Proceedings of topical issues in international political geography
In: Springer Geography
In: Springer eBook Collection
The challenges of contemporary higher education -- Challenges of migration into the European Union & proposal of solution through education -- Migration and dual education system as major countermeasures for problems on labor market in Federal Republic of Germany and Russian Federation -- Socio-political and political-geographical aspects of migration processes on the European continent -- The crisis of the multiculturalism policy in Sweden -- Environmental zoning of a large city (on case of Khabarovsk) -- Dichotomy of globalization and deglobalization processes in the modern world -- Russian identity in the age of globalization and regionalism -- Modern African regionalism in civilizational dimension -- Towards the problems of Islamic regionalism in Latin America: history and current status of formation -- The political status of Greenland in the 21st century: the way from the colony of the Kingdom of Denmark to the possible 51st state of the USA -- History and symbolics of the Catalan sovereignism in the context of geopolitics -- Ideology and geography of foreign policy of Philip II the Prudent considering philosophical and political discourse of the era -- The psychological aspects in political ideas of the Cambridge Platonists as an alternative to 17th century global thinking -- Historical knowledge as a tool for predicting the prospects of political geography (on the example of New Serbia) -- Geographic distribution of foreign businesses in Russia in the 10th -17th centuries -- Democracy culture in the Central Asian republics after the independence: the impacts of socio-economic and political -- Alternative models of political participation of population in developed and developing countries: cases of Switzerland, Germany, Brazil and Uruguay -- Correlation between closed nationalism and extremism: the cases of Zionist Israel and Apartheid South Africa -- The migration organization and policies in the Turkish public administration: an overview -- Changes in Swedish foreign policy after 2018 general elections -- Geography of oil and gas of the Russian Federation in the world markets -- Russia's new Eastward policy and transnational development cooperation in the Far East -- Geopolitical / geoeconomical risks and national security of Russia -- Geopolitical consequences of the end of the Cold War in the post-Soviet space: prerequisites for the emergence of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization -- China's infrastructural expansion in Southeast Asia -- Development of BRICS cooperation mechanism under the new geopolitical conditions -- International legal problems of fighting corruption in the context of geopolitical integration -- Revisiting international law's discussion on the moral status of the fetus -- Is the UN environmental protection activity effective? -- Humanistic content of international cultural exchanges in the modern era -- The role of music as a tool for cultural diplomacy during and after the USSR period in the development process of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations -- Cultural cooperation between Russia and Iraq in the context of the common national identity problem of Iraqi people -- Culture as the basis for shaping a positive image of Russia: potential, problems, and solutions -- Finno-Ugric cultural rights in the context of sustainable tourism in North-Western federal district of Russia -- Geo-branding as a tool for providing Russia's interests in the international arena.