Multi-party politics in Kenya: the Kenyatta & Moi states & the triumph of the system in the 1992 election
In: Eastern African studies
7 Ergebnisse
In: Eastern African studies
World Affairs Online
In: Eastern African Studies
This story of Kenya in the decade before the outbreak of the Mau Mau emergency attemps to present a more integrated view of imperial government as well as to examine the social and economic causes of the Kikuyu revolt. (DÜI-Sch)
World Affairs Online
In: The journal of modern African studies: a quarterly survey of politics, economics & related topics in contemporary Africa, Band 49, Heft 2, S. 342-344
ISSN: 1469-7777
In: African affairs: the journal of the Royal African Society, Band 84, Heft 336, S. 399-433
ISSN: 0001-9909
Ausführliche Analyse der sozio-politischen Verhältnisse im Nachkriegs-Kenia, insbesondere im Gebiet der Kikuyu, der Politik der Kolonialverwaltung und - damit verbunden - der Entstehungsgeschichte der "Mau Mau". (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: A current bibliography on African affairs, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 101-106
ISSN: 0011-3255
In: African economic history, Heft 17, S. 208
ISSN: 2163-9108
Akatsa-Bukachi, Marren: Domesticating election observation: experiences from the 1997 general elections. - 18 S. Braakhuis, Norbert: International election observation during the Kenya 1997 general elections. - 17 S. Grignon, Francois: Of women, witchcraft and cattle: the 1997 Kamba election triangle. - 17 S. Haddow, Paul S.: The 1997 Kenyan elections: a new model for international observation (draft). - 15 S. Hornsby, Charles: Voting, counting and the overall results (draft). - 42 S. Kadhi, Joe S. M.: The Kenyan 1997 election media coverage: their impact, influence and bias. - 26 S. Kanyinga, Karuti: "Mix and match": the 1997 general elections in Kenya. - 26 S. Katumanga, Musambayi: By ballot, pesa or rungus: the dialectic of the 1997 electoral politics in Western and the Trans Nzoia parts of Kenya. - 24 S. Kimathi, Wambui: An analysis of the 1997 election results in Luo Nyanza. - 10 S. Maupeu, Herve: Les eglises a l'epreuve des urnes. - 16 S. Mazrui, Alamin: "Bulleting" the ballot: ethnicized violence and the 1997 elections at the Kenya Coast. - 25 S. Oloo, Adams G. R.: Patronizing the incumbent: Kalenjin unity in the 1997 Kenyan elections. - 23 S. Ombongi, Kenneth Samson: The Gusii electoral politics: an analysis of 1997 elections. - 10 S. Peters, Ralph-Michael: Civil society and the election year 1997 in Kenya. - 21 S. Rutten, Marcel: The Kenya 1997 elections in Maasailand: of "sons" and "puppets" and how KANU defeated itself. - 23 S. Throup, David W.: Moi's last hurrah: the 29 December, 1997, general election in Kenya. - 62 S
World Affairs Online