
10 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12022

A comparison of three organisational levels in one health care region in Sweden implementing person-centred care: coupled, decoupled or recoupled in a complex organisation


Open Access#22022

A comparison of three organisational levels in one health care region in Sweden implementing person-centred care : coupled, decoupled or recoupled in a complex organisation


Open Access#32017

Internet-based support for self-management strategies for people with COPD-protocol for a controlled pragmatic pilot trial of effectiveness and a process evaluation in primary healthcare


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#52013

What aspects of rehabilitation provision contribute to self-reported met needs for rehabilitation one year after stroke - amount, place, operator or timing?


Open Access#62017

Building COPD care on shaky ground : a mixed methods study from Swedish primary care professional perspective


Open Access#72022

Professionals' perspectives on existing practice and conditions for nurse-led gout care based on treatment recommendations : a qualitative study in primary healthcare


Open Access#82018

Resource use of healthcare services 1 year after stroke : a secondary analysis of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a client-centred activities of daily living intervention


Open Access#92016

Developing leadership in managers to facilitate the implementation of national guideline recommendations : a process evaluation of feasibility and usefulness


Open Access#102021

Person-centred care transitions for people with stroke : study protocol for a feasibility evaluation of codesigned care transition support