Effects of maltreatment and parental schizophrenia spectrum disorders on early childhood social- emotional functioning: a population record linkage study
Aims.Childhood maltreatment and a family history of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) are each associatedwith social-emotional dysfunction in childhood. Both are also strong risk factors for adult SSDs, and social-emotionaldysfunction in childhood may be an antecedent of these disorders. We used data from a large Australian populationcohort to determine the independent and moderating effects of maltreatment and parental SSDs on early childhoodsocial-emotional functioning.Methods.The New South Wales Child Development Study combines intergenerational multi-agency data using recordlinkage methods. Multiple measures of social-emotional functioning (social competency, prosocial/helping behaviour,anxious/fearful behaviour; aggressive behaviour, and hyperactivity/inattention) on 69 116 kindergarten children (age∼5 years) were linked with government records of child maltreatment and parental presentations to health servicesfor SSD. Multivariable analyses investigated the association between maltreatment and social-emotional functioning,adjusting for demographic variables and parental SSD history, in the population sample and in sub-cohorts exposedand not exposed to parental SSD history. We also examined the association of parental SSD history and social-emotionalfunctioning, adjusting for demographic variables and maltreatment.Results.Medium-sized associations were identified between maltreatment and poor social competency, aggressive be-haviour and hyperactivity/inattention; small associations were revealed between maltreatment and poor prosocial/help-ing and anxious/fearful behaviours. These associations did not differ greatly when adjusted for parental SSD, and weregreater in magnitude among children withno historyof parental SSD. Small associations between parental SSD and poorsocial-emotional functioning remained after adjusting for demographic variables and maltreatment.Conclusions.Childhood maltreatment and history of parental SSD are associated independently with poor early child-hood social-emotional functioning, with the impact of exposure to maltreatment on social-emotional functioning inearly childhood of greater magnitude than that observed for parental SSDs. The impact of maltreatment was reducedin the context of parental SSDs. The influence of parental SSDs on later outcomes of maltreated children may becomemore apparent during adolescence and young adulthood when overt symptoms of SSD are likely to emerge. Early inter-vention to strengthen childhood social-emotional functioning might mitigate the impact of maltreatment, and potential-ly also avert future psychopathology.