27 Ergebnisse
The Exiled Anti-Putin Opposition and the Question of Democratic Representation
In: Across frontiers: for solidarity - east and west, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 10-11
ISSN: 0890-118X
Experience in Constructing Distant Forecasts of World Energy Impact on the Earth's Atmosphere
In: Известия Российской академии наук. Физика атмосферы и океана, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 158-168
Martyrological in Form, Military-Patriotic in Content
In: Communist and post-communist studies, Band 57, Heft 3, S. 125-146
ISSN: 1873-6920
That Putin's regime has been able to put the memory of the Great Patriotic War (GPW) to political use is hardly news to any observer of Russia. What is often overlooked, however, is that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has contributed to the instrumentalization of this memory by the Kremlin. In this article, I aim to bridge this gap. Drawing on an analysis of the ROC's commemorative activities, I reconstruct the specific, martyrological, interpretation of the GPW that it is forging. With sin, atonement, and glory as its central concepts, this interpretation invests the suffering and losses of the GPW with patriotic sense. Thus, it turns the politically problematic traumatic memory of the GPW into a politically useful one. Simultaneously, it is consistent with the triumphant cult of the GPW advanced by the Kremlin. It also perfectly suits the statist historical narrative focused on the continuity of Russia's past, which is crucial for the ideology of Putin's regime. Furthermore, this interpretation does not contradict the Soviet memory of the GPW that the regime relies on. Finally, in combining Orthodox Christianity with militarism, the martyrological interpretation of the GPW is highly suitable for the regime's political business of the day, which is waging its war against Ukraine.
Has Russia learned lessons of History?
In: Nauchno-analiticheskii zhurnal Obozrevatel' - Observer, Heft 5-6, S. 124-134
Politically Useful Tragedies: The Soviet Atrocities in the Historical Park(s) "Russia — My History"
In: Problems of post-communism, Band 70, Heft 5, S. 544-556
ISSN: 1557-783X
Building the Nation, Legitimizing the State: Russia—My History and Memory of the Russian Revolutions in Contemporary Russia
In: Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, Band 49, Heft 1, S. 72-88
ISSN: 1465-3923
AbstractThe collapse of the Soviet Union set Russia's ruling elites the challenge of nation-building: while "Russians" had to be imagined as a political community on behalf of which the newly established Russian state was ruled, their national history needed to be narrated. Crucial for this enterprise was interpreting the Soviet past. Although the latter was used for political purposes by both Boris Yeltsin (who attempted to break with it) and Vladimir Putin (who established continuity with it), a politically usable interpretation of the Russian Revolutions was never found. Such is the consensus that emerged in 2017. Challenging this consensus, I argue that a specific interpretation of the Revolutions—nested within a narrative that covers Russia's history from Kievan Rus to the contemporary Russian Federation—has been developed in Russia. Turning Russia's politically problematic past into a politically usable one, this interpretation is (re)produced through the project Russia—My History. As Russia—My History (initially developed within the Russian Orthodox Church) is becoming a part of state-sponsored efforts to forge an "official" vision of Russian history, the interpretation of the Revolutions (re)produced through it is growing in influence in present-day Russia.
