Asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on income inequality in ASEAN countries
In: Energy economics, Band 126, S. 107033
ISSN: 1873-6181
6 Ergebnisse
In: Energy economics, Band 126, S. 107033
ISSN: 1873-6181
The process of EU economic integration took place gradually. The 5th enlargement in 2004 was the largest expansion of the EU. It affected the agricultural sector notably due to the economic structure of the new members from Central and Eastern Europe. This chapter aims to examine the effect of the 5th enlargement on exports of agricultural and food products from 8 major Asian countries toward the EU market. The refined gravity model is employed, using annual data during 1999 to 2015 with 12 product groups. The empirical findings reveal that the total exports of agricultural and food products from Hong Kong and Korea reduce, whereas exports from Indonesia increase. There was no significant change in exports of total agricultural products and food from China, India, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand. However, changes in exports of certain products in various countries are found.
In: Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Band Vol.14, Heft No.3, S. 45-72
In: Journal of International Trade & Commerce, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 1-27
In: Journal of International Trade & Commerce Vol.15, No.6, December 2019 (pp.161-185)
Based on estimation of the gravity equation, this article aims to scrutinise the trade effects emanating from the economic integration of the European Union (EU) by focusing on the trade diversion and trade creation effects of the fifth EU enlargement on 12 groups of agricultural and food products. This paper analyses the changes due to the EU's enlargement of trade patterns in the agricultural and food sectors among the EU member states and between EU and non-EU countries as well as the effects of the enlargement on exports of agricultural and food products from selected Asian countries to the EU market. Our analysis shows no decline in exports from EU to non-EU countries. Trade creation effects are significantly high for 4 product groups: seafood, woody plants, beverages and tobacco, and animal and vegetable materials. However, trade diversion effects are found in animal and vegetable oils and textile fibres. Moreover, the economic integration has had no significant effect on exports from Asian countries, namely agricultural and food products. The data of 38 countries cover the period 1999–2015.