Realising the 'Triple Dividend of Resilience': A New Business Case for Disaster Risk Management
In: Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance
Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Contributors -- Abbreviations -- 1 The Triple Dividend of Resilience-A New Narrative for Disaster Risk Management and Development -- Abstract -- 1.1 The Case for Investing in Resilience -- 1.1.1 Disasters, Poverty and Development -- 1.1.2 Incentivising ex-ante Disaster Risk Management -- 1.2 The Triple Dividend: A Comprehensive Business Case for Resilience -- 1.3 The First Dividend of Resilience: Saving Lives and Avoiding Losses -- 1.3.1 Saving Lives and Reducing Number of people Affected -- 1.3.2 Reducing Damages and Losses