The Missing Link: Security, Critical International Political Economy, and Community
Argues that the current theorization of orthodox international political economy (IPE) obstructs the goal of achieving security which requires the integration of security & community with a critical IPE that is democratic, historical, & reflexive. The dominance of a neoliberal discourse is challenged. It is contended that it is essential for security to be closely related to some notion of community; therefore, the political economy must be embedded in social practice & institutions. The link between community, emancipation, & political economy is explored in depth, along with the critical importance of the IPE for the life chances of the majority of the world's population. Attention is also given to the various ways contemporary US-structured economic & technological globalization has helped to dislocate & destabilize the experience & idea of community. Emphasis is placed on the need for a differently constructed notion of economics that has the potential to achieve real security by uniting politics & economics through a critical articulation of the field of IPE. J. Lindroth