Beyond Connectivity: Exploring the Influence of Digital Access on the Social Determinants of Health for Youth in Out-of-Home Care
In: Health & social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers
ISSN: 1545-6854
This study explores digital inclusion for youth in out-of-home placement within the child welfare system, a group impacted by significant social determinants affecting health. Recognized as a "super social determinant of health," digital inclusion holds promise in addressing key health factors, such as social relationships, support systems, and information access. The study surveyed 131 foster parents and 152 kinship providers across varied U.S. regions about access and use of technology among the youth in their care. Findings reveal that most of the youth in our study possess personal technological devices, and their caregivers facilitate access. Although the majority have access to technology, the rate is significantly lower than the general population of youth. Despite constraints contributing to a digital divide, caregivers note positive impacts, underscoring technology's role in sustaining social connections and fostering relationships. Closing the digital gap assumes critical importance in advancing health equity for this vulnerable demographic, underscoring the imperative for comprehensive digital inclusion strategies within the child welfare system.