In: Journal of global economy, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 61-70
ISSN: 2278-1277
Food processing industry is high innovation demanding industry. Innovation when supported by technology shows significant success. Three dimensional (3D) printing is a technology which is getting introduced in food processing industry and is emerging as a great tool for innovations. 3D food printing is a process of creating food products by successive layering. A 3D food could be customized and personalised according to the wish of the consumers to provide a nutritious option and the best quality of food.3 D Printing technology has shown its remarkable progress in various sectors, but its application in food processing sector is yet at naive stages. The technology nowadays is being widely investigated in food sector for past few years and has surfaced multiple advantages like providing customized and personalised food, improving the nutrition intake among people, improving the food supply chain and moving forward towards mass customization of food. For now 3D food printing is used in military and space food, for elderly people, confectionary industries as well as in savoury sector. In Indian market, it has entered recently in the confectionary sector. This paper is a conceptual study about applications of 3D printing in food sector as well as role of 3D printing in food supply chain. This paper is an effort towards reflecting the present status and future dimensions of possible applications of 3D printing technology in processed food sector. There exists a lot of research gap in this domain which may be seen as a potential area for future interventions. This paper also discusses the pros and cons of 3D printing machines and how can it be of help in the future.