
9 Ergebnisse



A sociology of the total organization: atomistic unity in the French Foreign Legion

In: Classical and contemporary social theory



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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#219. Februar 2020

Differences in secondary adjustments among monks and nuns

In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 69, Heft 6, S. 806-822

ISSN: 1461-7064

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#39. April 2019

'You Can't Just Stick with Those You Like': Why Friendship Practices Threaten Fraternal Life in Cistercian Monasteries

In: Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, Band 53, Heft 6, S. 1143-1159

ISSN: 1469-8684

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#518. November 2010

The dynamics of coordinated comparisons: How simulationists in astrophysics, oceanography and meteorology create standards for results

In: Social studies of science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 107-125

ISSN: 1460-3659

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#62. November 2010

Creating Convincing Simulations in Astrophysics

In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 64-87

ISSN: 1552-8251

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#71. Februar 2008

The Everyday World of Simulation Modeling: The Development of Parameterizations in Meteorology

In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 162-181

ISSN: 1552-8251

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#81. September 2007

Mobilizing Networks: Researcher Roles in Atmospheric Science

In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 50, Heft 3, S. 271-282

ISSN: 1502-3869

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#91. Juni 2007

Parameterizations as Boundary Objects on the Climate Arena

In: Social studies of science: an international review of research in the social dimensions of science and technology, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 473-488

ISSN: 1460-3659

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