97 Ergebnisse
Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España: claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica
In: Academia 41
Facets of social capital in new democracies: the formation and consequences of social capital in Spain
In: Working paper 259
The Decline of Political Trust in Spain and Portugal: Economic Performance or Political Responsiveness?
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 58, Heft 12, S. 1542-1567
ISSN: 0002-7642
The Incumbent Electoral Defeat in the 2011 Spanish National Elections: The Effect of the Economic Crisis in an Ideological Polarized Party System
In: Journal of elections, public opinion and parties, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 203-221
ISSN: 1745-7297
The Decline of Political Trust in Spain and Portugal: Economic Performance or Political Responsiveness?
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 58, Heft 12, S. 1542-1567
ISSN: 1552-3381
This article deals with the problem of the increasing distrust in institutions in European democracies, paying special attention to countries such as Spain and Portugal, which are being severely harmed by the current economic crisis and the austerity measures imposed by supranational organizations such as the European Union and implemented by their respective national governments. Contrary to the purely political-economic paradigm, the present article, based on panel survey data gathered during the years 2011 and 2012 in Spain and Portugal, shows that this deterioration is due principally to the negative perception of the political responsiveness of representative institutions and aggravated by the increasing perception of political corruption. Multilevel governance and the present economic crisis are challenging representative institutions, but their functioning and elite misbehavior during the crisis are the main explanations of increasing citizen distrust in such institutions.
The Mexican Voter. Democracy, Political Attitudes and Electoral Conduct
In: International journal of public opinion research, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 224-226
ISSN: 0954-2892
El votante mexicano. Democracia, actitudes politicas y conducta electoral
In: Revista española de ciencia política, Heft 9, S. 207-210
ISSN: 1575-6548
Institutional Disaffection and Democratic History in New Democracies
In: Central European political science review: quarterly of Central European Political Science Association ; CEPSR, Band 3, Heft 10
ISSN: 1586-4197
La desafeccion democrática
In: Leviatán: revista de hechos e ideas, Heft 84, S. 161
ISSN: 0210-6337
Conflicto democracia/autoritarismo y sus bases sociales en Chile, 1973-1995: Un ejemplo de redefinición política de un cleavage
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Heft 103, S. 51-82
ISSN: 1988-5903
En este artículo se estudian los cleavages sociales y la influencia de los legados políticos en el sistema departidos chileno durante el período posterior a la dictadura. A diferencia de los enfoques que se centran en argumentacionessociológicas para explicar la formación de los sistemas de partidos, en estas líneas se argumentaque la aparición de los cleavages en un sistema de partidos es producto de la agencia política, la cualpuede llegar a (re)definir las identidades y los conflictos sociales. El caso chileno ilustra este punto ya que laestructura del sistema de partidos actual está notablemente influida por determinados legados políticos delperíodo autoritario. El cleavage entre quienes apoyan al pasado régimen autoritario y aquellos que se oponena él, ha contribuido de manera notable a la formación del sistema de partidos durante el período democrático.
Social trust and affective polarization in Spain (2014–19)
In: Electoral studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy, Band 81, S. 102582
ISSN: 1873-6890
Partisan Sentiments and Political Trust: A Longitudinal Study of Spain
In: South European society & politics, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 171-196
ISSN: 1743-9612