Russian Public Opinion and the Yugoslav Crisis: Parallels Between the Beginning and the End of the Twentieth Century
In: Russian politics and law, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 30-43
ISSN: 1558-0962
Russian Public Opinion and Yugoslavian Crisis: Parallels between the Beginning and the End of the 20th Century
In: Političeskie issledovanija: Polis ; naučnyj i kul'turno-prosvetitel'skij žurnal = Political studies, Heft 2, S. 178-185
ISSN: 1026-9487, 0321-2017
Досліджено стан розвитку банківської кредитної діяльності в Україні за 2007-2018 рр., обґрунтовано перспективи розвитку банківського кредитування в динамічних умовах розвитку вітчизняної економіки. Здійснено моніторинг діяльності банків у сфері надання кредитних послуг та перспектив їх розвитку в різних сегментах кредитного ринку. Висвітлено сучасні особливості функціонування банків у сфері кредитування суб'єктів господарювання та домогосподарств. Вирішення поставлених завдань здійснено за допомогою таких загальнонаукових і спеціальних методів дослідження: аналізу та синтезу, систематизації та моделювання перспектив розвитку банківського кредитування. Виявлено особливості ведення банківського бізнесу в сфері кредитування та визначено його роль у розвитку національної економіки. Встановлено відсутність стійкої тенденції розвитку банківського кредитування за аналізований період. На основі застосування методів прогнозування, надано розрахунок векторів розвитку банківського кредитування на 2020-2022 роки. На основі кореляційно-регресійного аналізу з'ясовано перспективи змін ВВП від чинників кредитного характеру, що на нього впливають різнобічно (обсяг банківського кредитування, активи банків, кредити, надані фізичним особам та юридичним особам). Обґрунтовано, що розвиток кредитної банківської діяльності є важливою складовою стабілізації національної економіки. Здійснено оцінку інституціонального складу банківської системи України та обґрунтовано необхідність створення передумов формування законодавчої основи до її розширення за рахунок нових видів банків регіонального значення. Відсутність чітко описаного механізму їх діяльності на рівні нормативно-правового забезпечення визначає низку проблем їх створення. Запропоновано розвивати сектор кооперативного кредиту за участю регіональних кооперативних банків як важливої складової банківської системи України. Основні наукові положення дослідження можна використовувати у практиці банків усіх рівнів банківської системи. ; The state of development of bank lending activity in Ukraine for 2007-2018 is researched, and the prospects of development of bank lending under dynamic conditions of development of domestic economy are substantiated. The activities of banks in the area of credit services and prospects of their development in various segments of the credit market were monitored. The modern features of the operations of banks in the area of crediting of economic entities and households are highlighted. The tasks are accomplished with the help of such general scientific and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and modeling of perspectives of bank lending development. The peculiarities of banking business in the area of crediting are revealed and its role in the development of the national economy is determined. The absence of a steady tendency of development of bank lending for the analyzed period is established. Based on the application of forecasting methods, the calculation of vectors for the development of bank lending for 2020-2022 is provided. On the basis of the correlation-regression analysis, the prospects for changes in Gross Domestic Product from factors of credit nature that influence it in various ways (the volume of bank lending, bank assets, loans to individuals and legal entities) are found. It is substantiated that the development of credit banking is an important component of stabilizing the national economy. The institutional composition of the banking system of Ukraine has been evaluated and the necessity of creating the prerequisites for the formation of the legislative framework prior to its expansion due to new types of banks of regional importance has been substantiated. The lack of a clearly described mechanism of their activity at the level of regulatory support defines a number of problems of their creation. It is proposed to develop the cooperative credit sector with the participation of regional cooperative banks as an important component of the Ukrainian banking system. The basic scientific provisions of the study can be used in the practice of banks at all levels of the banking system.
Порівняльні оцінки реалізуємості альтернативних варіантів роботизації озброєння та військової техніки десантно-штурмових військ при гіпотезах, що перетинаються ; Сравнительные оценки реализуемости альтернативных вариантов роботизации вооружения и военной техники десантно-штурмових войск при пересека...
Методом порівняння гіпотез щодо варіантів вкладення засобів, які очікуються у розвиток роботизації та у нарощування традиційних видів ОВТ, побудована стохастична матриця прогнозних значень імовірності реалізації кожного з варіантів за Релеївськими законами розподілу випадкових вихідних даних, що перетинаються, о витратах на розвиток видів ОВТ за кожною з альтернатив. ; Методом сравнения гипотез об ожидаемых вариантах вложения средств в развитие роботизации и в наращивание традиционных видов ВВТ построена стохастическая матрица прогнозных значений вероятности реализации каждого из вариантов при пересекающихся законах распределения случайных исходных данных о затратах на развитие каждой из альтернатив. ; The purpose of the article is to examine the model of stochastic assessment of the reliability of development options forecasting, which allows obtaining sufficiently reliable information, even in the case of pairwise ignorance of the signs of options. The method of comparing hypotheses about variants of investment of the means expected in the development of robotization and in the expansion of traditional types of weapons and military equipment was used to built a stochastic matrix of predictive values of the probability of realization of each option according to the rules of the Relay distribution of random source data, the costs of development of types of weapons and military equipment for each of the alternatives. The model of stochastic estimation of reliability of prediction of development variants is considered, it allows to receive sufficiently reliable information, even in the case of pairwise non-crossing of hypotheses (signs of variants). It is important that the predicted variants differ by at least one of the characteristics for each of the variants. Practical usage of stochastic model is to give the opportunity to the commander of the air assault unit to correct his decision in order to determine the directions of the further development of weapons and military equipment witch are available.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Under Communism's Shadow
