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10 Ergebnisse
In: African affairs: the journal of the Royal African Society
ISSN: 0001-9909
The author analyses the structure and growth of the Nigerian economy from 1950 to 1977 and the causes of Nigeria's growth pattern. (DÜI-Ott)
World Affairs Online
In: African affairs: the journal of the Royal African Society
ISSN: 0001-9909
Während die liberale Wechselkurspolitik der Elfenbeinküste ein eindrucksvolles Export- und dadurch Binnenwachstum verschaffte, führten die Überbewertung der Währung in Ghana (seit 1961) und der fehlgeschlagene Versuch wechselnder Regierungen, sie abzuwerten, zum wirtschaftlichen Niedergang. (DÜI-Spe)
World Affairs Online
In: WPS 2008,09
Cover -- Half-title -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of economic models and tables -- Preface -- Part I: Introduction to welfare economics -- 1 Measuring changes in economic welfare: consumer and producer surplus -- 1.1 Consumer and producer surplus -- 1.2 A cost-benefit approach to policy analysis: some examples -- The social value of an innovation -- Market distortions -- Public goods -- Divergence between social and private cost -- Commodity price stabilisation -- 1.3 Calculating the surpluses -- 1.4 Outstanding problems -- Suggestions for further reading -- 2 Consumers and producers: some basic theory -- 2.1 Consumer optimisation and demand functions -- 2.2 The measurement of consumer surplus -- 2.3 The firm in the long run -- 2.4 The short run and the meaning of producer surplus -- 2.5 Conclusion -- Appendix: properties of the expenditure function -- Suggestions for further reading -- 3 Welfare change in general equilibrium -- 3.1 Adding consumer surpluses -- 3.2 A model of general equilibrium -- 3.3 Measures of welfare change in general equilibrium -- 3.4 Welfare change with perfectly competitive markets -- 3.5 Welfare change in a tax-distorted economy -- 3.6 Partial and general equilibrium measures -- Appendix: conditions for path independence when adding consumer surpluses -- Suggestions for further reading -- 4 Equity and efficiency -- 4.1 Pareto efficiency and Pareto improvements -- 4.2 Relative utilities and social welfare -- 4.3 The Bergson-Samuelson social welfare function -- 4.4 Social welfare functions and individual choice -- 4.5 Equity and efficiency: a trade-off? -- 4.6 Conclusion -- Suggestions for further reading -- Part II: Project and policy appraisal in developing countries -- 5 Project appraisal: an overview -- 5.1 Project appraisal in developing countries -- 5.2 Welfare objectives
In: Journal of African economies, Band 24, Heft 5, S. 629-644
ISSN: 1464-3723
In: Journal of development economics
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
In: Routledge advanced texts in economics and finance 24
Understanding why so many people across the world are so poor is one of the central intellectual challenges of our time. This book provides the tools and data that will enable students, researchers and professionals to address that issue.Empirical Development Economics has been designed as a hands-on teaching tool to investigate the causes of poverty. The book begins by introducing the quantitative approach to development economics. Each section uses data to illustrate key policy issues. Part One focuses on the basics of understanding the role of education, technology and institutions in deter