2 Ergebnisse
Charge transfer-assisted self-limited decyanation reaction of TCNQ-type electron acceptors on Cu(100)
TCNQ derivatives adsorbed on a metal surface undergo a self-limited decyanation reaction that only affects two out of the four cyano groups in the molecule. Combined Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy experiments and Density Functional Theory calculations relate the self-limiting behavior to the transfer of electrons from the metal to the molecule ; We thank the CCC-UAM and the RES for allocation of computer time. Our work has been supported by the MINECO of Spain (MAT2009-13488, FIS2010-18847, FIS2010-15127, FIS2012-33011, CTQ2010-17006, CTQ2011-24652/BTQ), Comunidad de Madrid (Nanobiomagnet S2009/MAT-1726, Madrisolar-2 S2009/PPQ-1533), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO on Molecular Nanoscience (CSD2007- 00010) and European Union (SMALL PITN-GA-2009-23884)