Beyond eruptive scenarios: assessing tephra fallout hazard from Neapolitan volcanoes
Assessment of volcanic hazards is necessary for risk mitigation. Typically, hazard assessment is based on one or a few, subjectively chosen representative eruptive scenarios, which use a specific combination of eruptive sizes and intensities to represent a particular size class of eruption. While such eruptive scenarios use a range of representative members to capture a range of eruptive sizes and intensities in order to reflect a wider size class, a scenario approach neglects to account for the intrinsic variability of volcanic eruptions, and implicitly assumes that inter-class size variability (i.e. size difference between different eruptive size classes) dominates over intra-class size variability (i.e. size difference within an eruptive size class), the latter of which is treated as negligible. So far, no quantitative study has been undertaken to verify such an assumption. Here, we adopt a novel Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Analysis (PVHA) strategy, which accounts for intrinsic eruptive variabilities, to quantify the tephra fallout hazard in the Campania area. We compare the results of the new probabilistic approach with the classical scenario approach. The results allow for determining whether a simplified scenario approach can be considered valid, and for quantifying the bias which arises when full variability is not accounted for. ; This work was partially supported by the MED-SUV Project funded by the European Union (FP7 Grant Agreement n.308665), the "Futuro in Ricerca 2008 FIRB" ByMuR Project [RBFR0880SR] funded by MIUR (the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), and the DPC-INGV V1 (2013–2015) Project, funded by DPC (the Italian Department of Civil Protection) within the agreement between DPC and INGV. Background roadmap, terrain or satellite images in all the pictures were downloaded from Google Maps. The FALL3D simulations have been run at BSC using the MareNostrum supercomputer. We are very grateful to Mary Anne Thompson for providing us with helpful comments. We wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions that significantly improved the quality of the manuscript. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)