Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis dengan naskah HAH karya Putu Wijaya yang mengangkat tentang permasalahan sosial yang sering terjadi dilingkungan masyarakat. Pada akhirnya memfokuskan penelitian pada masalah sosial yaitu kemiskinan dalam naskah HAH ini.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kemiskinan yang dikemukakan oleh Chambers, yang menjelaskan kemiskinan dibagi menjadi empat jenis, yaitu kemiskinan absolut, relatif, kultural dan struktural. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data tertulis dari teks yang mengacu pada masalah sosial. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan penyajian hasil analisis data. Setelah dilakukan penelitian ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa jenis kemiskinan yang ada dalam naskah HAH karya Putu Wijaya ini yaitu berupa kemiskinan absolut, kemiskinan relatif, dan kemiskinan kultural. Penyebab terjadinya kemiskinan dalam naskah HAH karya Putu Wijaya ini terdapat beberapa faktor. Yang pertama yaitu disfungsi keluarga, dan tingkat pendidikan yang rendah. Kemudian terdapat beberapa masalah atau akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh kemiskinan tersebut, seperti putus asa dan ingin bunuh diri, dan dikucilkan oleh lingkungan sekitar. Juga terdapat beberapa bentuk kemiskinan dalam naskah HAH karya Putu Wijaya, yaitu miskin materi, miskin hati, miskin agama, dan miskin ilmu.
Abstrak: Pendidikan sebagai pintu bagi setiap orang yang berkeinginan berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Peradaban manusia mengalami perubahan tatkala proses pendidikan terselenggaran dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya penguatan pendidikan karakter toleransi pada masyarakat Pesisir Pantai Kuta untuk menunjang program pariwisata halal di Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat. Jenis penelitian ini yakni kuantitatif survey para pihak dengan model proportional random sampling. Para pihak yang ditunjuk adalah tokoh adat, agama, perwakilan pemuda, dan parawisatawan sebagai responden. Lokasi survey di Pantai Kuta Lombok Tengah sebagai lokasi yang ditunjuk sebagai tujuan wisata halal. Hasil penelitian menggunakan angket likert scale 5 pilihan, diperoleh data bahwa respon tokoh lokal terhadap sikap toleran masyarakat lokal berada pada skor 68. Skor tersebut lebih dekat dengan skor 64 (katagori toleran). Namun cukup jauh dari skor 80 (diinginkan). Hal itu, menjadi perhatian agar pemerintah terus menerus melakukan upaya meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat setempat. Dan disadari bahwa pendidikan sebagai cara yang efektif untuk membangun sikap toleransi masyarakat. Jika sikap toleransi sudah terbangun dengan baik, maka program pariwisata halal akan berjalan dengan baik dan sukses. Abstract: Education is a door for everyone who wants to change for the better. Human civilization changes when the educational process is well organized. This study aims to describe the importance of strengthening tolerance character education in the coastal community of Kuta Beach to support the halal tourism program in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This type of research is a quantitative survey of the parties with a proportional random sampling model. The parties appointed were traditional, religious leaders, youth representatives, and tourist respondents. The survey location is on Kuta Beach, Central Lombok as a designated location as a halal tourism destination. The results of the study obtained data that the response of local leaders to the tolerant attitude of the local community was a score of 68. This score was closer to a score of 64 (tolerant category). However, it is quite far from a score of 80 (desirable). It is a concern that the government continues to make efforts to increase the understanding of the local community to realize the importance of tolerance so that the halal tourism program that has been implemented is successful and smooth.
AbstractIn act of consumer protection, consumer is everyone user goods and or services in society,whether for individual, family, another peopnle or living things and not for sale, however it is frequently being an object of business activtivities to get benefit as big as possible by the businessmen, one of them is with establishment agreement that contained standard clause or also called as standard contract.Therefore, the writer take some problems as follows, How is the implementation of legal protection to the consumer towards financing institutions that entered leasing to the consumer?. What is the action of financing institution to the consumer?. And How is the decision of the consumer dispute resolution body in consumer dispute against standard clause?.The research can be concluded, the inclusion of standard clause which is conducted by leasing in transaction which contradict against act of consumer protection and nulled by law, then the withdrawal towards Bapak Burhan Muljianto's car was not legal and contradict towards legislation. Leasing Company did withdrawal the car roughly.The sanctions in article 62 verse (1) act of consumer protection, however the consumer's dispute which is conducted at BPSK as mentioned is impartially and not too look into the sanctions which has included in consumer protection act. Keyword : Consumer, standard clause, transaction, leasing.
