Getting on board with new ideas: An analysis of idea commitments on a crowdsourcing platform
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation, Band 50, Heft 9, S. 104320
ISSN: 1873-7625
5 Ergebnisse
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation, Band 50, Heft 9, S. 104320
ISSN: 1873-7625
In: Organizational research methods: ORM, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 385-412
ISSN: 1552-7425
Two-mode networks are used to describe dual patterns of association between distinct social entities through their joint involvement in categories, activities, issues, and events. In empirical organizational research, the analysis of two-mode networks is typically accomplished either by (a) decomposition of the dual structure into its two unimodal components defined in terms of indirect relations between entities of the same kind or (b) direct statistical analysis of individual two-mode dyads. Both strategies are useful, but neither is fully satisfactory. In this article, the authors introduce newly developed stochastic actor-based models for two-mode networks that may be adopted to redress the limitations of current analytical strategies. The authors specify and estimate the model in the context of data they have collected on the dual association between software developers and software problems observed during a complete release cycle of an open source software project. The authors discuss the general methodological implications of the models for organizational research based on the empirical analysis of two-mode networks.
In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Band 29, S. 40-57
ISSN: 1873-6017
In: Organizational research methods: ORM, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 23-50
ISSN: 1552-7425
Sequences of relational events underlie much empirical research on organizational relations. Yet relational event data are typically aggregated and dichotomized to derive networks that can be analyzed with specialized statistical methods. Transforming sequences of relational events into binary network ties entails two main limitations: the loss of information about the order and number of events that compose each tie and the inability to account for compositional changes in the set of actors and/or recipients. In this article, we introduce a newly developed class of statistical models that enables researchers to exploit the full information contained in sequences of relational events. We propose an extension of the models to cater for sequences of relational events linking different sets of actors. We illustrate the empirical application of relational event models in the context of a free/open source software project with the aim to explain the level of effort produced by contributors to the project. We offer guidance in the interpretation of model parameters by characterizing the social processes underlying organizational problem solving. We discuss the applicability of relational events models in organizational research.
In: Organization science, Band 35, Heft 2, S. 496-524
ISSN: 1526-5455
A recent line of inquiry investigates new forms of organizing as bundles of novel solutions to universal problems of resource allocation and coordination: how to allocate organizational problems to organizational participants and how to integrate participants' resulting efforts. We contribute to this line of inquiry by reframing organizational attention as the outcome of a concatenation of self-organizing, microstructural mechanisms linking multiple participants to multiple problems, thus giving rise to an emergent attention network. We argue that, when managerial hierarchies are absent and authority is decentralized, observable acts of attention allocation produce interpretable signals that help participants to direct their attention and share information on how to coordinate and integrate their individual efforts. We theorize that the observed structure of an organizational attention network is generated by the concatenation of four interdependent micromechanisms: focusing, reinforcing, mixing, and clustering. In a statistical analysis of organizational problem solving within a large open-source software project, we find support for our hypotheses about the self-organizing dynamics of the observed attention network connecting organizational problems (software bugs) to organizational participants (volunteer contributors). We discuss the implications of attention networks for theory and practice by emphasizing the self-organizing character of organizational problem solving. We discuss the generalizability of our theory to a wider set of organizations in which participants can freely allocate their attention to problems and the outcomes of their allocation are publicly observable without cost. Funding: Financial support for this work was provided by the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung [Grant 100018_150126] ("Relational event modes for bipartite networks with application to collaborative problem solving," P.I. Alessandro Lomi) and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Grant 321869138] ("Statistical analysis of time-stamped multi-actor events in social networks," P.I. Jüergen Lerner). Supplemental Material: The supplemental video containing the dynamic visualization of the data is available at and in the e-companion (available at ).