Regulation for chemical safety in Europe: analysis, comment and criticism
In: Environment & policy 15
99 Ergebnisse
In: Environment & policy 15
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 266, S. 115577
ISSN: 1090-2414
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide. It is a broad spectrum herbicide and its agricultural uses increased considerably after the development of glyphosate-resistant genetically modified (GM) varieties. Since glyphosate was introduced in 1974, all regulatory assessments have established that glyphosate has low hazard potential to mammals, however, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded in March 2015 that it is probably carcinogenic. The IARC conclusion was not confirmed by the EU assessment or the recent joint WHO/FAO evaluation, both using additional evidence. Glyphosate is not the first topic of disagreement between IARC and regulatory evaluations, but has received greater attention. This review presents the scientific basis of the glyphosate health assessment conducted within the European Union (EU) renewal process, and explains the differences in the carcinogenicity assessment with IARC. Use of different data sets, particularly on long-term toxicity/carcinogenicity in rodents, could partially explain the divergent views; but methodological differences in the evaluation of the available evidence have been identified. The EU assessment did not identify a carcinogenicity hazard, revised the toxicological profile proposing new toxicological reference values, and conducted a risk assessment for some representatives uses. Two complementary exposure assessments, human-biomonitoring and food-residues-monitoring, suggests that actual exposure levels are below these reference values and do not represent a public concern.
In: EFSA supporting publications, Band 19, Heft 5
ISSN: 2397-8325
According to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed, Member States have to monitor pesticide residue levels in food samples and submit the monitoring results to EFSA and the European Commission. The Standard Sample Description (SSD) is the data model used for reporting the data on analytical measurements of chemical substances occurring in food, feed and water to EFSA. In 2015, EFSA issued a thoroughly revised guidance defining the appropriate SSD codes to describe the samples and the analytical results for the reporting of the 2014 pesticide residues monitoring data. In May 2016, a new guidance was published for the coding of specific SSD data elements for the reporting of the 2015 pesticide monitoring data. In the current document, new coding provisions are delivered for specific data elements to code the data generated in 2016. These provisions take into account the experience of both the previous reporting seasons and the new legislation applicable in 2016. In addition, new explanatory examples on the appropriate coding for specific food samples are provided.
In: EFSA journal, Band 16, Heft 1
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 19, Heft 10
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 15, Heft 5
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 17, Heft 6
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 17, Heft 5
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 17, Heft 4
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA journal, Band 17, Heft 4
ISSN: 1831-4732
In: EFSA supporting publications, Band 16, Heft 3
ISSN: 2397-8325
According to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed, Member States have to monitor pesticide residue levels in food samples and submit the monitoring results to EFSA and the European Commission. The Standard Sample Description (SSD, version 1) is the data model used for reporting the data on analytical measurements of chemical substances occurring in food, feed and water to EFSA. This document is a consolidated version of the past four years' guidance defining the appropriate SSD codes to describe the samples and the analytical results and it gives directions for the reporting of the pesticide residues monitoring data starting with the data generated in 2018 onwards. These provisions take into account the experience of both the previous reporting seasons and the new legislation applicable in 2018. This EFSA Guidance will not be applicable for the 2019 data collection provided to EFSA in 2020. In 2020, all data on annual monitoring will be transmitted in SSD2 format only.
In: EFSA journal, Band 16, Heft 6
ISSN: 1831-4732