Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul "Resonansi Maharaja Imam Muhammad Basiuni Imran (1885-1976) dan Pengaruhnya dalam Kehidupan Sosial, Budaya, Politik di Sambas", yaitu berangkat dari peristiwa sejarah bahwa Muhammad Basiuni Imran dilantik menjadi Maharaja Imam, sebuah jabatan agama tertinggi di kesultanan Sambas. Jabatan tersebut bersifat Ascribed Status, yakni kedudukan ini diperoleh yang disebabkan oleh keturunan, ayah dan Kakeknya adalah Maharaja Imam. Akan tetapi ketika jabatan tersebut dipegang oleh Muhammad Basiuni Imran telah terjadi perubahan-perubahan dalam masyarakat Sambas yang disebabkan oleh kondisi sosial, budaya dan politik yang terjadi di Sambas, disamping kemampuannya dalam bidang agama yang mumpuni. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sejarah yang dilakukan dengan empat tahap, yaitu: heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi dan menggunakan pendekatan sosial dan politik. Abstrac The research is about "The Resonance of Maharaja Imam Muhammad Basiuni Imran (1885-1976) and Its Impact on Social, Cultural, Political Life in Sambas", which departs from historical events of Muhammad Basiuni Imran was appointed become Maharaja Imam, a highest religious position in the Sambas sultanate . The position is Ascribed Status, namely this position is obtained due to offspring, father and grandfather are Maharaja Imam. However, when the position was held by Muhammad Basiuni Imran there were changes in the Sambas community caused by social, cultural and political conditions that occurred in Sambas, in addition to his ability in the field of qualified religion. This research is a historical research conducted in four stages, namely: heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography and using social and political approaches
The purpose of this study was to determine the perspective of the formulation of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft Policy for the 2019 Fiscal Year of Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The research method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data/information was collected through interview techniques which were equipped with observation techniques. The technique of testing the validity of the data in this study uses a triangulation examination technique which is an examination technique in terms of criteria and credibility. The total number of informants is 16 (sixteen) people. The results of this study indicate that the Perspective of Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Policy Formulation for Fiscal Year 2019 in Sidenreng Rappang Regency consists of (1) Perspective of Regional Revenue Budget Formulation, (2) Regional Budget Formulation, (3) Perspective of Regional Financing Budget Formulation.
Artikel ini membahas tentang konflik internasional atas sumber energi (minyak, gas dan air), dengan alasan bahwa ketiga sumber tersebut merupakan inti kehidupan ekonomi, politik dan sosial bagi semua negara di dunia. Semua studi dan prakiraan spesialis di bidang ketahanan energi, menegaskan bahwa konflik atas sumber energi tidak dapat dihindari karena meningkatnya permintaan global yang mengarah pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih tinggi dan keragaman populasi dunia yang tinggi dan karena meningkatnya persaingan untuk sumber energi oleh yang baru. negara-negara berkembang seperti Cina dan India, persaingan ini, yang akan berubah menjadi konflik internasional yang tidak dapat dihindari di masa depan, jadi artikel ini menjelaskan penyebab konflik ini dan hasil masa depan pada hubungan internasional
Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah sangat penting dan strategis dalam mengantisipasiperekonomian kedepan terutama menyambut APTA di ASEAN tahun 2015. Adanya krisis perekonomiannasional seperti sekarang ini sangat mempengaruhi stabilitas nasional, ekonomi dan politik, yang imbasnyaberdampak pada kegiatan – kegiatan usaha besar yang semakin terpuruk, sementara Usaha Kecil danMenengah serta Koperasi relatif masih dapat mempertahankan kegiatan usahanya. Desa Lawatan, KecamatanDukuhturi, Kabupaten Tegal, sudah sejak lama dikenal sebagai daerah sentra pembuatan Shuttlecock (bolabulu tangkis). Warga masyarakat di sana, hampir 80 persen menjadi perajin salah satu alat untuk permainanbulutangkis tersebut. Bahkan kini, hasil produksinya juga merambah ke berbagai kota besar seperti Jakarta,Bandung dan Surabaya hingga luar jawa seperti Lampung dan Riau.Penelitian ini akan memaparkan apasajayang mempengaruhi meningkatnya pendapatan di Desa Lawatan Kecamatan Dukuturi kabupatenTegal.Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS 17.00. Dengan hasil F hitung sebesar6198.770 dengan probabilitas 0,000. Karena probabilitas lebih kecil dari tingkat signifikansi yang digunakanyaitu 5%, maka model regresi dapat dikatakan bahwa variabel meliputi umur, pendidikan, jenis kelamin, lamabekerja dan kemampuan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan.Kata Kunci : Pengaruh, UMKM, Pendapatan
