14 Ergebnisse
Versorgung auf dem Prüfstand: Eine empirische Analyse der Versorgungsqualität von Parkinson-Patienten
In: Monitor Versorgungsforschung: Fachzeitschrift zu Realität, Qualität und Innovation der Gesundheitsversorgung, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 52-57
ISSN: 2509-8381
White Paper: Erhöhung der Patientinnensicherheit in der Geburtshilfe durch Trainieren sicherer Kommunikation
In: Monitor Versorgungsforschung: Fachzeitschrift zu Realität, Qualität und Innovation der Gesundheitsversorgung, Band 16, Heft 6, S. 68-73
ISSN: 2509-8381
Patient safety is the tenth national health target so-called strategic objectives in Germany. Although the topic has been on the health policy agenda for more than 20 years, the need for action remains high. In inpatient care, communication, both between professional groups and with patients, has a great impact on the reduction of so-called preventable adverse events. In a health services research project funded by the Innovation Fund of the G-BA ('TeamBaby' grant number 01VSF18023), the effects of communication training on satisfaction, perceived communication skills and the reduction of preventable adverse events in obstetrics were examined. Even time-limited training sessions resulted in positive effects. Safe obstetric care, in addition to the physical health of mother and child, enhances satisfaction and strengthens family bonding for the entire family. It also increases satisfaction among professional teams. The regular implementation of communication training within working hours is therefore recommended to increase patient safety.