The commanding features of everyday life in 1939 - the blackout, gas-masks, air-raid shelters, evacuees, rationing and the profusion of often contradictory rules and regulations - seem bizarre almost to the point of farce. But they were real enough to those who had to live the experience. A compensating factor was the ability of the country to laugh at the absurdities of life under the shadow of the swastika
"Berlin - 1948 - a divided city in a divided Europe. The ruined German capital lay 120 miles inside Soviet-controlled eastern Germany. Stalin wante the Allies out: the Allies were determined to stay, but had only three narrow air corridors linking the city to the West. Stalin was confident he could crush Berlin's resolve by cutting off food and fuel. In the USA, despite some voices still urging 'America first', it was believed that a rebuilt Germany was the best insurance against the spread of communism across Europe. And so over eleven months from June 1948 to May 1949, British and American aircraft carried out the most ambitious airborne relief operation ever mounted, flying over 2 million tons of supplies on almost 300,000 flights to save a beleagured Berlin."--Book jacket
Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of tables. List of figures -- Introduction /Turner, Barry ?. -- Part I. Symbolic Aspects of Organizations -- Chapter 1. Painting Over Old Works: The Culture of Organization in an Age of Technical Rationality /Adams, Guy B. / Hill Ingersoll, Virginia -- Chapter 2. Interrelations Between Corporate Culture and Municipal Culture: The Lüneburg Saltworks as a Medieval Example /Kahle, Egbert -- Chapter 3. Corporate Culture, the Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: A Quebec Experience /Aktouf, Omar -- Chapter 4. Dependency and Worker Flirting /Konecki, Krzysztof -- Chapter 5. Culture and Crisis Management in an English Prison /Finkelstein, Ellis -- Part II. Power as a Symbolic Domain -- Chapter 6. Zombies or People -- What Is the Product of Work? Some Considerations About the Relation Between Human and Nonhuman Systems in Regard to the Socio-Technical-Systems Paradigm /Sievers, Burkard -- Chapter 7. Organizations as Networks of Power and Symbolism /Calás, Marta ?. / McGuire, Jean ?. -- Chapter 8. Crashing in '87: Power and Symbolism in the Dow /Rosen, Michael -- Part III. Management, Consultancy, and Metaphor -- Chapter 9. Merchants of Meaning: Management Consulting in the Swedish Public Sector /Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara -- Chapter 10. Metaphor Management: On the Semiotics of Strategic Leadership /Gahmberg, Henrik -- Chapter 11. Culture and Management Training: Closed Minds and Change in Managers Belonging to Organizational and Occupational Communities /Gagliardi, Pasquale -- Chapter 12. The 'Commando' Model: A Way to Gather and Interpret Cultural Data /Edgren, Lars D. -- Part IV. Style and Aesthetics -- Chapter 13. The Collusive Manoeuvre: A Study of Organizational Style in Work Relations /Witkin, Robert W. -- Chapter 14. Aesthetics and Organizational Skill /Strati, Antonio -- Part V. Whole Organizations -- Chapter 15. Computers in Organizations: The (White) Magic of the Black Box /Brissy, Jacques F. -- Chapter 16. The Organizational Sensory System /Pihlajamäki, Klara -- Chapter 17. The Dynamics of Organizational States of Being /Koss, Ellee -- Part VI. Against Conclusions: Comments on Theory and Post-Modernism -- Chapter 18. Seeing Through: Symbolic Life and Organization Research in a Postmodern Frame /Travers, Andrew -- Chapter 19. Organizational Bricolage /Linstead, Stephen A. / Grafton-Small, Robert -- Authors' Biographical Notes -- Backmatter
For one hundred and forty-one years The Statesman's Yearbook has been relied upon to provide accurate and comprehensive information on the current, political, economic and social status of every country in the world. The 2005 edition is fully updated and contains more information than ever before. A foldout colour section provides a political world map and flags for the one hundred and ninety-two countries of the world. In an endlessly changing world the annual publication of The Statesman's Yearbook gives you all of the information you need in one easily digestible single volume. It will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources, and is an essential annual purchase
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A new series of easy-to-digest profiles on individual countries and regions, featuring everything you'll ever need to know about the places, people and practices of each country. The series will continue with eight further titles to launch in Spring/Autumn 2000, on Scandinavia, Southern Africa, and Central Europe
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In der 1988 publizierten kollektiven Autobiographie "Wir kamen als Kinder" (BA 4/89) und im jüngst angezeigten Band "Ich kam allein" (BA 2/95) berichteten jetzt Erwachsene, die unter den 10000 jüdischen Kindern waren, die 1938/39 aus NS-Deutschland nach England gerettet werden konnten, von dem, was sie selbst erlebten, als sie gerettet, aber auch zu Waisen wurden. Auch im vorliegenden Band zitiert der britische Autor reichlich aus den Originalberichten oder aus Interviews, aber anders als die beiden früheren Bände, die von den Betroffenen selbst zusammengestellt wurden, stellt er die Zitate in den Zusammenhang seines Berichtes über die beispiellose Rettungsaktion, der sich, sorgfältig recherchiert, außerdem auf Akten und andere Dokumente stützt. Auch neben jenen Titeln breit verwendbar. (2) (LK/HH: Andrae)