Bicycling and walking are essential elements of sustainable transportation. These transportation modes effectively reduce the negative environmental impacts of transport and improve the quality of life. It is not only recognized by governments but also naturally become more prevalent in modern society. Nowadays research on bicycling and interest in related topics is dramatically increasing, but while researchers focus on modern technologies and collecting data from portable devices, there are quite a few studies on the effectiveness of investments in bicycle infrastructure, and even less discussed is a question how to set the priorities for construction works of the bicycle path network. To fill this gap this paper presents the universal method of ranking the priorities for development and renewal of bicycle pathway segments. The process is realized by hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Additive Ratio ASsessment with Fuzzy (ARAS-F) model, based on Eckenrode rating. Given criteria and their weights apply only to the specifics of this case study, and it need adaptation if used for other territories. Presented case study gives insight into the task of upgrading bicycle networks– how to overcome the inequalities, fragmentation and build missing links. Developed hybrid MCDM model integrated into Geographic Information System (GIS) allows quickly find rationally balanced solutions and develop bicycle network in efficient way.
Bicycling and walking are essential elements of sustainable transportation. These transportation modes effectively reduce the negative environmental impacts of transport and improve the quality of life. It is not only recognized by governments but also naturally become more prevalent in modern society. Nowadays research on bicycling and interest in related topics is dramatically increasing, but while researchers focus on modern technologies and collecting data from portable devices, there are quite a few studies on the effectiveness of investments in bicycle infrastructure, and even less discussed is a question how to set the priorities for construction works of the bicycle path network. To fill this gap this paper presents the universal method of ranking the priorities for development and renewal of bicycle pathway segments. The process is realized by hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Additive Ratio ASsessment with Fuzzy (ARAS-F) model, based on Eckenrode rating. Given criteria and their weights apply only to the specifics of this case study, and it need adaptation if used for other territories. Presented case study gives insight into the task of upgrading bicycle networks– how to overcome the inequalities, fragmentation and build missing links. Developed hybrid MCDM model integrated into Geographic Information System (GIS) allows quickly find rationally balanced solutions and develop bicycle network in efficient way.
Non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle traffic is an effective and efficient tool for reducing the negative environmental impacts of transport and improving the quality of life in urban conditions. The strategies of creating new attractive spaces on the waterfront are prevalent amongst the municipalities in different countries. This kind of development intends the construction of new connection bridges, usually meant solely for walking and cycling. There are a significant number of studies covering the theme of pedestrian bridges, but the studies typically focus on technical parameters – serviceability, stress and vibrations, specifications for the design. Researchers and stakeholders rarely discuss displacement strategy, expenditure and future usability. This study aims to find out the best and the most useful bridge locations that would contribute to pedestrian network improvement, would add value to city image and give other benefits. A novel hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model, based on five different multi-criteria decision-making methods: Multiplicative Exponential Weighting (MEW), method of Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS), an Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method, expert judgement, and Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA), is presented. A developed model allows solving complicated problems and finding a rationally, balanced solution. Arguments derived from this study help politicians and town planners as well as society.
Non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle traffic is an effective and efficient tool for reducing the negative environmental impacts of transport and improving the quality of life in urban conditions. The strategies of creating new attractive spaces on the waterfront are prevalent amongst the municipalities in different countries. This kind of development intends the construction of new connection bridges, usually meant solely for walking and cycling. There are a significant number of studies covering the theme of pedestrian bridges, but the studies typically focus on technical parameters – serviceability, stress and vibrations, specifications for the design. Researchers and stakeholders rarely discuss displacement strategy, expenditure and future usability. This study aims to find out the best and the most useful bridge locations that would contribute to pedestrian network improvement, would add value to city image and give other benefits. A novel hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model, based on five different multi-criteria decision-making methods: Multiplicative Exponential Weighting (MEW), method of Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS), an Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method, expert judgement, and Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA), is presented. A developed model allows solving complicated problems and finding a rationally, balanced solution. Arguments derived from this study help politicians and town planners as well as society.
