58 Ergebnisse
Optimal dynamic risk sharing when enforcement is a decision variable
In: Working paper series 282
The teacher and foreign policy
In: Department of State publication 5941
In: General foreign policy series 103
Peace settlements of World War II
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 257
Die Entstehung und rechtliche Natur des Memelstatuts und seine praktische Auswirkung bis zum heutigen Tag
In: Historische Studien 300
Discussion of "A Search-Theoretic Model of Double-Spending Fraud"
In: Journal of economic dynamics & control, Band 142, S. 104158
ISSN: 0165-1889
Risk sharing through financial markets with endogenous enforcement of trades
In: Journal of economic dynamics & control, Band 30, Heft 11, S. 1987-2014
ISSN: 0165-1889
Obstacles to European Unification
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 348, Heft 1, S. 46-53
ISSN: 1552-3349
The desire for unification is deeply rooted in European thought, and the concept has gained in importance and acceptance over the centuries. At the close of World War II, Europe lay in shambles which were the culmination of strife, misrepresentation, and hatred. Separated from its eastern portion and faced with the Communist menace, West ern Europe had the choice of co-operation or going under. Co- operation was chosen. Obstacles to practical unification, some of them formidable, remain, but they can be overcome. The divisive forces which exist—and which Communist leaders hope to exploit in order to break Western solidarity—include geogra phy, racial myths, language barriers, history, religion, cultural differences, psychological factors, nationalism, economic com petition, problems of minorities, and divergent foreign-policy objectives. The split of Europe into East and West means that unification can be discussed in immediate terms only for Western Europe and, indeed, for only a part of that. Expect ing too much too fast in Europe cannot but lead to disillusion ment, yet the progress toward European community since World War II has been little short of phenomenal, and the obstacles which challenge unification are no cause for despair. —Ed.
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 348, S. 46-53
ISSN: 0002-7162
The desire for unification is deeply rooted in European thought, & the concept has gained in importance & acceptance over the cent's. At the close of WW II, Europe lay in shambles which were the culmination of strife, misrepresentation, & hatred. Separated from its eastern portion & faced with the Communist menace, Western Europe had the choice of cooperation or going under. Co-operation was chosen. Obstacles to practical unification, some of them formidable, remain, but they can be overcome. The divisive forces which exist - & which Communist leaders hope to exploit in order to break Western solidarity - include geography, racial myths, language barriers, history, religion, cultural diff's, psychol'al factors, nat'lism, econ competition, problems of minorities, & divergent foreign-policy objectives. The split of Europe into East & West means that unification can be discussed in immediate terms only for Western Europe &, indeed, for only a part of that. Expecting too much too fast in Europe can only lead to disillusionment, yet the progress toward European community since WWII has been little short of phenomenal, & the obstacles which challenge unification are no cause for despair. AA.
Economic Cooperation and National Security
In: The American journal of economics and sociology, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 235-235
ISSN: 1536-7150
The road ahead for foreign trade policy
In: The Department of State bulletin: the official weekly record of United States Foreign Policy, Band 36, S. 813-817
ISSN: 0041-7610
Problems relating to export of iron and steel scrap
In: The Department of State bulletin: the official weekly record of United States Foreign Policy, Band 37, S. 120-128
ISSN: 0041-7610
The paradox of foreign economic policy [illustrative cases]
In: The Department of State bulletin: the official weekly record of United States Foreign Policy, Band 36, S. 1009-1013
ISSN: 0041-7610
Principles of U.S. foreign economic policy
In: The Department of State bulletin: the official weekly record of United States Foreign Policy, Band 36, S. 659-663
ISSN: 0041-7610