In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 71, Heft 3, S. 851-859
The evolution of FOI law in Spain over the last 30 years is analysed. The process starts with the Constitution of 1978 and goes on with a series of FOI related laws on the management of public administration services, the automatic processing of personal data, the access to environment information, as well as other technological legislation. This legislative package in some ways has contributed to foster and improve freedom of information in the Spanish public and private context. It is concluded that the right to general access of public information in Spain is totally guaranteed but it should be properly recognized with a specific law. Nevertheless, at present Spain lacks a real "Freedom of Information Act".
The evolution of FOI law in Spain over the last 30 years is analysed. The process starts with the Constitution of 1978 and goes on with a series of FOI related laws on the management of public administration services, the automatic processing of personal data, the access to environment information, as well as other technological legislation. This legislative package in some ways has contributed to foster and improve freedom of information in the Spanish public and private context. It is concluded that the right to general access of public information in Spain is totally guaranteed but it should be properly recognized with a specific law. Nevertheless, at present Spain lacks a real "Freedom of Information Act".
The usage of standardised metadata in governmental web resources serves to facilitate data interoperability and data integration as well as to enhance information retrieval. The Dublin Core metadata model and the methods for metadata interchange (such as html, rdf and web content management systems) are analysed. A methodology to generate standardised metadata in e-government services is presented. Finally, the main initiatives for metadata application in e-government services are described, in particular GILS, MIReG and e-GMS. ; Se expone la necesidad de incorporación de metadatos en la información web de la Administración Pública como método para facilitar la compatibilidad de los datos y la integración de datos heterogéneos, así como mejorar la recuperación de la información pública. Se destaca el modelo de metadatos Dublin Core y se especifican los métodos para registrar y transferir metadatos: html, xml, rdf, y ciertos repositorios como bases de datos y los sistemas de gestión de contenidos web. Se presenta una metodología para la aplicación de metadatos normalizados en los servicios de administración electrónica. Finalmente, se analizan las principales iniciativas y experiencias relacionadas con la aplicación de metadatos normalizados en los servicios de administración electrónica, tales como GILS, MIReG y e-GMS.
The evolution of FOI law in Spain over the last 30 years is analysed. The process starts with the Constitution of 1978 and goes on with a series of FOI related laws on the management of public administration services, the automatic processing of personal data, the access to environment information, as well as other technological legislation. This legislative package in some ways has contributed to foster and improve freedom of information in the Spanish public and private context. It is concluded that the right to general access of public information in Spain is totally guaranteed but it should be properly recognized with a specific law. Nevertheless, at present Spain lacks a real "Freedom of Information Act".
The evolution of FOI law in Spain over the last 30 years is analysed. The process starts with the Constitution of 1978 and goes on with a series of FOI related laws on the management of public administration services, the automatic processing of personal data, the access to environment information, as well as other technological legislation. This legislative package in some ways has contributed to foster and improve freedom of information in the Spanish public and private context. It is concluded that the right to general access of public information in Spain is totally guaranteed but it should be properly recognized with a specific law. Nevertheless, at present Spain lacks a real "Freedom of Information Act".
Se establece una demarcación del concepto de administración electrónica y su evolución, se mencionan las diferentes perspectivas y aplicaciones de la administración electrónica. Se identifican los pilares básicos para su desarrollo en el ámbito europeo: desarrollo tecnológico, legislativo y metodológico. Se exponen ciertos aspectos relacionados con la metodología para el desarrollo de sitios web públicos, ofreciendo una serie de directrices y buenas prácticas.
Se presenta un estudio sobre la importancia de la difusión y recuperación de la información pública, su influencia en el desarrollo de servicios orientados al usuario y la necesidad de interconexión e intercambio de información. Se analiza la función de los portales como solución para la explotación de la información de carácter público y se presenta una clasificación de los mismos. Se estudian algunas técnicas par mejorar la interoperabilidad y la recuperación de información en el ámbito de los servicios públicos. En primer lugar, se describen las iniciativas de metadatos aplicadas a la administración electrónica (Dublin Core Government Application Profile, Resource Description Framework y Government Information Locator Service) y su importancia para la representación del conocimiento web y la creación de una web semántica. En segundo lugar, se describen los lenguajes de marcado como medio para estructurar la información pública y favorecer la interoperabilidad (XML y GovML). Se concluye con la existencia actual de una conciencia generalizada sobre la adopción de estándares para la gestión de información web y el desarrollo de servicios característicos de la administración electrónica.
A philosophical and technical approach of the concept of ontology is introduced and the importance of ontologies to structure, manage and retrieve the knowledge of different scientific fields and various political and social contexts is enhanced. The tools related to ontology management and the languages used for ontology creation are revised. In particular, an identification of the web-based ontology mark-up languages that contribute to knowledge representation and organization in this electronic and hypertextual environment, such as DAML+OIL, OWL and OML, is carried out. Finally, ontologies are presented as the basis for semantic web development and as a tool to guarantee information interoperability in e-government services. In this sense, some examples of initiatives for ontology application in electronic public services are provided.
AbstractThe present study determined the most effective surfactants to remediate gasoline and diesel-contaminated soil integrating information from soil texture and soil organic matter. Different ranges for aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (> C6–C8, > C8–C10, > C10–C12, > C12–C16, > C16–C21, and > C21–C35) in gasoline and diesel fuel were analyzed. This type of analysis has been investigated infrequently. Three types of soils (silty clay, silt loam, and loamy sand) and four surfactants (non-ionic: Brij 35 and Tween 80; anionic: SDBS and SDS) were used. The results indicated that the largest hydrocarbon desorption was 56% for silty clay soil (SDS), 59% for silt loam soil (SDBS), and 69% for loamy sand soil (SDS). Soils with large amounts of small particles showed the worst desorption efficiencies. Anionic surfactants removed more hydrocarbons than non-ionic surfactants. It was notable that preferential desorption on different hydrocarbon ranges was observed since aliphatic hydrocarbons and large ranges were the most recalcitrant compounds of gasoline and diesel fuel components. Unlike soil texture, natural organic matter concentration caused minor changes in the hydrocarbon removal rates. Based on these results, this study might be useful as a tool to select the most cost-effective surfactant knowing the soil texture and the size and chemical structure of the hydrocarbons present in a contaminated site.
Se presenta un análisis de las políticas de información en España, desde sus primeros orígenes en los años sesenta del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Se destacan los principales hitos, como: los informes de la UNESCO y la OECD, las referencias incluidas en la Constitución de 1987, El plan IDOC, la Ley de la Ciencia y los Planes Nacionales de I+D, la integración de España en la Unión Europea, el Libro Blanco de los servicios públicos, el plan Info XXI, la Comisión Soto y el Plan Españ En el contexto de las políticas de información se extraen las referencias relativas a la administración electrónica y se establecen las principales acciones políticas para el fomento de la administración electrónica, como son: el Plan de choque para el fomento de la administración electrónica en España y el Plan Conecta 2005-2007. ; Information policies in Spain, from their origin in the 60s to nowadays, are analysed. Some important actions are enhanced, namely: UNESCO and OECD reports on information society, the National Constitution of 1978, the IDOC Plan, the Science Law, the R&D National Plans, the adhesion of Spain to the European Union, the White paper on public services, the Info XXI Plan, the Soto Commission, and the Españ Plan. In the context of information policies, the references to e-government actions are extracted and the main political actions fostering e-government are highlighted, such as: The Plan to foster e-government in Spain and the Conecta Plan. ; Publicado