Between public and private: homo- and bisexual men in urban agglomerations of Donetsk oblast as a local pre-modern community
In: Sociolohija: teorija, metody, marketynh, Heft 1, S. 124-143
ISSN: 2663-5143
The article is devoted to the discussion of the ratio of the public and private, which characterizes the live of homosexual and bisexual men in the urban agglomerations of Donetsk region. In the research, the authors examined the boundaries of privacy, such as intrusion into privacy by family, neighbors, and the ability to exist in a safe environment. Donetsk region is characterized by significant distances between the major urban agglomerations, which in its turn leads to relative mutual isolation of local communities, that in its turn contributes to their weak involvement in the activity of the non-governmental associations of citizens (in particular, in the case of the studied community such associations play a paramount role in the access to public health services). The proposed study is based on the hypothesis of non-congruence of the norms of the represented by public organizations "open world" and "small society" of local communities. The concept of the "small society" originates in the concept of "incomplete modernism", i.e. characterized by poorly developed institutionalization, and social norms of the "small society" are congruent with the norms characteristic to mafia clans. The private in the study is treated as an area free from interference. On the other hand, the public sphere in the understanding of the modern era is one where there is a primacy of impersonal and written procedures over the personalized relationships of specific actors. The authors emphasize that if a prejudice against the backward social groups, in particular LGBT people, is a studied phenomenon, the separation of the private and public life of the representatives of local communities, as well as the lack of regulatory mechanisms are much less studied. An important result of the study is that a weak separation of the public and private in the life of a person from the local community shows that such a community can be described as a premodern one. At the same time, the transparency of the boundaries between the public and private forces a person to look for the ways to hide from the excessive attention of others, and often this way is to live on the margins, i.e. among those whom society prefers not to notice. The study was realized in 2009–2010. And unfortunately, these areas are now inaccessible to sociologists. However, the obtained results, being comparable with the facts from the literature, including those obtained from the material of other territories and communities, may indicate the prevalence of such phenomena and, therefore, become the basis for further research.