8 Ergebnisse
Vivos bajo tierra
"The story of the thirty-three trapped miners in the San Jose mine in the middle of the Chilean desert is an epic in the classic sense, filled with real heroes, blessings from God, and the curse of miserable conditions and ruthless exploitation brought on by malevolent, unscrupulous corporations. They spent 69 days and nights trapped deep underground in a mine in Atacama, Chile, one of the most arid and desolate deserts in the world. For the first few weeks each miner subsisted on nothing more than two teaspoons of canned tuna every 48 hours. Still, they somehow managed to cling to life and keep their hope for rescue alive. Once back on the surface, after a rescue operation that promised to be the first of its kind, these thirty-three miners now reveal their most intimate secrets about a harrowing odyssey that brought them so close to death they could taste it--a story that is beyond belief, if it were not true"--
Carr, S. y Sloan, T. (2003). Poverty and Psychology. From Global Perspective to Local Practice. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Plubishers
In: Revista de Estudios Sociales, Heft 18, S. 153-153
ISSN: 1900-5180
Plano de la plaza de Ciudad Rodrigo ; CIUDAD RODRIGO (Salamanca). Edificios militares (1812). 1:3.600
Presenta el plano del recinto amurallado de la ciudad y parte del terreno adyacente a la misma ; Visto bueno de Ramón Calbet ; Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor ; Al parecer, la escala corresponde a 1 pie por 1.200 varas. Orientado con lis ; Relieve representado por sombreado ; Manuscrito a plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en siena, azul y carmín ; Relación de las principales fortificaciones, edificios religiosos más destacados, de los cercos que se hallan en estado ruinoso, etc., indicada por clave alfabética ; Indica en tres papeles volantes firmados por Manuel María de Toro las reparaciones de la muralla que se están efectuando después del reciente sitio, así como los proyectos de nuevas obras y reductos para su mejor defensa ; Incluye dos planos de los reductos llamado Wellington, Cranfurt, Flecha Fleitcher, Mikannon y Castanos, uno delineado por Juan Donoso y el otro por Manuel María de Toro, y once perfiles de la población trazados sobre el plano general, cada uno de ellos firmado y rubricado por alguno de los dos autores anteriormente mencionados ; Existen dos documentos iguales
Plano de la plaza de Ciudad Rodrigo ; CIUDAD RODRIGO (Salamanca). Edificios militares (1812). 1:3.600
Presenta el plano del recinto amurallado de la ciudad y parte del terreno adyacente a la misma ; Visto bueno de Ramón Calbet ; Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor ; Al parecer, la escala corresponde a 1 pie por 1.200 varas. Orientado con lis ; Relieve representado por sombreado ; Manuscrito a plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en siena, azul y carmín ; Relación de las principales fortificaciones, edificios religiosos más destacados, de los cercos que se hallan en estado ruinoso, etc., indicada por clave alfabética ; Indica en tres papeles volantes firmados por Manuel María de Toro las reparaciones de la muralla que se están efectuando después del reciente sitio, así como los proyectos de nuevas obras y reductos para su mejor defensa ; Incluye dos planos de los reductos llamado Wellington, Cranfurt, Flecha Fleitcher, Mikannon y Castanos, uno delineado por Juan Donoso y el otro por Manuel María de Toro, y once perfiles de la población trazados sobre el plano general, cada uno de ellos firmado y rubricado por alguno de los dos autores anteriormente mencionados ; Existen dos documentos iguales
Ecology under lake ice ; Ecology Letters
Winter conditions are rapidly changing in temperate ecosystems, particularly for those that experience periods of snow and ice cover. Relatively little is known of winter ecology in these systems, due to a historical research focus on summer 'growing seasons'. We executed the first global quantitative synthesis on under-ice lake ecology, including 36 abiotic and biotic variables from 42 research groups and 101 lakes, examining seasonal differences and connections as well as how seasonal differences vary with geophysical factors. Plankton were more abundant under ice than expected; mean winter values were 43.2% of summer values for chlorophyll a, 15.8% of summer phytoplankton biovolume and 25.3% of summer zooplankton density. Dissolved nitrogen concentrations were typically higher during winter, and these differences were exaggerated in smaller lakes. Lake size also influenced winter-summer patterns for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), with higher winter DOC in smaller lakes. At coarse levels of taxonomic aggregation, phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition showed few systematic differences between seasons, although literature suggests that seasonal differences are frequently lake-specific, species-specific, or occur at the level of functional group. Within the subset of lakes that had longer time series, winter influenced the subsequent summer for some nutrient variables and zooplankton biomass. ; National Science Foundation (NSF DEB) [1431428, 1136637]; Washington State University; Russian Science Foundation [14-14-00400]; Ministry of education and science of Russia Gos-Zasanie project [1354-2014/51]; Natural Environment Research Council [NE/J00829X/1, 1230750, NE/G019622/1, NE/J010227/1] ; Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF DEB #1431428; NSF DEB #1136637) and Washington State University. M. Timofeyev and E. Silow were partially supported by Russian Science Foundation project No 14-14-00400 and Ministry of education and science of Russia Gos-Zasanie project No 1354-2014/51. We are grateful to Marianne Moore, Deniz Ozkundakci, Chris Polashenski and Paula Kankaala for discussions that greatly improved this work. We also gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for contributing to this project: John Anderson, Jill Baron, Rick Bourbonniere, Sandra Brovold, Lluis Camarero, Sudeep Chandra, Jim Cotner, Laura Forsstom, Guillaume Grosbois, Chris Harrod, Klaus D. Joehnk, T.Y. Kim, Daniel Langenhaun, Reet Laugaste, Suzanne McGowan, Virginia Panizzo, Giampaolo Rossetti, R.E.H. Smith, Sarah Spaulding, Helen Tammert, Steve Thackeray, Kyle Zimmer, Priit Zingel and two anonymous reviewers. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.