Environmental Policy Change in Emerging Market Democracies demonstrates that, although political and economic transformations have positively affected environmental policy in both regions, the extent of policy change varies considerably across Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America
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The publication aims to familiarize students of public policy with the precautionary principle, which plays a vital role in the European Union's approach toward regulating risks. The precautionary principle contends that policy makers should refrain from actions having a suspected risk of causing harm to the public and/or the environment. However, the precautionary principle only provides guidance to policy makers but does not prescribe specific policy responses. Therefore, there should be variation in the way the principle is applied. Furthermore, precautionary measures are, in principle, of a provisional nature, suggesting that they are likely to be subject to changes over time. This book is thus interested in shedding light on how the precautionary principle is put into practice and to what extent precautionary measures become modified. Empirically, it focuses on how the EU has regulated the use of growth hormones in meat production, the cultivation of genetically modified corn and the use of Stevia-based sweeteners in foods and beverages. The main theoretical argument advanced by this study is that the way in which the original regulatory standards were formulated affects whether and how they are changed. By placing particular emphasis on the relevance of scientific evidence for the (re-)definition of precautionary measures, the book is expected to appeal to both academics and practitioners
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The European Green Deal puts forth an ambitious agenda for a transition towards sustainable development. To this end, it embraces participatory governance and has even created a new tool for it: climate pact ambassadors (CPAs). CPAs either act on their own behalf or represent organisations that have made a publicly accessible pledge. They are expected to provide information on and support for climate action, as well as 'inspire' others in their networks and communities. Despite only being launched in December 2020, the European Commission has endorsed more than 850 CPAs (as of October 2022). What role can the CPAs play at the different stages of the policy cycle? How could their participation in pertinent policy processes become more effective? These are the two questions that guide this explorative analysis.
There are different styles of politics and logics of stability and dynamism. It starts from an approach of European stereotypes and from there patterns or styles are built through which the different countries exercise decisions for their specific case. The notion of systematizing and identifying patterns of behavior in countries regarding how their democratic game is organized, what are the styles and forms of exercising policies, is quite common in the analysis of political science. The conclusions indicate that there is a great analytical potential in the styles of politics and leadership, and at the same time the tools to make a comparative analysis increase. Criticisms of styles point out that emphasis should be placed on sectoral policies. ; Existen diferentes estilos de política y lógicas de estabilidad y dinamismo. Se parte de un enfoque de los estereotipos europeos y a partir de allí se construyen patrones o estilos mediante los cuales los distintos países ejercen las decisiones para su caso concreto. La noción de sistematizar e identificar patrones de comportamiento en países respecto de cómo se organiza su juego democrático, cuáles son los estilos y formas de ejercer las políticas, es bastante usual en el análisis de la ciencia política. Las conclusiones señalan que existe un gran potencial analítico en los estilos de política y liderazgos, y al mismo tiempo aumentan las herramientas para hacer un análisis comparado. Las críticas a los estilos señalan que habría que poner el acento en las políticas sectoriales.
In: Swiss political science review: SPSR = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft : SZPW = Revue suisse de science politique : RSSP, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 87-90
"Dieser Beitrag betrachtet die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa aus drei Blickwinkeln. Im ersten Teil werden die Entwicklung der bisherigen EU-Beschäftigungspolitik und der Stellenwert der Bekämpfung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit umrissen. Im nächsten Schritt wird erläutert, wie das Verbundforschungsprojekt CUPESSE Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer inter- und transdisziplinären Perspektive untersucht, um Empfehlungen für das zukünftige politische Handeln abzugeben. Im dritten Teil wird ein Lösungsansatz aus der Praxis vorgestellt (das vom Jobcenter "Junges Mannheim" koordinierte und finanzierte Programm "Jump Plus"), dem bereits Modellcharakter zugeschrieben wird und der sich in Zukunft als eine Handlungsoption etablieren könnte." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)