Non-motorized pedestrian and bicycle traffic is an effective and efficient tool for reducing the negative environmental impacts of transport and improving the quality of life in urban conditions. The strategies of creating new attractive spaces on the waterfront are prevalent amongst the municipalities in different countries. This kind of development intends the construction of new connection bridges, usually meant solely for walking and cycling. There are a significant number of studies covering the theme of pedestrian bridges, but the studies typically focus on technical parameters – serviceability, stress and vibrations, specifications for the design. Researchers and stakeholders rarely discuss displacement strategy, expenditure and future usability. This study aims to find out the best and the most useful bridge locations that would contribute to pedestrian network improvement, would add value to city image and give other benefits. A novel hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model, based on five different multi-criteria decision-making methods: Multiplicative Exponential Weighting (MEW), method of Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS), an Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method, expert judgement, and Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA), is presented. A developed model allows solving complicated problems and finding a rationally, balanced solution. Arguments derived from this study help politicians and town planners as well as society.
The philosophy of decision making in economics is to assess and select the most preferable solution, implement it and to gain the biggest profit. Important issues such as competitive market, changing technical, political and social environment have a key role in personnel selection. It is the crucial task which determines the company's present and future. Many decisions made cannot be accurately forecast or assessed. Understanding of the multiple criteria method and knowledge to calculate the algorithm of the method allows a decision maker to trust solutions offered by solution support systems to a greater extent. Many individual attributes considered for personnel selection such as organizing ability, creativity, personality, and leadership exhibit vagueness and imprecision. The fuzzy set theory appears as an essential tool to provide a decision framework that incorporates imprecise judgments inherent in the personnel selection process. In this paper, a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) algorithm using the principles of fusion of fuzzy information, additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method with fuzzy numbers (ARAS-F) and step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) technique are integrated. The proposed method is apt to manage information assessed using both linguistic and numerical scales in a decision making problem with a group of information sources. The aggregation process is based on the unification of information by means of fuzzy sets on a basic linguistic term set. The computational procedure of the proposed framework is illustrated through an architect's selection problem. Santrauka Sprendimų priėmimas ekonomikoje pagrįstas galimų sprendinių įvertinimu, tinkamiausio sprendinio atrinkimu, įgyvendinimu ir didžiausio pelno gavimu. Tokie svarbūs klausimai, kaip užsitikrinti vietą konkurencingoje rinkoje, besikeičianti techninė, politinė ir socialinė aplinka, yra vieni svarbiausių parenkant personalą. Tai labai svarbus uždavinys, tiesiogiai veikiantis bendrovės gyvavimą dabar ir ateityje. Daug sprendinių negali būti tiksliai prognozuojami arba įvertinti. Supratimas apie daugiatikslius metodus ir skaičiavimo metodo algoritmo išmanymas yra prielaidos sprendimų priėmėjui pasitikėti sprendiniais, kuriuos pateikia sprendimų priėmimo sistemos. Yra pateikiama daug atskirų rodiklių personalui atrinkti: organizaciniai gebėjimai, kūrybiškumas, asmeninės ir lyderio savybės. Visi šie rodikliai turi vieną bendrą savybę – jie negali būti tiksliai apirėžti. Tokiems uždaviniams spręsti neraiškiųjų aibių teorija gali pateikti sprendimo būdus, kurie įvertina netikslumus, būdingus personalo atrankos procesui. Šiame straipsnyje neraiškusis daugiatikslis sprendimų priėmimo (MCDM) algoritmas, taikant neraiškiosios informacijos sintezės principus, suminį santykinių dydžių vertinimo (ARAS) metodą, kurio reikšmės aprašomos neraiškiaisiais skaičiais (ARAS-F), ir laipsnišką rodiklių svorio santykinių dydžių analizės (SWARA) metodą, yra integruotas. Siūlomas metodas tinkamas informacijai, vertinamai tiek žodžiais, tiek skaitmenimis, išreiškiamoms skalėms, uždaviniui, kurio informacija surenkama iš grupės informacijos šaltinių, apdoroti. Sujungimo procesas grindžiamas informacija, taikant neraiškiųjų aibių teoriją pagrindinėms žodžiais aprašomoms reikšmėms pakeisti. Siūlomo algoritmo taikymas pavaizduotas sprendžiant architekto parinkimo uždavinį. First published online18 Jan 2012 Reikšminiai žodžiai:personalo atranka,architektas,žodinis rodiklių aprašymas,ARAS,ARAS-F,SWARA,MCDM,sprendimų priėmimas
