"Este trabajo, más que una estricta biografía de una mujer como Juana Colón, es un acercamiento al mundo del tabaco: mundo donde se delimitó y determinó la vida de miles y miles de seres humanos en las entrañas montañosas de Puerto Rico"--P. [4] of cover
Se presenta una reflexión sobre la escasa doctrina existente acerca de los servicios de información o referencia en las bibliotecas españolas . Se exponen dos problemas básicos . En primer lugar, el de la relación interpersonal que se establece entre el usuario y el bibliotecario. Se examina, sin pretensiones de exhaustividad, la literatura sobre el proceso de referencia, enfatizándose la necesidad de evaluar los servicios bibliotecarios a través de las preguntas de los usuarios. También se dan algunos consejos prácticos de cómo anticiparse a estas preguntas. En segundo lugar, se considera el problema de la localización y diseño de un puesto («mostrador») de referencia. Ligadas a este punto surgen dos cuestiones . Una, si el mostrador de referencia debe ser o no atendido por bibliotecarios profesionales. Otra, la selección de fuentes de información o bibliográficas a tener en el mostrador.
Resumen del trabajo presentado al Vth International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology, celebrado en Liège (Bélgica) del 19 al 24 de mayo de 2019. ; Authors are grateful to Spanish Government for their financial support by national projects AGL2014-55287-C02-02 and RTA2015-00050-00-00 from Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and to the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) for the PhD grant 2016FI_B_00442 (Baró-Montel, N.) and for the funding received from CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya. Thanks are also given to Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D 2016-2019 (SEV-2015-0533).
[Background]: Monilinia spp. are responsible for brown rot, one of the most significant stone fruit diseases. Planting resistant cultivars seems a promising alternative, although most commercial cultivars are susceptible to brown rot. The aim of this study was to explore resistance to Monilinia fructicola over two seasons in a backcross one interspecific population between almond 'Texas' and peach 'Earlygold' (named T1E). ; [Results]: 'Texas' almond was resistant to brown rot inoculation, whereas peach was highly susceptible. Phenotypic data from the T1E population indicated wide differences in response to M. fructicola. Additionally, several non‐wounded individuals exhibited resistance to brown rot. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified in several linkage groups, but only two proximal QTLs in G4 were detected over both seasons and accounted for 11.3–16.2% of the phenotypic variation. ; [Conclusion]: Analysis of the progeny allowed the identification of resistant genotypes that could serve as a source of resistance in peach breeding programs. The finding of loci associated with brown rot resistance would shed light on implementing a strategy based on marker‐assisted selection (MAS) for introgression of this trait into elite peach materials. New peach cultivars resistant to brown rot may contribute to the implementation of more sustainable crop protection strategies. ; This study was supported by national projects AGL2014‐55287‐C02‐02‐R and RTA2015‐00050‐00‐00 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), by a PhD grant 2017FI_B1_00153 (Baró‐Montel, N.) from the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and by funding received from the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and the Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D 2016‐2019 (SEV‐2015‐0533). ; Peer reviewed
Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium expansum are responsible for green and blue molds in citrus and pome fruits, respectively, which result in major monetary losses worldwide. In order to study their infection process in fruits, we successfully introduced a green fluorescent protein (GFP) encoding gene into wild type P. digitatum and P. expansum isolates, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT), with hygromycin B resistance as the selectable marker. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the transformation of these two important postharvest pathogens with GFP and the use of transformed strains to study compatible and non-host pathogen interactions. Transformation did not affect the pathogenicity or the ecophysiology of either species compared to their respective wild type strains. The GFP-tagged strains were used for in situ analysis of compatible and non-host pathogen interactions on oranges and apples. Knowledge of the infection process of apples and oranges by these pathogens will facilitate the design of novel strategies to control these postharvest diseases and the use of the GFP-tagged strains will help to determine the response of P. digitatum and P. expansum on/in plant surface and tissues to different postharvest treatments. ; The authors are grateful to the Spanish Government for its financial support with projects AGL2008-04828-C03-01 and AGL2008-04828-C03-02, for Ramón y Cajal Contract (R. Torres) and for the scholarships BES-2006-12983 (M. López) and BES-2009-027752 (G. Burón). ; Peer reviewed
La agricultura orgánica es un movimiento que promueve la conversión de los desechos orgánicos procedentes del hogar, la agricultura, mercado, desasolve de drenes, entre otros, en un material relativamente estable llamado humus, mediante un proceso de descomposición aeróbica bajo condiciones controladas, particularmente de humedad y aireación, en el cual participan bacterias, hongos y actinomicetos. La calidad del humus dependerá de la materia orgánica utilizada en su producción, teniendo humus con diferentes características fisicoquímicas al igual que microbiológicas, por lo que mientras mayor sea la diversidad de elementos que dan origen a dicho humus mayor será su contenido de nutrientes y de microorganismos. Existen diferentes procesos de producción de humus, están las compostas de superficie, el lombrihumus, el bocashi, el nutribora, y también tenemos ciertos elementos que van a enriquecer ese humus, como son las harinas y los bioles o fermentos, todo esto con la finalidad de tener un humus de mejor calidad y que mejore la fertilidad del suelo.
