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2 Ergebnisse
A must-read for professionals and advocates of historic preservation who are concerned about preservation's future, this volume is a compendium of powerful essays by thought leaders in the field first presented in 2016 as part of the fiftieth anniversary observation of the US National Historic Preservation Act. Once primarily the concern of historians, antiquarians, and historic architects in the last century, today historic preservation is a popular public movement, a critical component of local land-use ordinances, a regional economic driver, and a significant contributor to the nation's cultural identity. By any measure, the preservation of the built environment has been a success. However, as demographic, economic, and technological changes alter our future, how will preservation be affected? How will changes in the natural environmental and preservation education change the policies and practices of historic preservation during the 21st century? The contributors here, who are drawn from some of the leading academics and practitioners in preservation, as well as environmentalists, economists and historians, provide answers to these and other questions about the future of historic preservation.