In act of consumer protection, consumer is everyone user goods and or services in society,whether for individual, family, another peopnle or living things and not for sale, however it is frequently being an object of business activtivities to get benefit as big as possible by the businessmen, one of them is with establishment agreement that contained standard clause or also called as standard contract. Therefore, the writer take some problems as follows, How is the implementation of legal protection to the consumer towards financing institutions that entered leasing to the consumer?. What is the action of financing institution to the consumer?. And How is the decision of the consumer dispute resolution body in consumer dispute against standard clause?. The research can be concluded, the inclusion of standard clause which is conducted by leasing in transaction which contradict against act of consumer protection and nulled by law, then the withdrawal towards Bapak Burhan Muljianto's car was not legal and contradict towards legislation. Leasing Company did withdrawal the car roughly.The sanctions in article 62 verse (1) act of consumer protection, however the consumer's dispute which is conducted at BPSK as mentioned is impartially and not too look into the sanctions which has included in consumer protection act.Keyword : Consumer, standard clause, transaction, leasing.
Abstract Land is very closely related to human life . Each person would need the land , even not only inhis life , for the dead man was still requires a piece of land . Based on the controlling right of theState , the State in this case is the government can give rights to the land to a person , severalpersons jointly or a legal entity . As for the problems in this thesis is What are the factors thatcause the occurrence of multiple certificates in Padang , What remedies do dual certified Class1A District Court of Padang , legal consequences with multiple certificates on the ground . Thisstudy used socio-juridical approach , the research focuses on research in the field to obtainprimary and secondary data as well as connect with the fact that there is in society with respectto problems encountered in the study . Dual certificate is a certificate two or more objects inwhich the land is partly / wholly the same , but the data subject may be the same or can bedifferent . Dispute resolution process in the District Court , in the case of multiple certificates onthe ground , district court judge who is only entitled to entitled to the certificate . Certificate indispute resolution dual land rights there are several steps that should be a concern in resolvingcases in land , in the settlement of disputes certificate must first be analyzed multiple causes ofland disputes , so the resolution of the case in accordance with the character of the case faced .Keywords : multiple certificates , lawsuit , judgmentDAFTAR PUSTAKA Abdulkadir Muhammad, 1992,Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, PT CitraAditya Bakti, Bandung, Adrian Sutedi, 2012, Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah, sinar Grafika, Jakarta. Amiruddin,dan H. ZainalAsikin, 2004,Pengantar MetodePenelitian Hukum, PT.Raja grafindo persada, Jakarta. I Wayan Suandra.1994. Hukum PertanahanIndonesia. PT. RinekaCipta. Jakarta. Arie Sukanti Hutagulung dan MarkusGunawan,KewenanganPemerintah Di BidangPertanahan. 2008, PTRaja Grafindo Persada,Jakarta. Badriah Harun, 2013, SolusiSengketa Tanah DanBangunan, PustakaYustisia, Yogyakarta. Boedi Harsono. 2008. Hukum Agraria Indonesia. PT.Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. Urip Santoso. 2010. Pendaftaran danPeralihan Hak atasTanah. Kencana,Jakarta. Junia Sari Wartati. 2011.skripsi,PenyelesaianTerhadap sertifikat hakMilik Ganda(Overlapping) OlehBadan PertanahanNasional Di KotaPadang. UniversitasAndalas. Padang. Alex perori sihombing,2008, hambatan pelaksanaan putusanhakim mengenaisengketa tanah padapengadilan negripadang, unes, padang. Sudikno Mertokusumo, 1993, Hukum Acara PerdataIndonesia, Liberty,Yogyakarta. Retnowulan sutanto, iskandar oeripkartawinata,1986,hukum acara perdatadalam teori dan raktek,alumni, bandung. Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945 Undang-Undang Nomor 5Tahun 1960 TentangPeraturan DasarPokok-Pokok Agraria Advokadku, sifat dan kekuatan putusanhakim,,20januari 2014, 09.40WIB. Al Rasyid, pengertian sengketa, 2014, 14.27WIB. 15 Januari2014, 17.18 WIB., 17.03WIB.Hukum Online, membuat surat gugatan, ,16 Januari 2014,18.48 WIB. Jojo Gaolsh, Pengertian dan Macam-MacamPutusan,,17Januari 2014, 00.20WIB Uzteyqah, Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah,,15Januari 2014,15.38 WIB. Yuarta, Defenisi Sengketa,, 14.15WIB.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan bentuk perilaku sosial tokoh anak dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya yang terdapat di dalam novel Garuda Gaganeswara Teka-teki Jalan Lurus Melingkar. Analisis bentuk perilaku sosial tokoh anak dan faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Elizabeth B. Hurlock, yang membagi Pola perilaku sosial terbagi atas dua kelompok, yaitu pola perilaku yang sosial dan pola perilaku yang tidak sosial. Penelitian ini secara umum menggunakan, metode deskriptif. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan terdapat dua bentuk pola perilaku sosial tokoh anak. Pertama, pola perilaku sosial anak diantaranya ada: Kerja sama, Persaingan, Kemurahan hati dan Sifat ramah. Kedua, pola perilaku tidak sosial adalah perilaku yang menunjukkan: Negativisme, Pertengkaran, Perilaku sok kuasa, Egosentrisme, Prasangka, dan Antagonisme jenis kelamin.