16 Ergebnisse
This study aims to acquire an overview of the distribution of funds allocation in rural South Sumatra Province, and its relationship with the level of poverty. Data used time series data from 2006 to 2012. Statistical method used is qualitative and quantitative, with a simple regression model. The results showed that the Rural Fund Allocation (ADD) is not in accordance with the applicable provisions. When viewed from the extended to the year 2012 no one ever meets the applicable provisions (at least 10% of funds for revenue minus expenses plus tax officials). However, the district has been doing distributing ADD showed increasing, when in 2006 of 35.71%, increasing to 90% in the year 2012 This is due, government regulations on the ADD does not provide sanctions for non-distribution returning ADD. When an area it has not been able to estimate ADD provincial and central government can do strictly the sanctions. Simple regression results indicate a negative influence on the level of poverty among ADD, as well as the simulation results with ADD at least 10% of the poverty even show a negative correlation. Keywords: Distribution of Funds Allocation, Poverty
Keuangan Negara (Ekonomi Publik): Teori dan Praktek
The writing attempts to claril• the emergence of the branches of the science state lands/fi¬nances (public• economy), which first originated in the 17 and 18 couturier in France and Britain. 7he dissatisfaction which followed the development of this theeny led to the emergence of the •os¬sh thcaist• which was contained in the teachings of Adam Smiths 's Wealth of nations published in ;776. From these two teach:nips was burn /hough, of low the 'vie government hi the econinui. should emu ny he. There ivas indeed an increasing awareness about the importance of the theory of government finance because of increasing intensity of government intervemion in the market mechanism which it is believed, con interfere with the development of the private sector. Meanwhile on the other hand, government intervention in regulating the economic activities is very desirable to de¬veloping commies like Indonesia, throng/ fir instance, development plans. This interference of governmeni in the operations of the market mechanism. especially in developing commies, are ulti¬mately carried out in foam of government prcnerts which are then controlled with utmost transpa¬rency in order that ciliciency in the public economy can be achieved, so that it can give us confidence to compete with other commies during this ern of globalization.
Penerimaan pajak merupakan bagian terpenting dari penerimaan pemerintah disamping penerimaan dari minyak bumi dan gas alam serta penerimaan negara bukan pajak. Apabila Indonesia ingin mandiri, maka penerimaan dari pajak haruslah ditingkatkan agar supaya dapat dijadikan substitut pinjaman dari luar negeri. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk mengkaji hal-hal yang harus dilakukan demi kemandirian ini.
The Effect of Milling Time on the Alumina Phase Transformation in the AMCs Powder Metallurgy Reinforced by Silica-Sand-Tailings
In: EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, (1), 103–117, 2022 doi:
Computational Exploration of the Biological Basis of Black-Scholes Expected Utility Function
In: Journal of applied mathematics & decision sciences: JAMDS, Band 2007, S. 1-15
ISSN: 1532-7612
It has often been argued that there exists an underlying biological basis of utility
functions. Taking this line of argument a step further in this paper, we have aimed
to computationally demonstrate the biological basis of the Black-Scholes functional
form as applied to classical option pricing and hedging theory. The evolutionary
optimality of the classical Black-Scholes function has been computationally established
by means of a haploid genetic algorithm model. The objective was to minimize the dynamic
hedging error for a portfolio of assets that is built to replicate the payoff from a European
multi-asset option. The functional form that is seen to evolve over successive generations
which best attains this optimization objective is the classical Black-Scholes function
extended to a multiasset scenario.Computational Exploration of the Biological Basis of Black-Scholes Expected Utility Function
Economic Convergence in Sumatra Island: Stochastic Approach ; Экономическая конвергенция на острове Суматра: стохастический подход
Purpose: convergence occurs when regions with poor economies tend to grow faster than regions with rich economies, so poorer regions tend to catch up with rich regions in terms of GRDP or per capita products. The concept of convergence is dividedinto3 (three) namely sigma convergence, absolute convergence, and conditional convergence. This study focuses on analyzing the trend of convergence based on the approach to the concept of convergence with a concern for analysis, namely stochastic convergence.Methods: the analysis of convergence using a stochastic approach and a sigma and beta convergence approach for each province on the island ofSumatraduringthe2011–2020 periods. This research data uses secondary data with a combination of time-series data and cross-sectional data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Finance, and the Investment Coordinating Board. Calculation of beta convergence is based on the equation model developed by Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1990) and stochastic convergence based on the measurement model by Ludlow and Enders (2000).Results: the finding from this study shows that there is a stochastic convergence in all provinces on the island of Sumatra which is described based on the Sumatra. The economy has proven Beta convergence which explains the convergence with a relatively low rate of convergence, but the addition of determinant variables such as Domestic Investment and government spending has an impact on increasing the rate of convergence in the island of Sumatra.Conclusions and Relevance: the recommendation for further research emphasizes the spatial interaction between regions because the stochastic stocked test has not been able to see the interdependence between regions that causes convergence. ; Цель. Конвергенция, то есть экономическое сближение, проявляется, когда бедные регионы растут быстрее регионов с богатой экономикой. Менее развитые регионы, как правило, догоняют богатые регионы с точки зрения Валового регионального продукта (ВРП) или объема продукции на душу населения. Концепция конвергенции предполагает три направления, а именно, сигма-конвергенцию, абсолютную конвергенцию и условную конвергенцию. Целью представленного исследования является анализ тенденций экономического развития регионов Индонезии (острова Суматра), основанный на стохастическом подходе в рамках концепции конвергенции.Методы или методология проведения работы. Анализ конвергенции выполнен с использованием стохастического подхода, а также подходов сигма- и бета-конвергенции для каждой провинции на острове Суматра в период 2011–2020 гг. Для исследовании использованы вторичные данные в сочетании с данными временных рядов и перекрестных данных, полученных по информации Центрального статистического управления, Министерства финансов и Координационного совета по инвестициям. Расчет бета-конвергенции основан на модели уравнений, разработанной Барро и Сала-и-Мартином (1990 г.), и стохастической сходимости на базе модели измерения Ладлоу и Эндерса (2000 г.).Результаты работы. Исследование показывает, что во всех провинциях острова Суматра наблюдается стохастическая конвергенция, которая описана на основе Суматры. Экономика доказала бета-конвергенцию, что объясняет конвергенцию с относительно низкой скоростью сближения. Однако добавление определяющих переменных, таких как внутренние инвестиции и государственные расходы, влияет на увеличение скорости экономической конвергенции на острове Суматра.Выводы. В качестве рекомендаций для дальнейших исследований подчеркивается необходимость анализа пространственного взаимодействия между регионами, поскольку стохастический накопительный тест не смог выявить взаимозависимость между регионами, которая вызывает конвергенцию.
