Genome analyses of an aggressive and invasive lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen
This work was supported by the Potato Council and The Scottish Government (D.E.L. Cooke, A.K. Lees, I. Hein, E.M. Gilroy, E. Randall, J.N. Squires, P.R.J. Birch & R.A. Bain), the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (S. Kamoun, L.M. Cano, S. Rafaelle, G.J. Etherington & R.A. Farrer), a Marie Curie IEF (contract 255104) to S. Rafaelle, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality to V.G.A.A. Vleeshouwers and the FP6 program BioExploit Food-CT-2005-513959 supported M.A. Pel. A BBSRC/RESAS CRF grant also supported D.E.L. Cooke, E. Gilroy, P. Birch, S. Kamoun & I.Hein. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF