Mit dem Netzwerkprojekt "My first Project" wurde ein wichtiger Baustein in der Ausbildung angehender Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen ergänzt. Durch die selbständige Entwicklung und Durchführung von Medienprojekten wurden eine enge Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis sowie ein nachhaltiger Ansatz zur Förderung von Medienkompetenz geschaffen. Gleichzeitig wurden Bildungsangebote für benachteiligte Stadtteile und ihre Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner generiert. Durch diesen Ansatz werden Aspekte von Medienkompetenz behandelt, die in der oft verkürzten und instrumentell orientierten öffentlichen Diskussion kaum Berücksichtigung finden.
The International Handbook of Digital Games Studies provides an up-to-date overview of the field and perspectives for the future. The focus lies on aesthetic, social, cultural and educational aspects of computer games and persistent (multiplayer) game worlds.
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Ego-depletion theory postulates the existence of a mental resource that is necessary for self-regulation. If the resource is diminished by a task involving self-control, achievement in subsequent self-control tasks will be impaired. Three experiments examined whether ego-depletion limits people's intentionality regarding risk behavior (i.e., choosing an option that has a certain probability of resulting in an adverse outcome). It is assumed that people operating under ego-depletion lack the self-control to deal with these possibly negative outcomes and will, therefore, be prone to avoid risky alternatives, if the decision requires certain levels of responsibility and information processing (i.e., people will choose safe options in an investment scenario with actual pay-offs according to expected values). Results support the assumption that people become risk averse under ego-depletion even when controlling for the alternate assumption that ego-depletion strengthens an existing individual disposition toward risk taking.
Scope of research In a sample of 316 Chinese MBA students, the influence of Time Perspective on two types of unethical behaviors was tested. We differentiated between rule-based and social-concern issues. Time Perspective was measured by using a Chinese version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Participants' evaluation of the issues as ethical—or unethical—and their behavioral intention to violate business ethics were measured. Hypotheses We assumed that Past-Positive and Future will enhance ethical orientation, whereas Past-Negative, Present-Fatalistic and deviance from balanced time perspective (DBTP) will reduce ethical orientation (evaluation of unethical practices as ethical and high behavioral intention to apply unethical practices). Results For evaluation of rule-based issues, Past-Positive, Present-Hedonistic and Future significantly influenced in the predicted direction, whereas no significant effects of time perspectives for social concern issues were observed. According to behavioral intention, only Present-Fatalistic reached significance for both types of ethical issues in the predicted direction. Further, it was shown in a mediation-model that the influence of DBTP on behavioral intention to show unethical practices is mediated by the evaluation as ethical/unethical in the case of rule-based issues (in the case of social concern, the factors reached no significance or only nearby significances, respectively). Chinese managers with a high deviation from a balanced time perspective showed reduced evaluation of unethical practices as unethical, and an enhanced behavioral intention to show unethical practices. Other potential variables of influence, such as age, gender, the size of company, and the degree of globalization were considered, and their influences were controlled. Conclusions and limitations Time perspectives are of relevance for business ethics, but the relationship was only shown for rule-based issues. In the case of social concern, the relationship was only shown for Present-Fatalistic on behavioral intention.
Overoptimistic performance prediction is a very common feature of people's goal-directed behavior. In this study we examined overoptimistic prediction as a function of construal level. In construal level theory an explanation is set out with regard to how people make predictions through the abstract connections between past and future events, with high-level construal bridging near and distant events. We conducted 2 experiments to confirm our hypothesis that, compared with people with local, concrete construals, people with global, abstract construals would make predictions that were less overoptimistic. In Study 1 we manipulated construal level by priming mindset, and participants (n = 81) predicted the level of their productivity in an anagram task. The results supported our hypothesis. In Study 2, in order to improve the generalizability of the conclusion, we varied the manipulation of the construal level by priming a scenario, and measured performance prediction by having the participants (n = 119) estimate task duration. The results showed that high-level construal consistently decreased overoptimistic prediction, supporting our hypothesis. The theoretical implications of our findings are discussed.
Gerhard Raab, Alexander und Fritz Unger geben einen umfassenden Einblick in die relevanten Methoden der Marketing-Forschung. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Fragen der allgemeinen Methodenlehre, der Datenanalyse auf Basis moderner Auswertungsprogramme sowie Anwendungsbeispiele praktischer Marketing-Forschung. Die Autoren gehen auch auf Aspekte internationaler Marketing-Forschung ein. Die statistischen Analyse-Methoden nehmen breiten Raum ein, dennoch sind alle Kapitel ohne umfassende Vorkenntnisse verständlich.(Verlagstext)
This book presents results of an international conference which addressed the interaction of aesthetical and technological dimensions within the formation of contemporary society. The contributions discuss the production of time and space, self and nature, individual and society in the image of technology. They focus on the productive tensions and convergences between aesthetic and technological concepts when implemented in everyday life. The volume contains - among others - texts about technologies of visualisation, the aesthetics of warfare and the design of technological lifeworlds
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