O presente ensaio pretende analisar as permanências e continuidades, os conflitos e a reinvindicação por justiça e direito à memória em torno de lugares de memória referidos à Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira (1964-1985) nas cidades. O artigo tem com objeto de análise as ações de determinados grupos sociais que se constituem para denunciar a permanência de elementos do regime de exceção na vida corrente das cidades mesmo em um período em que vigoram as instituições de um sistema político formalmente democrático. Nesse sentido apresento uma cartografia da memória política recente nas cidades brasileiras, tomando como exemplo, principalmente, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Resumo A escala de planejamento regional está associada às transformações no âmbito econômico, no qual a globalização e os processos de reescalonamento são fundamentais para se compreender o desenvolvimento desigual. Este artigo discute aspectos conceituais e empíricos dos processos de metropolização do espaço, a partir do estudo da Macrometrópole Paulista (MMP), tendo como referência teórica os conceitos de reterritorialização e de reescalonamento. Para tanto, caracterizamos o território macrometropolitano com o objetivo de verificar se os conceitos de reterritorialização e reescalonamento propostos por Neil Brenner para o contexto da União Européia podem ser aplicados ao quadro brasileiro, sobretudo para o caso de São Paulo e da MMP. Concluímos que a MMP é uma instituição estatal emergente, reescalonada para reterritorialização do capital.
A agenda das mudanças climáticas e suas relações com lutas e mobilizações sociais tem crescido nas últimas décadas em escala global. No campo sociológico o tema tem recebido interesse crescente, tanto em sua produção científica como no engajamento social. A partir de levantamento da produção sociológica brasileira em periódicos nacionais buscou-se verificar como esse processo está em andamento no Brasil. Em seguida, buscando refletir sobre a relação entre a produção científica e a mobilização das ruas, analisamos de forma comparativa as manifestações da greve climática ocorridas em setembro de 2019. Tanto a produção acadêmica, quanto à mobilização social foram extremamente pouco representativas no caso analisado.
The paper presents a discussion on the water crisis that occurred between 2013 and 2015 in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, the lack of integrated natural resources planning, and the reaction of social actors affected by the crisis. The region was affected by an extreme hydrological and climatological event, which was combined with the unsustainable management of water resources. The paper addresses, initially, the dynamics of water governance in the region, and the main aspects related to water availability and climate dependence that caused the water crisis. Then, we present an analysis of the process that led to the water crisis and its main developments, which is based on the follow-up of the different moments of the crisis and dialogues with its relevant stakeholders. The results indicate the relevance of emphasizing issues on matters such as the lack of transparency and highlight the role of societal initiatives. We conclude the paper with a proposition to discuss governance processes that can contribute to the development of more effective initiatives in order to reduce the impact of this visible change in water regimes, strengthen transparent management, and promote a more democratic interaction between social actors and the government.
The paper presents a discussion on the water crisis that occurred between 2013 and 2015 in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, the lack of integrated natural resources planning, and the reaction of social actors affected by the crisis. The region was affected by an extreme hydrological and climatological event, which was combined with the unsustainable management of water resources. The paper addresses, initially, the dynamics of water governance in the region, and the main aspects related to water availability and climate dependence that caused the water crisis. Then, we present an analysis of the process that led to the water crisis and its main developments, which is based on the follow-up of the different moments of the crisis and dialogues with its relevant stakeholders. The results indicate the relevance of emphasizing issues on matters such as the lack of transparency and highlight the role of societal initiatives. We conclude the paper with a proposition to discuss governance processes that can contribute to the development of more effective initiatives in order to reduce the impact of this visible change in water regimes, strengthen transparent management, and promote a more democratic interaction between social actors and the government.
The paper presents a discussion on the water crisis that occurred between 2013 and 2015 in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, the lack of integrated natural resources planning, and the reaction of social actors affected by the crisis. The region was affected by an extreme hydrological and climatological event, which was combined with the unsustainable management of water resources. The paper addresses, initially, the dynamics of water governance in the region, and the main aspects related to water availability and climate dependence that caused the water crisis. Then, we present an analysis of the process that led to the water crisis and its main developments, which is based on the follow-up of the different moments of the crisis and dialogues with its relevant stakeholders. The results indicate the relevance of emphasizing issues on matters such as the lack of transparency and highlight the role of societal initiatives. We conclude the paper with a proposition to discuss governance processes that can contribute to the development of more effective initiatives in order to reduce the impact of this visible change in water regimes, strengthen transparent management, and promote a more democratic interaction between social actors and the government.
Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze two cases of environmental conflicts in the region of Macrometropolis Paulista related to territorial development on the installation of large logistics enterprises, seeing how they fit into the logic of planning and vision of the state as well as the reactions of civil society to impacts that such projects bring with them. In Latin America, the urbanization process from the second half of the twentieth century produced the formation of large cities such as São Paulo, Mexico City and Santiago, for example. From the 2000s, a new urban phenomenon has received attention of planners and researchers: the urban territorial expansion of the metropolis and the formation of this territory as a city-region. The question here is how this metropolitan expansion is related to natural resources and the tensions inherent in the contemporary production process space.
Resumo Um novo fato urbano tem ganhado terreno em diversas cidades do planeta: trata-se do fenômeno da gentrificação verde. O objetivo deste artigo é testar a aplicação do conceito em três cidades brasileiras: Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Nos três casos, grupos contrários à apropriação do território pelo capital mobilizaram-se para denunciar publicamente os agravos. O conceito de gentrificação verde, ou sua aplicação no Brasil, ganha contornos próprios com o envolvimento de problemáticas distintas da realidade dos Estados Unidos onde fora cunhado. Conclui-se, portanto, que, se, de um lado, a gentrificação verde parece adquirir contornos cada vez maiores nas cidades brasileiras, por outro lado, mobiliza atores contrários a esse processo nessa contemporânea arena de luta nas cidades.
A referência do título deste artigo antecipa a face sombria e os caminhos tortuosos da forma em que a Covid-19 foi gerida pelas autoridades públicas no Brasil. O Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde, o médico e o monstro nos trópicos, simbolizam o negacionismo científico, a politização do vírus e de seus tratamentos. O presente artigo busca colaborar com pesquisas em formação, com métodos mistos e abordagem que une teoria social crítica, justiça e racismo ambiental, para o debate específico brasileiro, e tem como caso ilustrativo das desigualdades o território da cidade de São Paulo. O ponto de partida é o entendimento de que a opção por uma governança disruptiva por parte do poder público tem método e atinge de forma prejudicial com mais intensidade as classes mais despossuídas.
Abstract The article aims to reveal the heterogeneities and fragmentations of the produced space in the Sao Paulo Macrometropolis, unveiling the characteristics of its holes - territories that, on one hand, do not make up the urban-industrial arrangements that give identity to this city-region, yet they do provide ecosystem services and enable other ways of life. The article arose from a conceptual survey about this city-region, focusing on the vision of heterogeneity, fragmentation and symbolic construction, and reflects on the identity and produced space in the Sao Paulo Macrometropolis (SPMM) to support the empirical analysis of the region. Through spatial analysis it presents the characteristics of territories of the Macrometropolis that are not brought to light analytically, nor are they the focus of public policies, despite their regional importance.
Part 1: Environmental sanitation governance -- Environmental sanitation in the São Paulo Macrometrópolis in view of climate change -- Nexus for urban resilience in the face of climate change: Policies and synergies in the context of a macrometropolis -- Water security, climate change and the Paulista Macrometropole: Challenges from a critical perspective -- Social and socio-environmental indicators and challenges for São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Part 2: Territorialities, spatialities and innovation in environmental governance -- Planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Research balance and emerging themes -- Tekoá and the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Reflections on the social production of space -- System, practices, and culture of environmental planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis in context of climate change: Debate from the planning artifacts -- From the social construction of risks to the sociotechnical transition: Discussing possibilities to face urban floods in the SPMM -- Part 3: Small towns in a metropolized space -- Social-environmental vulnerability and adaptive capacity of SPMM's small cities in the face of climate emergency -- Protected areas and local development: Limits and possibilities in the small towns of the metropolitan region of the Paraíba Valley and Northern Coast in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Water security of rural populations in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Adaptation to climate variability in the São Paulo Macrometropolis: A debate from climate justice perspective -- Part 4: São Paulo city's urbanization evolution and its impact on the regional atmospheric patterns: Numerical simulations of present and future climate -- Relationship between urbanization and precipitation in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Contribution of CMIP models in the formulation of adaptive public policies -- Hydrological modeling of urbanized basins -- Land use and land cover changes in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Climate shift: An approach to its effects on the rainfall regime -- Part 5: The governance of energy issues in the context of the SPMM -- Smart cities: Limits and possibilities in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Energy justice and distributed photovoltaic power generation in São Paulo -- The context and evolution of the distributed generation in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Part 6: The ecosystem services approach in the dynamics of environmental governance -- Critical discussion of the concept of ecosystem services at São Paulo Macro Metropolis -- Economic, ecological and social-cultural ecosystem services valuation: Contributions, limits and theoretical disputes -- Models, tools and instruments for ecosystem services assessment and support for decision making process in a macrometropolitan scale -- Public policies, ecosystem services and environmental governance in Brazil: An analytical review of public policies at legal, social, and institutional arrangements, at the federal, state, and municipal levels -- Part 7: Social learning in the MacroAmb project -- Dialogue and social learning: Analyzing the challenges of integrating different knowledges in an interdisciplinary research -- Synthesis and final words of the book.
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