Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Introduction: The quest for communicative complexity within social movements; PART I: Ecologies; 1 Media ecologies and the media/movement dynamic; 2 An ecological exploration of the 'Anomalous Wave' movement; 3 An ecological exploration of the #YoSoy132 movement; PART II: Imaginaries; 4 Media imaginaries and the media/movement dynamic; 5 The authoritarian sublime of the Five Star Movement; 6 The technopolitical sublime of the Spanish Indignados; PART III: Algorithms
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Aquest article aborda l'experiència del moviment social #YoSoy132, a partir de l'exploració del seu sorgiment en el context polític, social i mediàtic mexicà i de l'anàlisi de les seves característiques, demandes i paral·lelismes amb els nous moviments socials globals. A més, l'article problematitza el paper dels nous mitjans digitals –en particular de les xarxes socials– dins del moviment, trencant amb cinc narratives dominants en la literatura. Finalment, es realitza un balanç de l'abast i les limitacions de #YoSoy132. ; This paper looks at the experience of the social movement #YoSoy132, exploring its emergence in the political, social and media context of Mexico today, and analyzing its characteristics, demands, and similarities with the new global social movements. In addition, the paper problematizes the role of the digital media – and in particular of the social media — within the movement, breaking with five narratives that have dominated the literature. In the conclusion, the paper offers an assessment of the achievements and the limitations of #YoSoy132. ; Este artículo aborda la experiencia del movimiento social #YoSoy132, a partir de la exploración de su surgimiento en el contexto político, social y mediático mexicano y del análisis de sus características, demandas y paralelismos con los nuevos movimientos sociales globales. Además, el artículo problematiza el papel de los medios digitales –en particular de las redes sociales– dentro del movimiento, rompiendo con cinco narrativas dominantes en la literatura. Finalmente, se realiza un balance de los alcances y de las limitaciones de #YoSoy132.
Not only are books written from positions that are never neutral, but they are also read from positions which are also never neutral. The three commentaries we received come from diverse perspectives (labor, gender, and decolonial studies) and each of them generates different readings and raises important questions. In the following response we will address the labor, gender, and decolonial issues raised by the reviewers.
This essay argues that Latin American scholarship and movement practice are key to understanding the dynamics of the datafied society and countering its inequities. Examining the sources of inspiration of a frontrunner seeking to decolonize the datafied society – the Big Data from the South Initiative ( BigDataSur) – we review Martín-Barbero's ontological shift from media to mediations, Freire's methodology centring individual agency and empowerment as a structural task of society, Mignolo's invite to take decoloniality as a praxis rather than merely an idea, Rodríguez's first-hand engagement with technology at the margins, Escobar's autonomous design for the pluriverse, and the critical ecology of eco-social movements. We engage with a new generation of Latin American thinkers who turn their gaze to core problems of today's systems of knowledge production, be they media or academia. Learning from these scholars, we warn against decolonial reductionism, namely the trend to evoke decolonial ideas and theories without fully committing to putting them into practice. We maintain that to decolonize datafication, we ought to also change how we generate knowledge about the datafied society. We outline three practical strategies that foster an open-ended dialogue on alternative approaches to datafication and scientific practice: multilingualism, public scholarship, and mentorship.
The commodification of disconnection has attracted growing scholarly attention. Previous research highlighted the instrumentalisation of disconnection for productivity, self-governance, and healthy life. Researchers have also explored the politics of the "products" used for disconnecting, such as smartphone applications and offline commodities. Yet, current studies generally neglect to connect digital disconnection's symbolic and material dimensions. In this article, we critically examine the discourses of what we call "disconnective media," the products (hardware and software) that offer disconnection from digital devices. To explain how discourses and products find a basis in material and social structures, we deploy a discourse-theoretical analysis grounded in a Marxist materialist approach to neoliberalism and the materiality of discourse. We critically analyse six disconnective media and focus on these key dimensions: justifications (why to disconnect), time/space (when/where to disconnect), devices/platforms (which devices are appropriate to disconnect from), and class (who is addressed to disconnect). Findings show that digital technologies in the workplace have been naturalised, whereas phones and social media remain problematic. Leisure time is constructed with a set of obligations to use time meaningfully and improve the self, while work time is presented through a scientific work management mindset that promotes efficiency. Disconnective media advocate the ideal image of healthy, efficient workers. This study stresses the importance of investigating disconnection concerning commodified labour and neoliberalism's material consequences.
This introductory essay illustrates the context, clarifies the relevance, and outlines the key themes of this Special Issue on "Latin American Perspectives on Datafication and Artificial intelligence". It starts pointing out that so far, the engagement of Latin American scholarship in the exploration of data technologies and the rise of intelligent systems has been limited. However, it is argued, Latin American traditions in both research and praxis have much to offer to our understanding of the evolution of the information ecosystem. We propose to map different Latin American perspectives on datafication and AI using an analytical matrix structured along two theme lines, that is three building blocks (infrastructure, imaginaries, practices) and three interpretative lenses (decoloniality and race, feminist theory, pluriversal thinking). Then, we reflect on two procedural issues: the need to consider this Special Issue as a conversation-starter, and the importance of having this conversation in multiple languages and in an open access format. We conclude providing an outline of the various contributions of the Special Issue. Authors address algorithms from the south and coloniality, datafication and corruption, data activism, AI and journalism, and platform labor in the context of Latin America and drawing on Latin American theoretical contributions