The philosophy of decision making in economics is to assess and select the most preferable solution, implement it and to gain the biggest profit. Important issues such as competitive market, changing technical, political and social environment have a key role in personnel selection. It is the crucial task which determines the company's present and future. Many decisions made cannot be accurately forecast or assessed. Understanding of the multiple criteria method and knowledge to calculate the algorithm of the method allows a decision maker to trust solutions offered by solution support systems to a greater extent. Many individual attributes considered for personnel selection such as organizing ability, creativity, personality, and leadership exhibit vagueness and imprecision. The fuzzy set theory appears as an essential tool to provide a decision framework that incorporates imprecise judgments inherent in the personnel selection process. In this paper, a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) algorithm using the principles of fusion of fuzzy information, additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method with fuzzy numbers (ARAS-F) and step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) technique are integrated. The proposed method is apt to manage information assessed using both linguistic and numerical scales in a decision making problem with a group of information sources. The aggregation process is based on the unification of information by means of fuzzy sets on a basic linguistic term set. The computational procedure of the proposed framework is illustrated through an architect's selection problem. Article in English. Integruotas neraiškusis daugiatikslis sprendimų priėmimo modelis architektui atrinkti Santrauka.Sprendimų priėmimas ekonomikoje pagrįstas galimų sprendinių įvertinimu, tinkamiausio sprendinio atrinkimu, įgyvendinimu ir didžiausio pelno gavimu. Tokie svarbūs klausimai, kaip užsitikrinti vietą konkurencingoje rinkoje, besikeičianti techninė, politinė ir socialinė aplinka, yra vieni svarbiausių parenkant personalą. Tai labai svarbus uždavinys, tiesiogiai veikiantis bendrovės gyvavimą dabar ir ateityje. Daug sprendinių negali būti tiksliai prognozuojami arba įvertinti. Supratimas apie daugiatikslius metodus ir skaičiavimo metodo algoritmo išmanymas yra prielaidos sprendimų priėmėjui pasitikėti sprendiniais, kuriuos pateikia sprendimų priėmimo sistemos. Yra pateikiama daug atskirų rodiklių personalui atrinkti: organizaciniai gebėjimai, kūrybiškumas, asmeninės ir lyderio savybės. Visi šie rodikliai turi vieną bendrą savybę – jie negali būti tiksliai apirėžti. Tokiems uždaviniams spręsti neraiškiųjų aibių teorija gali pateikti sprendimo būdus, kurie įvertina netikslumus, būdingus personalo atrankos procesui. Šiame straipsnyje neraiškusis daugiatikslis sprendimų priėmimo (MCDM) algoritmas, taikant neraiškiosios informacijos sintezės principus, suminį santykinių dydžių vertinimo (ARAS) metodą, kurio reikšmės aprašomos neraiškiaisiais skaičiais (ARAS-F), ir laipsnišką rodiklių svorio santykinių dydžių analizės (SWARA) metodą, yra integruotas. Siūlomas metodas tinkamas informacijai, vertinamai tiek žodžiais, tiek skaitmenimis, išreiškiamoms skalėms, uždaviniui, kurio informacija surenkama iš grupės informacijos šaltinių, apdoroti. Sujungimo procesas grindžiamas informacija, taikant neraiškiųjų aibių teoriją pagrindinėms žodžiais aprašomoms reikšmėms pakeisti. Siūlomo algoritmo taikymas pavaizduotas sprendžiant architekto parinkimo uždavinį. Reikšminiai žodžiai: personalo atranka,architektas,žodinis rodiklių aprašymas,ARAS,ARAS-F,SWARA,MCDM,sprendimų priėmimas. First published online18 Jan 2012
Decision-making is primarily a process that involves different actors: people, groups of people, institutions and the state. As a discipline, multi-criteria decision-making has a relatively short history. Since 1950s and 1960s, when foundations of modern multi-criteria decision-making methods have been laid, many researches devoted their time to development of new multi-criteria decision-making models and techniques. In the past decades, researches and development in the field have accelerated and seem to continue growing exponentially. Despite the intensive development worldwide, few attempts have been made to systematically present the theoretical bases and developments of multi-criteria decision-making methods. However, the methodological choices and framework for assessment of decisions are still under discussion. The article describes the situation with reviews of MCDM/MADM methods. Furthermore, there is a need for research to study the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making methods.
