Building materials production centers in developing countries ; Centros de producción de materiales de construcción en países en vías de desarrollo
The need for shelter is a growing worldwide problem. In developing countries this need far exceeds the capacity of government agencies to respond. Cooperative self-help techniques often provide alternative means for lower income people to imporve their own shelter and community services with a minimun of outside assistance. These techniques may often require the introduction of less advanced, but appropriate building technology is important. It is, however, only one part of a comprehensive system needed to produce better housing. In many countries, technology is the least important constraint; more serious concerns are building technology is important. It is, however, only one part of a comprehensive system needed to produce better housing. In many countries, technology is the least important constraint; more serious concerns are managerial and financial obstacles. The Building Materials Production Centers concept is part of a larger shelter development strategy; a "Cooperative Development System 1) aimed at promoting low-cost housing in developing countries. The self-help construction that takes place in squatter settlements and rural areas is often poorly served by the formal construction industry material suppliers and must rely on informal material production systems for building materials. Building Materials Production Centers can be established to meet the needs of these settlement areas in a more efficient way at a reasonable cost and at locations where people are improving their own housing and communities. ; Las necesidades de alojamiento constituyen un problema creciente a nivel mundial. En los países en vías de desarrollo, esta necesidad excede con mucho la capacidad de respuesta de las agencias gubernamentales. Las técnicas cooperativas de auto-construcción proporcionan, a menudo, medios alternativos para la población de ingresos bajos que puede mejorar sus propios alojamientos y servicios comunitarios con un mínimo de asistencia exterior. Estas técnicas pueden requerir muchas veces la utilización de ...