39 Ergebnisse
The Jews of the Medieval Islamic West: Acculturation and its limitations
In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 293-300
ISSN: 2152-0852
New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq by Orit Bashkin (review)
In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 32, Heft 2, S. 149-151
ISSN: 1534-5165
They Were Promised the Sea: Arab Jews between Homeland and Promised Land (Israel and Morocco) 2012 Color 94 min. Director: Kathy Wazana; Producer: Kathy Wazana/BiCom Productions. Distributor: Canadian Filmakers Distribution Centre, Toronto, Ontario ON M5V 3A8 (tel: 416 588-0725; e-mail: cfmdc@cfmdc....
In: Review of Middle East studies, Band 48, Heft 1-2, S. 50-52
ISSN: 2329-3225
Martin Gilbert, In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2010). Pp. 448. $35 cloth, $23 paper
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 44, Heft 3, S. 576-578
ISSN: 1471-6380
Franck Salameh, Language, Memory, and Identity in the Middle East: The Case for Lebanon (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010), 291 pp. ISBN 978-07-39-13738-3
In: Bustan: the Middle East book review, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 190-193
ISSN: 1878-5328
Nora Şeni, Les inventeurs de la philanthropie juive (Paris: Éditions de La Martinière, 2005). Pp. 202. €17.00 paper
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 156-157
ISSN: 1471-6380
Making Jews Modern: The Yiddish and Ladino Press in the Russian and Ottoman Empires (review)
In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 188-191
ISSN: 1534-5165
The Jews of Lebanon: Between Coexistence and Conflict (review)
In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 176-179
ISSN: 1534-5165
STEFAN C. REIF, A Jewish Archive from Old Cairo: The History of Cambridge University's Genizah Collection (Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2000). Pp. 297. $65.00 cloth, $29.95 paper
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 136-138
ISSN: 1471-6380
It is, to say the least, rather startling that prior to the appearance of this new book by Stefan
Reif, who is professor of Medieval Hebrew Studies at Cambridge University in England, the
director of the Genizah Research Unit, and head of the Oriental Division at the University Library,
there simply was no detailed history of the discovery of the Cairo Genizah and its transferal
abroad. Neither had there been a convenient single survey of the broad range of its contents, nor a
comprehensive mise au point of the century of scholarship in so many disciplines that
has resulted from this unique treasure trove. Brief introductory sketches existed in the works of
Paul Kahle and S. D. Goitein, and Norman Golb surveyed the first half-century of Genizah
scholarship more than forty years ago in the journal Judaism (1957). But none of these
provided the wealth of detail to be found in A Jewish Archive from Old Cairo.
Trade and Traders in Muslim Spain: The Commercial Realignment of the Iberian Peninsula 900-1500 (review)
In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 191-192
ISSN: 1534-5165
The Book of Mordekhai: A Study of the Jews of Libya. Selections from the Higgid Mordekhai of Mordechai Hakohen, edited and translated by Harvey E. Goldberg. 226 pages, indexes, bibliography, appendices, maps, illustrations, biography. London: Darf Publishers, Ltd., 1993. £13.95 (paper) ISBN 1–85077-...
In: Middle East Studies Association bulletin, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 43-44
A History of Palestine, 634-1099 (review)
In: Shofar: a quarterly interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies ; official journal of the Midwest and Western Jewish Studies Associations, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 126-128
ISSN: 1534-5165
Without Future: The Plight of Syrian Jewry, by Saul S. Friedman. 146 pages, illustrations, map, bibliographic essay, index. Praeger. New York, 1989. $33.95
In: Middle East Studies Association bulletin, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 194-194