Smallholder agriculture in colonial Kenya: the official mind and the Swynnerton Plan
In: Cambridge African monographs 8
39 Ergebnisse
In: Cambridge African monographs 8
In: The round table: the Commonwealth journal of international affairs, Band 104, Heft 6, S. 703-713
ISSN: 1474-029X
This set of three case studies explores the intersection of openness, digital governance, andhigh quality information in Estonia,1 Finland, and Norway with the aim of identifying lessonsthat will support the same objectives in lower resource countries. Openness, a key aspect ofthe international agenda for increasing transparency and accountability, for reducing public sectorcorruption, and for strengthening economic performance, rests on the principle that citizenshave a right to know what their governments are doing and to benefit from using governmentinformation. Goals for open, accountable, and inclusive governance rest on the assumption thattrustworthy information is available and can be shared meaningfully through strategies for digitalgovernance. This assumption needs to be examined. Does reliable and complete informationexist across lower resource countries? Can it be accessed readily? Will it survive through time?
In: The China quarterly, Band 132, S. 1207-1208
ISSN: 1468-2648
Intro -- Table of Contents -- Part I: The Making and Unmaking of the U.S.-China Relationship -- 1. Engaging China: Fifty Years of Sino-American Relations, by Anne F. Thurston -- 2. The Logic and Efficacy of Engagement: Objectives, Assumptions, and Impacts, by Thomas Fingar -- 3. Mismanaging China's Rise: The South China Sea Dispute and the Transformation of Sino-American Relations from Strategic Partners to Strategic Rivals, by John W. Garver -- Part II: Thinking About How We Think About China
In: Nancy Bernkopf Tucker and Warren I. Cohen books on American-East Asian relations
"The importance of the relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China has only grown since Richard Nixon's epochal visit in 1972. By the early twenty-first century, when the rise of China had become an inescapable fact, most American policy makers and experts saw bilateral ties with China as the most consequential foreign-relations priority for the United States. In recent years, even before the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S.-China relationship has rapidly deteriorated-and the whole world has felt the consequences. This book brings together leading China specialists to offer a retrospective on relations between the United States and China over the last half-century and consider what might be next. The contributors-including academics, leaders of China-related nongovernmental organizations, and former diplomats and government officials-analyze the relationship from a range of perspectives: political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, commercial, educational, medical, and military. They reassess American engagement with China from the late Mao years onward, covering leaders from Deng Xiaoping through Xi Jinping. The contributors highlight not only the accomplishments and hard-won successes of engagement but also the mistakes and misunderstandings, acknowledging the well-earned distrust and genuine frictions that plague the relationship today. Multidisciplinary and comprehensive, Engaging China is a vital reconsideration for a time when the stakes of U.S. policy toward China have never been higher"--
World Affairs Online
In: Asian perspective, Band 48, Heft 1, S. 165-168
ISSN: 2288-2871
The Open Data movement has assumed that that accurate data is available to demonstrate government expenditure and actions. However, in many countries, the records of government policies, activities and transactions that should provide the basis for a large proportion of government data are incomplete, inaccurate or inaccessible. This will result in inaccurate data. This paper suggests that alongside the enthusiasm for Open Data, there needs to be parallel attention to ensuring that government records are managed as the evidence base for Open Government. The paper explores key records issues that will affect Open Data and draws attention to the value of international records management standards.
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 50, S. 187-189
ISSN: 1835-8535
In: SAIS review, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 61-79
ISSN: 1088-3142
In: SAIS review / the Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS): a journal of international affairs, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 61-79
ISSN: 1946-4444
World Affairs Online
In: SAIS review, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 61-80
In: SAIS Review, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 61
In: The China journal: Zhongguo-yanjiu, Band 35, S. 97-105
ISSN: 1835-8535