HiPERCAM: A quintuple-beam, high-speed optical imager on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias
Full list of authors: Dhillon, V. S.; Bezawada, N.; Black, M.; Dixon, S. D.; Gamble, T.; Gao, X.; Henry, D. M.; Kerry, P.; Littlefair, S. P.; Lunney, D. W.; Marsh, T. R.; Miller, C.; Parsons, S. G.; Ashley, R. P.; Breedt, E.; Brown, A.; Dyer, M. J.; Green, M. J.; Pelisoli, I.; Sahman, D. I. Wild, J.; Ives, D. J.; Mehrgan, L.; Stegmeier, J.; Dubbeldam, C. M.; Morris, T. J.; Osborn, J.; Wilson, R. W.; Casares, J.; Muñoz-Darias, T.; Pallé, E.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Shahbaz, T.; Torres, M. A. P.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Cabrera-Lavers, A.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Domínguez, R. D.; García-Alvarez, D. ; HiPERCAM is a portable, quintuple-beam optical imager that saw first light on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) in 2018. The instrument uses re-imaging optics and four dichroic beamsplitters to record us, gs, rs, is, zs (320-1060 nm) images simultaneously on its five CCD cameras, each of 3.1-arcmin (diagonal) field of view. The detectors in HiPERCAM are frame-transfer devices cooled thermo-electrically to 183 K, thereby allowing both long-exposure, deep imaging of faint targets, as well as high-speed (over 1000 windowed frames per second) imaging of rapidly varying targets. A comparison-star pick-off system in the telescope focal plane increases the effective field of view to 6.7 arcmin for differential photometry. Combining HiPERCAM with the world's largest optical telescope enables the detection of astronomical sources to gs ∼23 in 1 s and gs ∼28 in 1 h. In this paper, we describe the scientific motivation behind HiPERCAM, present its design, report on its measured performance, and outline some planned enhancements. © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. ; HiPERCAM was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/20072013) under ERC-2013-ADG GrantAgreement no. 340040 (HiPERCAM), with additional funding for operations and enhancements provided by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). This paper is based on observations made with the Gran Telescopio Canarias, installed at the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, on the island of La Palma. SGP acknowledges the support of an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship. PR-G and TMD acknowledge support from the State Research Agency (AEI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under grant AYA2017-83383-P. MAPT and TM-D acknowledge support via Ram ' on y Cajal Fellowships RYC-2015-17854 and RYC-201518148. ; With funding from the Spanish government through the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation SEV-2017-0709. ; Peer reviewed