Open Access#12018
Accelerate progress—Sexual and reproductive health and rights for all: Report of the Guttmacher–Lancet Commission
Starrs, Ann M; Ezeh, Alex C; Barker, Gary; Basu, Alaka Malwade; Bertrand, Jane T; Blum, Robert W; Coll-Seck, Awa M; Grover, Anand
Starrs, Ann M; Ezeh, Alex C; Barker, Gary; Basu, Alaka Malwade; Bertrand, Jane T; Blum, Robert W; Coll-Seck, Awa M; Grover, Anand; Laski, Laura; Roa, Monica; Sathar, Zeba; Say, Lale; Serour, Gamal I; Singh, Susheela; Stenberg, Karin; Temmerman, Marleen; Biddlecom, Ann E; Popinchalk, Anna; Summers, Cynthia; Ashford, Lori S
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental to people's health and survival, to economic development, and to the wellbeing of humanity. Several decades of research have shown—and continue to show—the profound and measurable benefits of investment in sexual and reproductive health. Through international agreements, governments have committed to such investment. Yet progress has been stymied because of weak political commitment, inadequate resources, persistent discrimination against women and girls, and an unwillingness to address issues related to sexuality openly and comprehensively.