Should current generations make reparation for slavery?
In: Political theory today
39 Ergebnisse
In: Political theory today
In: Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy 13
Introduction : towards a theory of justice for an intergenerational polity -- Justice, non-identity, and intergenerational relationships -- Partnership, reciprocity, and identity -- Lifetime-transcending interests -- Lifetime-transcending interests and duties to past people -- Taking responsibility for the past -- Just inheritance in an intergenerational polity -- Generational rights and duties -- Fair shares -- Creating future generations -- Sustainability and future generations -- Intergenerational global justice.
In: Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy, 15
Focusing on contemporary social issues-- the environmental crisis, population growth and demographic change, and the question of whether reparations are owed to indigenous peoples--this study presents a theory of intergenerational justice that gives citizens duties to past and future generations, and explains what relationships between contemporary generations count as fair.
In: Journal of social philosophy, Band 53, Heft 1, S. 8-20
ISSN: 1467-9833
In: The European legacy: the official journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), Band 24, Heft 7-8, S. 882-884
ISSN: 1470-1316
In: Social & legal studies: an international journal, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 215-225
ISSN: 1461-7390
Making apologies is one of the ways that governments have attempted to deal with past injustices. However, political apologies are often criticised for being meaningless or morally suspect. I will argue that an apology signals the commitment of those who make it, sponsor it and support it to a national undertaking, and whether we can regard an apology as meaningful depends on our reasons for thinking that this undertaking has been initiated and will continue. To defend political apologies from moral criticisms it is necessary to address questions about responsibility: whether citizens can and should take responsibility for past injustices, including injustices of the historical past. The answer to these questions, I will argue, requires an account of the responsibilities entailed in being a citizen of an intergenerational polity.
In: Intergenerational justice review, Band 9, Heft Ausg. 1, S. 14-19
ISSN: 1617-1799
"Warum sollte man von politischen Führern, die Repräsentanten von Bürgern sind, Entschuldigungen und Entschädigungen für die in der Geschichte begangenen Taten fordern? Die üblichen von Liberalen vorgebrachten Theorien über die Reichweite von Verantwortung und die Möglichkeit ihrer Übernahme im Rahmen von Bürgerpflichten machen es schwer, diese Frage zu beantworten. Diese Abhandlung betrachtet - innerhalb eines liberalen Rahmens - einige erfolglose Versuche, die Pflicht zur Wiedergutmachung für historische Ungerechtigkeiten zu verteidigen und legt einen Ansatz vor, welcher auf den lebensübergreifenden Interessen von Bürgern basiert." (Autorenreferat)
In: Journal für Generationengerechtigkeit, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 14-19
"Warum sollte man von politischen Führern, die Repräsentanten von Bürgern sind, Entschuldigungen und Entschädigungen für die in der Geschichte begangenen Taten fordern? Die üblichen von Liberalen vorgebrachten Theorien über die Reichweite von Verantwortung und die Möglichkeit ihrer Übernahme im Rahmen von Bürgerpflichten machen es schwer, diese Frage zu beantworten. Diese Abhandlung betrachtet - innerhalb eines liberalen Rahmens - einige erfolglose Versuche, die Pflicht zur Wiedergutmachung für historische Ungerechtigkeiten zu verteidigen und legt einen Ansatz vor, welcher auf den lebensübergreifenden Interessen von Bürgern basiert." (Autorenreferat)
In: Intergenerational justice review, Heft 1, S. 13-17
ISSN: 2510-8824
Why should leaders of polities, as representatives of citizens, be required to apologise and make reparations for deeds committed in the historical past? Assumptions commonly made by liberals about the scope of responsibility and the duties of citizens make this question difficult to answer. This paper considers some unsuccessful attempts within a liberal framework to defend obligations of reparation for historical injustices and puts forward an account based on the lifetime-transcending interests of citizens.
In: Australian journal of political science: journal of the Australasian Political Studies Association, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 164
ISSN: 1036-1146
In: Agenda: a journal of policy analysis & reform, Band 12, Heft 1
ISSN: 1447-4735
In: Australian journal of human rights: AJHR, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 1-14
ISSN: 1323-238X