Decision-making is primarily a process that involves different actors: people, groups of people, institutions and the state. As a discipline, multi-criteria decision-making has a relatively short history. Since 1950s and 1960s, when foundations of modern multi-criteria decision-making methods have been laid, many researches devoted their time to development of new multi-criteria decision-making models and techniques. In the past decades, researches and development in the field have accelerated and seem to continue growing exponentially. Despite the intensive development worldwide, few attempts have been made to systematically present the theoretical bases and developments of multi-criteria decision-making methods. However, the methodological choices and framework for assessment of decisions are still under discussion. The article describes the situation with reviews of MCDM/MADM methods. Furthermore, there is a need for research to study the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making methods.
The paper considers major principles of application of the multi‐attribute systems to solve legislative tasks. In order to assess dispute resolution methods from economic, social and other points of view, it is necessary to apply methods for assessing solutions according to multiple attributes. All known multi‐attribute methods cannot value the atribute weights as one weight of attribute is higher or lower significant than the other attribute. The new step‐wise weight assessment ratio analysis method (SWARA) allows including experts, lawyers or dispute parties opinion about significance ratio of the attributes in the process of rational decision determination. SWARA method could be applied in practical implementation of specialised decision support systems and alternative dispute resolution in virtual environment. Starting with principles and established approaches, a problem‐structuring methodology was developed which would condition the problem to allow a more thoughtful application of existing decision‐making analytic methodologies. Santrauka Darbe nagrinejami daugiakriterines analizes taikymo galimybes ir principai teisiniams uždaviniams spresti. Siekiant ekonominiu, socialiniu ar kitu aspektu ivertinti ginču sprendimo būdu alternatyvas, būtina taikyti metodus, ivertinančius šias alternatyvas apibūdinančius kriterijus. Tačiau visi žinomi daugiakriteriniai metodai nevertina, kiek rodikliai, apibūdinantys alternatyvas, yra vienas už kita svar‐besni ar ne tokie reikšmingi. Pasiūlytas naujas kriteriju svoriu nustatymo metodas, pagristas nuose‐kliu laipsnišku poriniu kriteriju santykines svarbos lyginimu (angl.Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis ‐SWARA), leidžia priimant sprendimus ivertinti ekspertu, advokatu ar ginčo šaliu nuomo‐ne apie rodikliu reikšmingumu skirtumus. SWARA metodas gali būti taikomas kuriant specializuotas sprendimu paramos sistemas, skirtas racionaliam ginču sprendimo būdui parinkti ar ginčams spresti alternatyviais būdais virtualioje aplinkoje. Darbe trumpai apžvelgti ginču sprendimo būdai, sukurtas ju vertinimo ir lyginimo metodas, kuris sekmingai galetu būti taikomas ir kitiems uždaviniams spresti. First Published Online: 09 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai:SWARA,ginču sprendimas,sprendimupriemimas,rodikliu vertinimas
The paper considers major principles of application of the multi‐attribute systems to solve legislative tasks. In order to assess dispute resolution methods from economic, social and other points of view, it is necessary to apply methods for assessing solutions according to multiple attributes. All known multi‐attribute methods cannot value the atribute weights as one weight of attribute is higher or lower significant than the other attribute. The new step‐wise weight assessment ratio analysis method (SWARA) allows including experts, lawyers or dispute parties opinion about significance ratio of the attributes in the process of rational decision determination. SWARA method could be applied in practical implementation of specialised decision support systems and alternative dispute resolution in virtual environment. Starting with principles and established approaches, a problem‐structuring methodology was developed which would condition the problem to allow a more thoughtful application of existing decision‐making analytic methodologies. Racionalaus ginčų sprendimo būdo nustatymas taikant naują kriterijų svorių nustatymo metodą, pagrįstą nuosekliu laipsnišku poriniu kriterijų santykinės svarbos lyginimu Santrauka. Darbe nagrinėjami daugiakriterinės analizės taikymo galimybės ir principai teisiniams uždaviniams spręsti. Siekiant ekonominiu, socialiniu ar kitu aspektu įvertinti ginčų sprendimo būdų alternatyvas, būtina taikyti metodus, įvertinančius šias alternatyvas apibūdinančius kriterijus. Tačiau visi žinomi daugiakriteriniai metodai nevertina, kiek rodikliai, apibūdinantys alternatyvas, yra vienas už kitą svarbesni ar ne tokie reikšmingi. Pasiūlytas naujas kriterijų svorių nustatymo metodas, pagrįstas nuosekliu laipsnišku poriniu kriterijų santykinės svarbos lyginimu (angl. Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis – SWARA), leidžia priimant sprendimus įvertinti ekspertų, advokatų ar ginčo šalių nuomonę apie rodiklių reikšmingumų skirtumus. SWARA metodas gali būti taikomas kuriant specializuotas sprendimų paramos sistemas, skirtas racionaliam ginčų sprendimo būdui parinkti ar ginčams spręsti alternatyviais būdais virtualioje aplinkoje. Darbe trumpai apžvelgti ginčų sprendimo būdai, sukurtas jų vertinimo ir lyginimo metodas, kuris sėkmingai galėtų būti taikomas ir kitiems uždaviniams spręsti. Reikšminiai žodžiai: SWARA, ginčų sprendimas, sprendimų priėmimas, rodiklių vertinimas. First Published Online: 09 Jun 2011