Monilinia laxa (phylum Ascomycota) is a plant pathogen responsible for the brown rot blossom blight disease in stone fruit trees of the Rosaceae family, such as apricots. We report here the genome sequence of strain 8L of this species, which was assembled into 618 scaffolds, having a total size of 40.799 Mb and encoding 9,567 unique protein-coding genes. ; We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grants Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013–2017, SEV-2012-0208, AGL2014-55287-C2, and BFU2015-67107, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Additionally, T.G. acknowledges support from the CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya, from Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) grant SGR857, from a European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program grant under agreement ERC-2016-724173, and from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642095.
Blue mould disease caused by Penicillium expansum infection is one of the most important diseases of pome fruit accounting for important economic losses. In the present study, the PeSte12 transcription factor gene was identified, and deletant mutants were produced by gene replacement. Knockout mutants showed a significant decrease of virulence during apple fruit infection. Virulence was affected by the maturity stage of the fruit (immature, mature and over-mature), and disease severity was notably reduced when the apples were stored at 0 °C. The ΔPeSte12 mutants resulted defective in asexual reproduction, producing less conidia, but this characteristic did not correlate with differences in microscopic morphology. In addition, the ΔPeSte12 mutants produced higher quantity of hydrogen peroxide than the wild type strain. Gene expression analysis revealed that PeSte12 was induced over time during apple infection compared to axenic growth, particularly from 2 dpi, reinforcing its role in virulence. Analysis of transcriptional abundance of several genes in ΔPeSte12 mutants showed that in most of the evaluated genes, PeSte12 seemed to act as a negative regulator during axenic growth, as most of them exhibited an increasing expression pattern along the time period evaluated. The highest expression values corresponded to detoxification, ATPase activity, protein folding and basic metabolism. Gene expression analysis during apple infection showed that 3 out of 9 analysed genes were up regulated; thus, PeSte12 seemed to exert a positive control to particular type of aldolase. These results demonstrate the PeSte12 transcription factor could play an important role in P. expansum's virulence and asexual reproduction. ; Authors are grateful to the Spanish Government for its financial support with the projects AGL2008-04828-C03-03, AGL2011-30519-C03-01, AGL2011-30519-C03-02 and AGL2011-30519-CO3-03 from the "Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" (MINECO, Spain), the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/027). ; Peer reviewed
Se evaluó el efecto de siete diferentes tratamientos pregerminativos sobre el porcentaje de germinación de semillas de palo fierro (Olneya tesota) a los 20 días; T1) testigo, T2) imbibición 1 h en agua, T3) imbibición 2 h en agua, T4) imbibición 30 min en agua, T5) 10 min en H2SO4 al 40%, T6) 10 min en H2SO4 al 20%, T7) escarificación con lija, T8) 1 h en frío. Estadísticamente la escarificación con lija fue el mejor tratamiento ya que aceleró la velocidad de germinación e incrementó el porcentaje de germinación (70.3%) a los 8 días después de la siembra, seguido de T4 y T5 (7.8%); en tanto que T6 se comporto igual que el testigo (6.25%). Como sustrato se utilizó una mezcla 1:1 (suelo: composta a base de lirio acuático), la composta se elaboró con lirio acuático y estiércol de bovino en relación 3:1.