Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage
Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Flood-induced losses and damages to agricultural production and farmers' mental wellbeing in Sri Lanka -- Chapter 3: A people-centred approach to assess and address impacts of climate change-induced loss and damage -- Chapter 4: Pillars of resilience: Assessing loss and damage at the local level -- Chapter 5: A conceptual framework and research design for assessing losses and damages from climate change in vulnerable communitiesChapter 6: Towards effective loss and damage systems in disaster recovery contexts in Southeast Asia -- Chapter 7: Identification of non-economic loss and damage (NELD) indicators and practices in the context of climatic events -- Chapter 8: Climate change-induced migration in South Asia -- Chapter 9: Priorities for addressing Slow-Onset Events (SOEs) in selected ASEAN countries -- Chapter 10: SWOC analysis on the proposed linkage between Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and Loss and Damage (L&D): Case Studies in the low-lying coastal cities of Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam -- Chapter 11: Linkages between disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the context of increasing climate change-induced loss and damage in Vietnam -- Chapter 12: Policy gaps and needs analysis for the implementation of NDCs on adaptation and loss and damage in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka -- Chapter 13: Forward-thinking perspectives towards integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction for synergetic resilience-building and addressing loss and damage.