Anak merupakan amanah sekaligus anugerah dalam keluarga yang diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang senantiasa harus kita jaga harkat, martabat serta hak-hak sebagai manusia yang harus dijunjung tinggi nilai-nilainya. Sudah sewajarnya sebuah Negara menjamin dan melindungi hak-hak anak, baik sipil, sosial, politik, budaya maupun ekonomi. Namun pada kenyataannya baik keluarga maupun Negara belum bisa mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang layak bagi anak secara menyeluruh.Penelitian hukum berjudul: Eksploitasi Anak Di Bawah Umur Untuk Aktifitas Mengemis (Studi Di Kantor Dinas Sosial Kota Malang) dari sudut tujuannya adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian yang dimaksudkan ini adalah untuk memberikan data yang seteliti mungkin tentang manusia, keadaan agar dapat membantu dalam teori-teori lama atau di dalam penyusunan teori-teori baru.Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada faktor-faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi tindakan eksploitasi anak untuk mengemis baik yang dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri maupun oknum-oknum tertentu,serta untuk mengetahui seberapa banyaknya kekerasan dalam bentuk eksploitasi anak untuk mengemis dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun terahir ini yang terjadi di Kota Malang dan juga bagaimana upaya Pemerintah Kota Malang dalam menanggulangi kasus eksploitasi Anak untuk aktifitas mengemis yang kerap terjadi di Kota Malang.Berdasarkan pada hasil penelitian dan pembahasan peneliti berkesimpulan bahwa dalam kasus eksploitasi anak sebagai pengemis terdapat aturan-aturan yang mengatur hal itu, salah satunya Undang-Undang No.35 Tahun 2014 Perubahan Atas Undang-undang No.23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak. Adapun di dalam Undang-undang No.21 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang dimana tindakan mempekerjakan anak sebagai pengemis ini digolongkan sebagai tindakan eksploitasi anak secara ekonomi dan dapat digolongkan sebagai kejahatan perdagangan orang. Kata Kunci: (Eksploitasi Anak, Perlindungan Anak) Children are a mandate as well as a gift in the family given by ...
Baitul Mal management in the Sultanate of Sambas started from the establishment of Ulama's official institution, so the state could supervise the religious issues. Through the Maharaja Imam, Muslim affairs were handled. The permanent management improvement of Baitul Mal in the Sultanate of Sambas was started in 1944, through Ulama's discussion in the Sambas Kingdom consisting of Imam, Khatib, and Penghulu. They formulated 37 articles concerning the cost of marriage, divorce, reconciliation, alms (zakat māl, and zakat fitrah), procedures for withdrawal, distribution, and the eligible recipients of funds. The Baitul Mal founding was interfered by a fundamental problem, caused by political issues within Sambas society. Those issues included Japan's defeat in 1945, the NICA arrival followed by the Dutch expulsion in 1949, and the PGRS-PARAKU incidents until 1965. Since the early days, Baitul Mal management in Sambas has found its form and can move social life through the funds distribution, one of which is to support the schools in Sambas. Baitul Mal in Sambas is currently in crisis due to the existence of new zakat institutions both semi-government and private such as Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ). Therefore, they really need to have the people-oriented management.Pengelolaan Baitul Mal di wilayah Kesultanan Sambas dimulai dari pembentukan lembaga resmi ulama, sehingga pengurusan masalah keagamaan ditangani oleh negara. Melalui Maharaja Imam, urusan Muslim ditangani. Perbaikan pengelolaan Baitul Mal secara permanen di Kesultanan Sambas dimulai pada tahun 1944, melalui musyawarah yang dihadiri oleh para ulama di Kerajaan Sambas yang terdiri dari Imam, Khatib dan Penghulu. Dalam rapat tersebut dirumuskan 37 pasal tentang masalah biaya perkawinan, perceraian, rukun, sedekah (zakat mal dan zakat fitrah), tata cara penarikan, penyaluran /distribusi dana dan orang-orang yang berhak menerimanya. Pembentukan Baitul Mal mengalami masalah yang mendasar, yang diakibatkan oleh masalah politik yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Sambas, ...
Community participation is a component that plays a very important role in implementing development in the village, because community involvement will have an impact on the benefits of development results for the village community, starting from planning, implementing, and utilizing the results of development in the village. The results showed that the coverage indicators were not implemented properly. Village development programs were only discussed by a few elements and did not involve all elements of society. Then there is still minimal space given by the village government to the community. In addition, the livelihoods of local people who require going to fields and forests make it difficult for the village government to empower them so that indicators of empowerment are still not visible there. Obstacles to participation in the community related to the development of Kampung Kamangi include the lack of public awareness of the importance of being involved in any development in the village, and the lack of space provided by the village government to the people who will participate.
