Co-operatives in small-scale aquaculture. A case study of the yellow croaker aquaculture fishery in Ningde City of Fujian Province in China
The SSF contributed a lot to the whole world for hum food consumption and employment. However the problems of poverty and food safety and security in SSF also catch many people's attention to their livelihood now and in future. Coupled with the fish resources collapse in coastal area and the decrease of use of Coastal for fishing, their situation become worse. FAO recommended the fisheries cooperatives approach that is one of forms of organizations and collective action to help the governance in SSF. But the mixed records of fisheries cooperatives in history negatively impact their governance in SSF. The problems I am trying to solve in this paper is what are the effects of fisheries cooperatives impact on SSF governances, what can sustain a fisheries cooperative in the changing world to achieve a long term governance by fisheries cooperatives and the importance of the interactions functioning in the SSF governance. A governability assessment of large yellow croaker aquaculture fishery in Ningde City, China is applied in this paper to analyze the effects of fisheries cooperatives on SSF governance at the natural, social, economical and political perspectives. Then discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of fisheries cooperatives would be presented by a SWTO analysis. Finally, the result is that it is not difficult to organize and function a fisheries cooperatives and key points to sustain their life are constant innovation with the changing of the world and participation of all people involving in the SSF.