Narrativas de la memoria: aproximaciones desde el campo de los archivos y los lugares de la memoria
In: Hispano-Americana vol. 53
8 Ergebnisse
In: Hispano-Americana vol. 53
RESUMEN: Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen. ; ABSTARCT: It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen. ; It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 71-83
It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.
Resumen Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen. Abstract It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places refects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about ...
In: Iluminuras: Publicação Eletrônica do Banco de Imagens e Efeitos Visuais, Band 24, Heft 64
ISSN: 1984-1191
Neste artigo tecemos considerações relacionadas às dimensões teórico-metodológicas e práticas que nos mobilizam enquanto pesquisadoras/es do Grupo de Trabalho intitulado: "AntroPoÉticas"[1], vinculado à Associação Latinoamericana de Antropologia (ALA)[2]. A partir de uma perspectiva ecológica, reiteramos a obsolescência da oposição entre razão e sensibilidade, bem como da polaridade entre imagem e texto, som e escrita. A partir de relatos de pesquisas realizadas pelo Grupo, argumentamos que a experimentação conduzida como forma de errância poética é potente tanto para nos colocar em contato com as realidades com as quais desejamos aprender, quanto para mediar os processos de comunicação dos resultados da pesquisa. O artigo mostra, por fim, que as mediações antropoéticas constituem-se como formas potentes de restituição do conhecimento, uma vez que oferecem a pesquisadores/as, interlocutores/as e comunidade mais ampla uma interação multissensorial, que favorece o encontro antropológico.
[1] O GT AntroPoÉticas vinculado a ALA, desde 2022, é coordenado pelas professoras [Anonimato] e pelo professor [Anonimato].
[2] O GT é o desdobramento do Grupo de Pesquisa "AntroPoÉticas" (CNPQ) e possui caráter transdisciplinar, sendo constituído por pesquisadoras/es de diferentes regiões do Brasil e outros países da América Latina, sendo, em sua maioria, antropólogos/as. O projeto cadastrado no CNPQ é coordenado pelas professoras Cláudia Turra Magni, Daniele Borges Bezerra (bolsista do CNPq-PDJ), Patrícia Pinheiro e pelo professor Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias (bolsista do CNPq-PDJ).