Adjudicating with Inscrutable Decision Tools
In: in MACHINES WE TRUST: GETTING ALONG WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Marcello Pelillo and Teresa Scantamburlo (Eds.) (MIT Press, 2020 Forthcoming)
20 Ergebnisse
In: in MACHINES WE TRUST: GETTING ALONG WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Marcello Pelillo and Teresa Scantamburlo (Eds.) (MIT Press, 2020 Forthcoming)
In: 119 Columbia Law Review 1851 (2019)
In: in Privacy, Big Data and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement (J. Lane, V. Stodden, S. Bender and H. Nissenbaum, eds.), Ch. 1, pp. 5-43 (Cambridge Univ. Press 2014)
Working paper
In: Maryland Law Review, Band 70, S. 101
Recent controversies about the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping of international calls have overshadowed equally disturbing allegations that the government has acquired access to a huge database of domestic call traffic data, revealing information about times, dates, and numbers called. Although communication content traditionally has been the primary focus of concern about overreaching government surveillance, law enforcement officials are increasingly interested in using sophisticated computer analysis of noncontent traffic data to "map" networks of associations. Despite the rising importance of digitally mediated association, current Fourth Amendment and statutory schemes provide only weak checks on government. The potential to chill association through overreaching relational surveillance is great. This Article argues that the First Amendment's freedom of association guarantees can and do provide a proper framework for regulating relational surveillance and suggests how these guarantees might apply to particular forms of analysis of traffic data.
In: Privacy and Technologies of Identity, S. 31-53
In: GOVERNING PRIVACY AS COMMONS, M. Sanfilippo, K.J. Strandburg and B.M. Frischmann, eds; Cambridge University Press, 2020 Forthcoming)
In: RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON BIG DATA LAW (Roland Vogl, ed., Edward Elgar, 2020 Forthcoming)
In: Preprint of article published by Taylor & Francis in Information, Communication and Society, Sept. 26, 2019
In: Research handbooks in intellectual property
Trade secrecy in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory / Jeanne C. Fromer -- The Restatements, the Uniform Act and the status of American trade secret law / Robert Denicola -- Trade secrecy, innovation and the requirement of reasonable secrecy precautions / Robert G. Bone -- Trade secrecy and common law confidentiality : the problem of multiple regimes / Charles Tait Graves -- The surprising virtues of treating trade secrets as IP rights / Mark A. Lemley -- Trade secrets as intellectual property rights : a disgraceful upgrading : notes on an Italian 'reform' / Gustavo Ghidini and Valeria Falce -- Trade secret law and information development incentives / Michael Risch -- How trade secrecy law generates a natural semicommons of innovative know-how / Jerome H. Reichman -- Open innovation and the private-collective model for innovation incentives / Eric von Hippel and Georg von Krogh -- Open secrets / Michael J. Madison --
Provides an overview of ways in which technological changes raise privacy concerns. This book then addresses four major areas of technology: RFID and location tracking technology; biometric technology, data mining; and issues with anonymity and authentication of identity
In: NYU Law and Economics Research Paper No. 19-44
Working paper