7 Ergebnisse
It is complicated by the death of a child: presenting a case ; Duelo complicado por la muerte de un hijo: presentación de un caso
Loss of a wanted by suicide can be one of the most stressful events in life. The risk and protection factors associated with each case may favour or hinder the processing of the loss. There is a case of persistent complex shower disorder in which the Mindfulness Protocol for Dolor Acceptance, emotions and Duelo applies. The patient improves after intervention, noting that he no longer scores for persistent complex shower disorder or anxious symptomatology significantly, his negative condition has decreased and his self-compassion, positive condition and psychological well-being have increased. We conclude that a comprehensive assessment is needed from the health system in order to be able to care for patients with persistent complex sleeping disorder in a multidisciplinary manner. Psychological intervention can reduce economic, health and personal costs. ; La pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio puede ser uno de los eventos más estresantes de la vida. Los factores de riesgo y protección asociados a cada caso pueden favorecer o dificultar el procesamiento de la pérdida. Se presenta un caso de trastorno de duelo complejo persistente en el que se aplica el Protocolo Mindfulness para la Aceptación del Dolor, las Emociones y el Duelo. La paciente mejora tras la intervención, observándose que ya no puntúa en trastorno de duelo complejo persistente, ni sintomatología ansiosa de forma significativa, ha disminuido su afecto negativo y aumentado su autocompasión, afecto positivo y bienestar psicológico. Concluimos que se hace necesaria una evaluación integral desde el sistema sanitario para poder atender a los pacientes que presenten trastorno de duelo complejo persistente de manera multidisciplinar. La intervención psicológica puede disminuir los costes económicos, sanitarios y personales.
Social Engagement and Dementia Risk in Mexican Americans: Policy Implications
In: Public policy & aging report, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 9-14
ISSN: 2053-4892
Ajuste psicoemocional en la era COVID-19 en adolescentes de Ecuador: análisis de dos momentos temporales
In: Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia: REINAD, Heft 24, S. 1-13
ISSN: 2174-7210
El objetivo fue analizar las preocupaciones relacionadas con la COVID-19 y el ajuste emocional de los adolescentes de Ecuador, estudiando las diferencias en dos momentos temporales a los 3-6 meses y a los 6-9 meses del inicio de la pandemia. Se evaluaron el ajuste emocional a través del DASS-21 y las preocupaciones ante la COVID-19 a un total de 902 participantes. Un 79,90% fueron chicas. Sus edades estaban comprendidas entre 12 y 17 años (M = 15,30; DT = 1,28). Los resultados indican diferencias entre las muestras en los diferentes momentos temporales indicando una mayor presencia de sintomatología ansioso-depresiva, estrés y preocupaciones en el momento temporal excepto para las preocupaciones económicas que son mayores en el momento uno. Las preocupaciones ante la COVID-19 se relacionan de manera negativa con el ajuste emocional. En conclusión, analizar el impacto psicológico en el ajuste a la etapa de la adolescencia puede ayudar a profundizar en las consecuencias de la pandemia a corto y largo plazo.
Emotional Impact in Adolescents in Ecuador Six Months after the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic
In: The journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied, Band 156, Heft 5, S. 381-394
ISSN: 1940-1019
Evaluation of Recruitment of Older Adults of Color into a Community-Based Chronic Disease Self-Management Wellness Pathway Program in Los Angeles County
In: Ethnicity & disease: an international journal on population differences in health and disease patterns, Band 30, Heft Suppl, S. 735-744
ISSN: 1945-0826
Background: Established relationships between researchers, stakeholders and potential participants are integral for recruitment of potential older adult participants and Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) for chronic disease management have empirically been shown to help improve health and maintain healthy and active lives. To accelerate recruitment in EBPs and potential future research, we propose a Wellness Pathway allowing for delivery within multipurpose senior centers (MPCs) linked with medical facilities among lower-income urban older adults. The study aims were to: 1) assess the effectiveness of three MPC-delivered EBPs on disease management skills, health outcomes, and self-efficacy; and 2) assess the feasibility of the proposed Wellness Pathway for lower-income urban-dwelling older adults of color.Methods: We administered surveys and conducted a pre-post analysis among participants enrolled in any 1 of 3 MPC-based EBPs (n=53). To assess feasibility of the pathway, we analyzed survey data and interviews (EBP participants, MPC staff, physicians, n=10).Results: EBP participation was associated with greater disease management skills (increased time spent stretching and aerobic activity) but not improvements in self-efficacy or other health outcomes. Interviews revealed: 1) older adults valued EBPs and felt the Wellness Pathway feasible; 2) staff felt it feasible given adequate growth management; 3) physicians felt it feasible provided adequate medical facility integration.Conclusion: MPC-based EBPs were associated with improvements in disease management skills among older adults; a proposed Wellness Pathway shows early evidence of feasibility and warrants further investigation. Future efforts to implement this model of recruiting older adults of color into EBPs should address barriers for implementation and sustainability. Ethn Dis. 2020;30(Suppl 2):735-744; doi:10.18865/ed.30.S2.735
Impact of Dementia: Health Disparities, Population Trends, Care Interventions, and Economic Costs
INTRODUCTION: The dementia experience is not a monolithic phenomenon—and while core elements of dementia are considered universal—people living with dementia experience the disorder differently. Understanding the patterning of ADRD in the population with regards to incidence, risk factors, impacts on dementia care, and economic costs associated with ADRD can provide clues to target risk and protective factors for all populations as well as addressing health disparities. METHODS: We discuss information presented at the 2020 National Research Summit on Care, Services, and Supports for Persons with Dementia and Their Caregivers, Theme 1: Impact of Dementia. In this paper, we describe select population trends, care interventions, and economic impacts, health disparities and implications for future research from the perspective of our diverse panel comprised of academic stakeholders, and persons living with dementia, and care partners. RESULTS: Dementia incidence is decreasing yet the advances in population health are uneven. Studies examining the educational, geographic and race/ethnic distribution of ADRD have identified clear disparities. Disparities in health and healthcare may be amplified by significant gaps in the evidence base for pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. The economic costs for persons living with dementia and the value of family care partners' time are high, and may persist into future generations. CONCLUSIONS. Significant research gaps remain. Ensuring that ADRD healthcare services and long term care services and supports are accessible, affordable and effective for all segments of our population is essential for health equity. Policy-level interventions are in short supply to redress broad unmet needs and systemic sources of disparities. Whole of society challenges demand research producing whole of society solutions. The urgency, complexity and scale merit a "whole of government" approach involving collaboration across numerous federal agencies.