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis dengan Novel dan Film Hafalan Shalat Delisa yang menggambarkan bagaimana ketegeran dan kesabaran anak kecil bernama Delisa yang berumur 6 tahun dalam menghadapi hidup setelah bencana tsunami yang menimpa kota tempat tinggalnya dan menewaskan Ibu beserta tiga orang kakaknya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana adaptasi dari novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa karya Tere Liye ke film Hafalan Shalat Delisa yang disutradarai Sony Gaokasak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana adaptasi novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa karya Tere Liye ke film Hafalan Shalat Delisa yang disutradarai Sony Gaokasak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori adaptasi dari Linda Hutcheon. Teori ini digunakan untuk menemukan dan menjelaskan dari adaptasi cerita dan adaptasi ideologi dari kedua media novel dan film. Adapun metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data tertulis dari teks yang mengacu pada permasalahan sosial. Teknik yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan penyajian analisis data.Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa yang terjadi antara adaptasi dari novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa ke film Hafalan Shalat Delisa adalah pengurangan tokoh, pengurangan peristiwa, penambahan peristiwa, perubahan alur, perubahan yang divariasikan. Sedangkan adaptasi ideologinya dalam kedua karya yaitu ideologi sosial ke ideologi humanisme yang lebih relijius.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi untuk menemukan kepribadian tokoh Aku menggunakan analisis teori psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud, untuk mengetahui penyebab tokoh Aku mengalami gangguan pada kepribadiannya, dan juga untuk mengetahui dugaan gangguan yang terjadi pada tokoh Aku dalam novel Telegram karya Putu Wijaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan Psikologi Sastra, dengan teori Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik pengumpulan data. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik baca dan teknik catat.Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa tokoh Aku memiliki kepribadian suka menghayal dan memiliki gangguan kecemasan neurotik yang disebabkan lemahnya ego yang dimiliki dan id yang cenderung mendominasi. Gangguan kecemasan neurotik yang diderita oleh tokoh Aku disebabkan karena ia tidak dapat berfikir dengan jelas, sehingga ia sulit membedakan antara realita dengan khayalan. Maka sebab itulah fungsi ego sebagai pengambil kepurtusan menjadi lemah karena kebingungan yang diderita akibat terlalu sering menghayal.
In order to ensure an implementation of consumer protection, the government formed a legal product Regulations No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection. BPSK is the agency responsible for handling and resolving disputes between businesses and consumers One of the cases resolved by BPSK is a dispute between the consumer with PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Indarung in electricity bills. The problems discussed are 1) What is the process of dispute resolution by BPSK between consumers with PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Indarung in electricity bills?. 2) What are disputes resolved by BPSK and how its solution?. This type of research is Juridical Sociological. The data used include primary data and secondary data. The data obtained through interviews and document study. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study: 1) The process of settlement of disputes by BPSK between consumers with PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Indarung in electricity bills is done by way of mediation. 2) The result of the settlement of disputes by BPSK between consumers with PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Indarung in electricity bills do with restitution of Rp. 65 118, - (Sixty Five Hundred Eighteen Thousand Rupiah) and declare the Settlement Deed.Keywords: Dispute, Consumer, BPSK
ABSTRACT Each depot air minum or abbreviated as DAM should fulfill its obligations in the implementation of drinking water quality standards. The Government provides supervision and legal due to DAM the offense by issuing rules, one of which Decree No. 43 Year 2014 on Water Sanitation Hygiene Depot. In terms of supervision, Padang City Health Department is an institution authorized to carry out surveillance of DAM in the city of Padang. The problems discussed are: 1) What are some forms of surveillance conducted on drinking water depot in implementing drinking water quality standards for the consumer?. 2) What is the legal consequence for depot refill drinking water that violates standards of drinking water quality for consumers? This type of study is a Juridical Sociological. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews and document study. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study: 1) Forms surveillance conducted on DAM in applying standards of drinking water quality is by monitoring the sanitary hygiene and sanitation inspections conducted by the City Health Department assisted by Sanitariatan energy contained in each health center. 2) As a result of violating the law for DAM drinking water quality standard is to give a verbal warning or suggestions for improvements, and recommend to the Integrated Licensing Services Office (kp2t) for further action if improvements are not heeded advice. Keywords: Supervision, Drinking Water Depot, Health Department Town