Background: Education is very important in advancing a nation. Understanding is obtained when learning activities take place. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic condition, the government issued an online system learning policy, this will affect students' understanding of concepts, especially in biology subjects. Based on the results of a pre-research questionnaire given to biology teachers at SMA N 1 Sungai Raya, the completeness of cross-interest class students in Fungi material was less than 70% in the year before the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding of the concept of cross-interest class students on Fungi material at SMA N 1 Sungai Raya during the covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were students of class X cross-interest at SMA N 1 Sungai Raya. The method used is to provide a two tier test instrument through the google form application. Results: The results showed that 41% of students understood the concept, 24% of students who had misconceptions, 15% of students who guessed, and 20% of students who did not understand the concept. Keywords : Concept Understanding; Cross-Interest Classes; Fungic Matter; Covid-19 Pandemic
Ikonos imagery is a satellite image that has high spatial resolution with an accuracy of one meter pixels for panchromatic and four meters to multispektral. Ikonos imagery is often used to map the process, view, measure and memoniotring areas of work/activities on the Earth. Ikonos image of Government also often use it for things like national security evaluation against the occurrence of the disaster, city planning, mineral exploration and mine planning monitoring of agriculture, and others. Image digital imaging results over long distances using satellite is often there are disturbances in the form of light distortion, noise or other distractions that cause the object on the image less obvious or obscure. This discussion on the research being done is knowing the process of detection on image by calculating the difference between two dots are bertetanggan, and is in the process of smoothing and thresholding on image ikonos. The methods used in this research is a method of Marr-Hilderth. In addition, a process that is done on this research is conducting a testing method against Marr-Hilderth, which can be implemented to fix the blurry objects on images ikonos. The results of this research is to generate image ikonos with display clear object with the menerapakan method of the Marr-Hilderth and tested using the matlab application version 7.8 (r2009a).Keywords: Ikonos image, image processing, method of Marr-Hilderth, Matlab 7.8
This study explores a holistic learning model in elementary education that integrates local wisdom, parental collaboration, teacher capacity, and government support to enhance student motivation in remote areas of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The research follows a quantitative approach, employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Smart PLS to analyze data collected through offline questionnaires from 159 respondents, including 18 school principals and 141 elementary school teachers. Results reveal that government support significantly boosts both teacher capacity (O = 0.64, P = 0.000) and student motivation (O = 0.36, P = 0.000). Teacher capacity plays a critical role in improving student motivation (O = 0.807, P = 0.000) and fostering parental collaboration (O = 0.289, P = 0.000). Surprisingly, a negative correlation was found between parental collaboration and student motivation (O = -0.289, P = 0.000), while local wisdom showed an insignificant impact on student motivation (O = -0.097, P = 0.215). Discussion suggests that government support and teacher capacity are key drivers of student motivation, though the complex dynamics of parental collaboration require further exploration. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of teacher capacity and government involvement while recognizing the nuanced role of parental involvement. Future research should explore these factors across different cultural contexts, using mixed-methods approaches to provide a deeper understanding of the relationships and the role of cultural practices in motivating students.
One of the Indonesian government's efforts to provide equal education for disabilities is by implementing inclusive education. Inclusive education gives special needs (SEN) students have the same opportunity to get education together in class with the typical students of their age and obtain equal education services. So, inclusive education concept understanding is needed to provide information about inclusive education. Therefore, this article's arrangement provides information about inclusive education's definition, legal basis, characteristics, and aims. The current study method used a literature review of five books and 17 articles. It showed that inclusive education is the education service given to the unique needs students to have equal opportunity to school in the regular school and obtain equal service. The implementation of inclusive education had been regulating by international regulations and, in more detail, regulated by Indonesian government regulations. The characteristics of inclusive education must consider the interests of the disabilities and their flexibility to create an education that could run well and lasts long. In addition to imposing equal educational rights without any differentiation and optimizing special needs students' potential, inclusive education could also increase the interaction of special needs students.