All new ideas and possible variants of decisions mustbe compared according to many criteria. The complexnature of decision-making requires practitioners to selectinvestment options based on a wider variety of policyconsiderations in addition to cost benefit analysis and puretechnical considerations. In economics and decisionmaking it is essential to be able to take into account theimpacts of cultural, social, moral, legislative, demographic,economic, environmental, governmental and technologicalchange, as well as changes in the business world oninternational, national, regional and local markets. Costbenefit analysis approach is a useful tool for investmentdecision-making from an economic perspective. Cautionsshould also be given to the methods of determining thevalue of social and local interests. Some socialexternalities, such as employment and regional economicimpacts, are generally omitted in current practices.Current practices tend to use cardinal or ordinal scales inmeasure in non-monetized criteria. The use of unreasonablemonetization methods in some cases has discredited costbenefit analysis in the eyes of decision makers and thepublic. It may be appropriate to consider these externalities inqualitative forms in a multi-criteria analysis. Multi-criteriadecision making is used in various areas of humanactivities. The Criteria can be qualitative and quantitative.They usually have different units of measurement anddiffer in optimization direction. The normalization aims atobtaining comparable scales of criteria values. In the newversion of the program LEVI 4 the normalization methodsare including vector, linear scale, non-linear and newlogarithmic techniques may be used. This softwareconsiders the main aspects of two-sided game problems.The following strategic principles are used: Wald's rule,Savage criterion, Hurwicz's rule, Laplace's rule, Bayes'srule and Hodges-Lehmann rule. This program isdemonstrated by considering a real case study involving 4evaluation criteria of the currently used external walls ...
The prominent effect of electricity in nowadays life and relevancy of all of the appliances recently used to this phenomenon has been largely taken for granted. Nonetheless, governments lack the ability to even the production rate to consumption. Countries have developed numerous frameworks to control and improve the urban and industrial electrical consumption. The population growth and consumer culture are forcing governments to raise the price; however, it seems an inefficient method to control the increase of general public's tendency to control their consuming behaviour. This paper discusses the main criterion affecting the electrical consumption and based on those factors the singular spectrum analysis is implemented to predict the utilization. Furthermore, a fuzzy regression model is depicted to optimise the function. The optimisation results demonstrate significant decrease compared with SSA forecasting method, indicating the efficiency of the proposed method. Eventually, the results conspicuously suggest that attention to construction method and usage culture improvements are the first priority to decrease the radical electrical consumption in Iran and become more optimistic for managing electrical network more probably. DOI:
In this paper, based on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, a matrix of Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths (TOWS) was formed. It represents possible business strategies of the transport company. To choose the right plan, a model based on the integration of Fuzzy PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (fuzzy PIPRECIA), Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) and Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution (MARCOS) methods, has been formed. A case study was conducted in the transport company from Bosnia and Herzegovina which provides services on the domestic and the European Union market for 20 years and belongs to a group of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The SWOT analysis in this transport company was the basis for forming the TOWS matrix, which represents a set of possible business strategies. These strategies are the basis for developing five basic alternatives. The transport company should choose the best one of them for future business. The research focuses on forming a model for choosing the best strategy by which the transport company seeks to improve its business. Decision-making (DM) is not a straightforward sequence of operations, so the harmonization of methods as well as the verification of their results, are essential in the research. This model is applicable in SMEs that make these and similar decisions. Using this model, companies can adjust their business policies to the results of the model and achieve better business results. This research is the first that allows the use of such a model in making strategic decisions.