AbstractConsumer Arbitration Board (BPSK) is a board which responsible and solve the disquite between consumer and business holder. Development of consumer protection held to secure the rights of consumers and business holder as well as the implementation of their respective obligations. Formulation of the problem in this research is: 1) What types of disputes are resolved in BPSK Kota Padang? 2) How prose settlement of consumer disputes in BPSK Kota Padang? 3) What factor supporting and inhibiting BPSK Kota Padang as an arbiter or mediator in the dispute resolution process?. In this study the authors used juricial sociological research methods using secondary data as initial data followed by primary data or field data wich is sourced from interviews with the head of the secretariat BPS Kota Padang. The results of this study said that the types of disputes BPSK shaped in the form of goods and services disputes. The process of consumer dispute resolution in BPSK Kota Padang takes 21 (twenty one) working days.Inhibiting factors and supporting the settlment was supportive when an active role (providing advice and explanation of the settlement of disputes), and when the assembly passive role (just answer the questions of the parties to the dispute when it requires explanation in progress) become an obstacle for the parties to the dispute are not trying to ask for an explanation of the assembly. Keywords: Implementation, Dispute Resolution BPSK, Padang
BMT Ayyasi is Syari'ah microfinance institutions developed by public figuresindependently.From the aspect ofBaitul Maal,BMTdoing activities collection fromZakat,infaq, sadaqah and waqaf.And fromaspectsBaitul Tamwil,BMTdoing activitiesfinancing.In this regard, the problem in this study is what thelegal status of BMT Ayyasi as Syari'ahmicrofinance institutions,how the operational form Ayyasi BMT, and what constraintsinhibiting the development of BMT Ayyasi. The method used in this research is sociologicaljuridical.Results of this research is based on Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Constitution of1945, is acooperative form of BMT. However, the current legal status as a BMT wouldCooperative Financial Services Shari'ah based on Ministerial Decree Number91/Kep/M.KUM /IX/2004. BMT Ayyasi not legal status, because it is still in the process ofobtaining a legal entity to Diskoperindag. Operational form Ayyasi BMT is the managementof funding sources such as financing, raise funds, and the distribution of professionally.Constraints inhibiting the development of BMT Ayyasi arise from the internal and externalenvironment of the BMT Ayyasi. Expectations of this study is that the government should befirm to provide legal certainty to BMT, BMT and for the board itself to beabletogeneratetrust and existencetothesocietyatlarge.Keywords: Legal Status,institutional, Ayyasi BMT.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bentuk-bentuk masalah ibu dalam kumpulan cerpen "Rumah Ibu" karya Harris Effendi Thahar dengan tinjauan sosiologi sastra. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologi sastra. yaitu pemahaman terhadap karya sastra dengan mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek kemasyarakatannya. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam melakukan proses penyediaan data. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber dan data yang didapat dari kumpulan cerpen Rumah Ibu karya Harris Effendi Thahar. Setelah itu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap data yang telah didapat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk masalah ibu yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen Rumah Ibu.Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan bentuk-bentuk masalah ibu dalam kumpulan cerpen Rumah Ibu karya Harris Effendi Thahar sebagai berikut: (1) Masalah ibu yang didurhakai anaknya, (2) Masalah ibu yang tidak disayangi oleh anaknya, (3) Masalah ibu yang anak-anaknya tidak mengerti situasi dan kondisi ibunya, (4) Masalah ibu yang dikecewakan oleh anaknya.
Since the Covid-19 Pandemic that hit many countries including Indonesia, the government has implemented a Work From Home policy that has an impact on all fields, including education. With this government policy, the world of education takes online learning. The change in the learning system from face-to-face to distance learning has changed student learning methods. The online learning method has not been tested for its effectiveness. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method where primary data is obtained from questionnaires given to student respondents from the Antasari State Islamic University, the Open University and the Indonesian Academy of Secretary and Management Citra Nusantara, all of whom are domiciled in Banjarmasin. Data collection techniques using online survey methods with questionnaires given using Google Form. This study aims to determine student perceptions of the effectiveness of online lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results showed that students did not feel the effectiveness of online lectures with the various obstacles they faced in online lectures. The toughest obstacles in conducting online lectures include the lack of supporting facilities such as a stable internet network and the absence of laptop facilities which are very important in online lectures. ; Sejak terjadinya Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda banyak negara termasuk Indonesia, maka pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan Work From Home yang berdampak pada segala bidang termauk pendidikan. Dengan adanya kebijakan pemerintah tersebut maka dunia Pendidikan menempuh pembelajaran secara online. Perubahan system pembelajaran dari tatap muka menjadi jarak jauh mengubah metode belajar mahasiswa. Metode belajar secara online belum teruji efektivitasnya. Peneltian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dimana data primer di peroleh dari kuisioner yang diberikan kepada responden mahasiswa dari Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari, Universitas Terbuka dan Akademi Sekretaris dan Manajemen Indonesia Citra Nusantara Banjarmasin ...