In: Communist and post-communist studies, Band 57, Heft 3, S. 1-15
ISSN: 1873-6920
Perhaps no topic could be more crucial to the concept of "post-communism" than how the Soviet past is commemorated, challenged, or forgotten. The study of historical memory is often correctly tied to identity politics and nation-building. While the usable past framework is broadly applicable to all modern states, in the Russian case a degree of alarmism and negativity surrounds interpretations of how the country has managed its communist past, particularly its violent parts. A significant element to this is a teleological view of progress and the salience of the transition paradigm. In memory studies, this is manifested in the dominance of the cosmopolitan memory mode as the correct way the violent past should be commemorated. The introduction reviews the existing literature on Russia's memory politics and highlights three limitations: (1) overemphasis on the political center and the failure to capture the diversity of regions, (2) too much focus on the supply side of memory politics, and (3) one-sided presentations of the role the Great Patriotic War plays in Russian memory politics. The introduction reviews how the special issue contributions address these limitations in the literature and shows how, taken together, they offer ideas for new research on memory studies. A case is made for how this new research agenda can better understand memory processes and how they relate to broader ideological, cultural, social, and political change in Russia.
Comprehensive radiation and ecological study of the city of Tyumen
In: Socialno-ecologicheskie Technologii: priroda i čelovek: ėkologic̆eskie issledovanija : environment and human: ecological studies, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 278-291
ISSN: 2500-2961
The article presents the results of comprehensive radiation ecological
studies of the territory of Tyumen which consisted of the study of the content
of natural (40K, 226Ra, 232Th) and man-made (137Cs, 90Sr) radionuclides
in the surface layer of soils, the measurement of radon flux density from
the ground and the equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation. The content
of natural and man-made radionuclides, radon flux density from the soil
surface, equivalent dose rate of gamma-radiation do not exceed the current
standards of radiation safety. The data obtained can be used for scientific
as well as production purposes in the field of radiation and environmental
monitoring of urbanized areas
Major renovations of apartment complexes: Russian people's projective attitudes and behavior practices
In: Vestnik Instituta sociologii: setevoj žurnal = Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology : online electronic journal, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 190-211
ISSN: 2221-1616
This article analyzes the Russian people's projective attitudes and behavior practices when it comes to participating in the funding and organizing of major renovations of apartment buildings. The empirical base for the study consists of data from sociological surveys conducted by VCIOM (2015-2020), the Institute of Sociology of the RAS (2003-2019), FOM (2015), Levada Center (2019), The European Social Survey (2016, 2018), as well as the authors' own expert interviews conducted in 2020. The need to ensure the safety of housing, the complexity and high cost of renovations is a reasonable explanation for government interference in this sector. Russia's housing legislature assigns responsibility for maintaining and renovating common property to apartment owners, while also stipulating a funding procedure for major renovations based on deposits made by property owners. The system currently in place in Russia for funding and organizing major renovations, which implies the existence of both a "common reserve" and "special accounts" for regulated property owner contributions (that resemble a tax), is far from perfect, it being associated with such issues as a lack of funding, low quality of major renovations, susceptibility to corruption, owners having insufficient control when it comes to decision making. While analyzing material from all-Russian and regional empirical studies, the gap becomes evident between projective attitudes and the actual behavior of Russian people in the realm of major renovations. Despite a marked critical attitude when it comes to evaluating utility service quality, not to mention the "common reserve" model (which is a way of pulling together funds for major renovations and keeping them on the regional operator's account) being regarded as socially unjust, nevertheless property owners demonstrate a low degree of civic self-organization and meager capability when it comes to taking collective action (as in participating in apartment complex meetings to discuss major renovations, creating and transferring money to dedicated accounts, keeping track of the major renovation process etc.). The reasons why property owners are so slow to develop any efficiency largely lie in the specifics of the institutional collective decision-making environment in regards to the funding and execution of local public property renovation, which also includes major renovations of apartment buildings.