Does the Information Content of Central Bank Speeches Impact on the Level of Exchange Rate? A Comparative Study of Canadian and Australian Central Bank Communications
In: Review of Pacific Basin financial markets and policies: RPBFMP, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 1850005
Traditionally, central banks have used direct intervention in currency markets when the exchange rate has moved away from equilibrium or when the volatility has been excessive and the literature on the effects of indirect intervention is sparse. We examine whether indirect intervention has any impact on the exchange rate levels by examining the central bank verbal communications in Australia and Canada. We find evidence that the Bank of Canada's (BOC's) speeches reduce the mean exchange rate returns but not the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA's) speeches. Our results show that the socio-economic similarities between countries do not guarantee a similar impact of indirect intervention.
Derivative Practices in Australian and Canadian Industries
In: Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 1750027
ISSN: 1793-6705
This study examines derivative practices of Australian and Canadian firms from 2009 to 2013 in a post-global financial crisis environment. Our results show significant differences in the level of derivative usage between both countries, in contrast to earlier hedging studies. We also observe that Canadian firms have a higher propensity to use financial derivatives. We find similarities in derivative usage for firms operating in the industrials, materials, consumer discretionary, and healthcare industries. However, corporate derivative practices seem to be significantly different for energy and IT firms during the sample period.
Rise of the Machines: A Critical Consideration of Automated Leadership Decision Making in Organizations
In: Group & organization management: an international journal, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 571-594
ISSN: 1552-3993
Machines are increasingly becoming a substitute for human skills and intelligence in a number of fields where decisions that are crucial to group performance have to be taken under stringent constraints—for example, when an army contingent has to devise battlefield tactics or when a medical team has to diagnose and treat a life-threatening condition or illness. We hypothesize a scenario where similar machine-based intelligent technology is available to support, and even substitute human decision making in an organizational leadership context. We do not engage in any metaphysical debate on the plausibility of such a scenario. Rather, we contend that given what we observe in several other fields of human decision making, such a scenario may very well eventuate in the near future. We argue a number of "positives" that can be expected to emerge out of automated group and organizational leadership decision making. We also posit several anti-theses—"negatives" that can also potentially emerge from the hypothesized scenario and critically consider their implications. We aim to bring leadership and organization theorists, as well as researchers in machine intelligence, together at the discussion table for the first time and postulate that while leadership decision making in a group/organizational context could be effectively delegated to an artificial-intelligence (AI)-based decision system, this would need to be subject to the devising of crucial safeguarding conditions.
Computational Modeling in Applied Problems: collected papers on econometrics, operations research, game theory and simulation
Computational models pervade all branches of the exact sciences and have in recent times also started to prove to be of immense utility in some of the traditionally 'soft' sciences like ecology, sociology and politics. This volume is a collection of a few cuttingedge research papers on the application of variety of computational models and tools in the analysis, interpretation and solution of vexing real-world problems and issues in economics, management, ecology and global politics by some prolific researchers in the field.
Rising Pay and Piling Debt: CEO Remuneration as a Predictor of Debt-to-Income Ratio in New Zealand Local Councils – an Artificial Neural Networks Approach
In: PBFJ-D-24-01219
Organizational Training And Leadership Of Mosque Youth In Kerinjing Village
The current phenomenon of understanding of organization and leadership in mosque youth organizations is still relatively lacking and doesn't really understand how to manage an organization effectively and efficiently so that organizational goals haven't been achieved optimally. This dedication aims to provide motivation to the management of youth mosques in Kerinjing Village to be more optimal and effective in organizational management. The dedication was carried out by means of lectures, training, and simulations to the mosque youth administrators in Kerinjing Village. The material provided is in the form of materials related to issues of leadership, conflict management, organizational management, and trial techniques. Through this dedication activity, it is hoped that it can provide skills for the administrators of youth mosques in Kerinjing village in managing organizations, forming management structures, and generating leadership talents. The expected output from this dedication activity is in the form of a final report and an article in a dedication journal. The results of this dedication are also expected to be the basis for the government in making policies and programs related to youth issues in rural areas.