaches of Social Agriculture in Italy and in the German-speaking area. The work is aimed at professionals from social services, health and education, students of social sciences and agricultural economics, and those responsible for social policies, regional development, organic farming and eco-social transformation.; Diese Publikation stellt aktuelle wissenschaftliche Diskurse, innovative Projekte und Konzepte der Sozialen Landwirtschaft in Italien und im deutschsprachigen Raum vor. Sie richtet sich an Fachkräfte des Sozial,- Gesundheits- und Bildungswesens, Studierende des Sozialwesens und der Agrarwirtschaft, Verantwortliche der Sozialpolitik und Regionalentwicklung, der biologischen Landwirtschaft und der öko-sozialen Transformation. ; Questo volume presenta l'attuale dibattito scientifico, progetti innovativi e approcci dell'Agricoltura Sociale in Italia e nell'area germanofona. Il lavoro si rivolge a professionisti dei servizi sociali, della sanità e dell'istruzione, a studenti delle scienze sociali e di economia agraria e ai responsabili delle politiche sociali, dello sviluppo regionale, dell'agricoltura biologica e della trasformazione eco-sociale.
Promoting Social Innovation and Solidarity Through Transformative Processes of Thought and Action: A Lifetime for Social Change – Tribute to Susanne Elsen
Against the background of current crises and fundamental social questions, this edited volume collects contributions that touch upon aspects of social innovation and eco-social transformation in the fields of social work, education, community development and social and solidarity economy. Their common thread and the volume's overall focus is on transformative and transdisciplinary approaches to research and practice – ways Susanne Elsen has encouraged throughout her career – pointing out her forward-looking contribution not only to social work but far beyond. The volume addresses scholars, students, policy makers, and a broader readership interested in tackling current sustainability challenges by innovating solidarity systems and fostering bottom-up processes of eco-social transformation.