In 2008, Bali was struck by rabies and since then rabies had spread to 273 of 723 villages in Bali and the number of human fatalities had reached 145. The concerted effort of government and stakeholders to combat this disease is progressing well. At present, the government's control program consists of mass vaccination, selected targeted culling, and education with a goal to eradicate rabies from the island by 2015. The additional effort on the establishment of participatory rabies prevention, control and surveillance system within the local community level is needed to improve the ongoing and future rabies control efforts. As part of a project "Ecohealth Approaches for Optimizing the Rabies Control Program in Bali", organized by CIVAS, with support from the IDRC and led by ILRI, within the project, we developed and piloted a community-based model for sustainable rabies control driven by community involvement in two villages in Karangasem and Gianyar districts in Bali. Promising results from pilot villages model indicates high participation of the community (formed 82 cadres in Gianyar and Karangasem) on the public awareness, early reporting, early response and early detection on bitten cases and supporting on government program particularly on the mass vaccination by registration data of the dog within community to achieved high coverage on vaccination (>70%). This efforts suggests that involving community members more actively in villages through the institutionalization of 'rabies village working groups' could substantially improve surveillance activities with possible effects on improving dog management and vaccination coverage. With little direct financial input such participation creates a sense of community ownership. This approach showed affective on improving early response, early detection and surveillance system that could be used effectively across other districts in Bali. The continued fight against rabies on Bali and elsewhere in the developing world would benefit significantly from engaging communities more actively in control and surveillance efforts.
Background Previously free of rabies, Bali experienced an outbreak in 2008, which has since caused a large number of human fatalities. In response, both mass dog culling and vaccination have been implemented. In order to assess potential community-driven interventions for optimizing rabies control, we conducted a study exploring the relationship between dogs, rabies, and the Balinese community. The objectives of this study were to: i) understand the human-dog relationship in Bali; ii) explore local knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) relating to rabies; and iii) assess potential community-driven activities to optimize rabies control and surveillance. Methods Conducted between February and June 2011, the study combined a questionnaire (n = 300; CI = 95 %; error margin = 5 %) and focus group discussions (FGDs) in 10 villages in the Denpasar, Gianyar, and Karangasem regencies. The questionnaire included a Likert scale to assess community knowledge and attitudes. For the knowledge assessment, three points were given for a correct answer, while wrong answers and uncertain answers were given zero points. For the attitudes assessment, three points were given for a positive answer, two points for a neutral answer, and one point for a negative answer. Respondent knowledge was categorized as good (score >40), fair (score 20–40), or poor (score 26), neutral (score 13–26), or negative (score <13), based on a maximum total score of 39. Mixed-gender FGDs in each sub-village (banjar) were conducted, each involving 7–15 participants to complement the questionnaire results. On a follow-up research trip in mid-2013, the data analysis was triangulated and validated using semi-structured interviews. Questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS 17.0, while qualitative data from interviews and FGDs were analyzed manually according to accepted methods of coding and memo writing. The chi-square test was then used to analyze the statistical relationships between knowledge and attitudes of the respondents. Results Out of the total 300 respondents, most were predominantly male (82 %), Hindu (99 %), married (96 %), older than 30 years of age (92 %), and owned dogs (72 %). Dog ownership was motivated by culture, personal taste, and function, with dogs was being used as guards (85 %) and companion animals (27 %), and was sometimes related to religious or traditional obligations (2 %). Relating to their culture and local beliefs, and eventually becoming their way of life, 79 % of respondents kept free-roaming dogs. With the rabies outbreak in Bali and Western breeds becoming more popular, more responsible dog ownership (leashing, confining, regular feeding) became more acceptable and changed community perceptions on keeping dogs, even though the sustainability of this practice cannot be gauged. In addition, the economic situation posed major problems in rural areas. The level of community knowledge about rabies and its associated control programs were generally fair and community attitudes were positive. However, community KAPs still need to be improved. A total of 74 % respondents reported to have vaccinated their dogs in 2011, but only few were found to report rabid animals to livestock officers (12 %) and a significant number believed that washing a bite wound was not important (62 %). Moreover, free-roaming dog practices and discarding of unwanted female puppies still continue and possibly create difficulties for rabies elimination as these practices potentially increase the stray dog population. We identified three major sociocultural aspects with potential for community-driven interventions to optimize current rabies elimination efforts: integrating local notions of ahimsa (non-violence) into education campaigns, engaging communities through the local banjar sociopolitical system, and working with traditional legal structures to increase local compliance with rabies control. Conclusion The human-dog relationship in Bali is multifaceted. Due to the uniqueness of the culture and the local beliefs, and encouraged by a socioeconomic aspect, a number of local practices were found to be constituting risk factors for continued rabies spread. Community knowledge and attitudes, which can consequently result in behavioral changes, needs to be improved across different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, and roles in the community, regardless of the individual village's experiences with rabies. Furthermore, community-driven activities based on sociocultural conditioning and community capacity at the banjar and village levels, such as public awareness activities, vaccination, dog registration, dog population management, and rapid response to dog bites, were identified as being able to complement the rabies control program in Bali. The program also needs recognition or acknowledgement from governments, especially local government as well as regular mentoring to improve and sustain community participation.