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58 Ergebnisse
In: Social psychology [1]
In: Social sciences
In: Social psychology, a third level course, Block 1 1
In: Social sciences
In: Social psychology, a third level course, Block 7 12/13
In: Phaenomenologica, Collection Publiée Sous Le Patronage Des Centres D'Archives-Husserl 60
In: Phaenomenologica, Series Founded by H. L. Van Breda and Published Under the Auspices of the Husserl-Archives 60
I. The World of Pure Experience -- 1. The fundamental tenets of Radical Empiricism -- 2. The absolute sphere of pure experience -- 3. A comparison with Bergson -- II. Sensation, Perception, Conception -- 1. Knowledge by acquaintance and "knowledge about" -- 2. The recognition of sameness -- 3. The fringe structure of the stream of consciousness -- 4. The complementarity of perception and conception -- 5. Comparison between Husserl's epoché and James's return to pure experience -- III. The Genesis of Space and Time -- 1. The pre-reflective givenness of spatiality -- 2. The elaboration of spatial coordinates -- 3. Husserl's theory of horizons and James's fringes -- 4. The temporal structure of the stream of consciousness -- 5. The theory of the specious present -- 6. Primary and secondary remembrance -- 7. Husserl's analysis of the now-phase -- 8. Active and passive genesis -- IV. The Structure of the Self: A Theory of Personal Identity -- 1. A functional view of consciousness -- 2. The empirical self -- 3. The pure ego -- 4. Husserl's distinction between the human ego and the pure phenomenological ego -- 5. The auto-constitution of the ego in temporality -- 6. The ambiguous situation of the body -- V. Intersubjectivity -- 1. Two inadequate solutions to the impasse of solipsism -- 2. Reference to a common spatial horizon -- 3. The problem of solipsism in the context of transcendental subjectivity -- 4. The coordination of alien spatial perspectives through imaginative variation -- VI. The Thing and its Relations: A Theory of the Constitution of the Physical World -- 1. The positing of thing-patterns within the stream of consciousness -- 2. The sense of reality -- 3. The various sub-universes of reality -- 4. The region of the "thing" as a guiding clue for phenomenological inquiry -- 5. The return to the concrete fullness of the life-world -- VII. Attention and Freedom -- 1. The correlation between the focus-fringe structure of the object and the subjective modalities of attention and inattention -- 2. James's dependence upon the "reflex-arc" theory of human activity -- 3. The relationship between attention and freedom -- 4. Husserl's study of attention as an index of intentionality -- 5. The spontaneity of the ego's glance -- 6. James's pragmatic justification of the possibility of freedom -- VIII. The Pragmatic Theory of Truth -- 1. Pragmatism as a method and as a genetic theory of truth -- 2. Four different types of truth and of verification -- 3. Husserl's definition of truth as the ideal adequation between meaning-intention and meaning fulfillment -- 4. The retrogression from the self-evidence of judgment to the original founding evidences of the life-world -- Conclusion — Action: the Final Synthesis.
In: Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, Band 20
In: Labour history review, Band 62, Heft 1, S. 5-21
ISSN: 1745-8188
In: Labour history review, Band 58, Heft 3, S. 22-37
ISSN: 1745-8188
In: Phaenomenologica, Collection Fondée Par H.L. Van Breda et Publiée Sous le Patronage des Centres D'Archives-Husserl 116
In: Phaenomenologica, Series Founded by H. L. Van Breda and Published Under the Auspices of the Husserl-Archives 116
I. Psychologism and Logical Analysis -- 1. The Debate about Psychologism -- 2. Frege's Critique of Psychologism -- 3. Propositions and Facts -- 4. Kantian and Platonic Fragments -- 5. Senses as Modes of Givenness -- II Semantics Without Epistemology -- 1. From Semantics to Pragmatism -- 2. Wittgenstein's Metaphors -- 3. Private Sensations and Public Concepts -- 4. Tacit and Prepositional Knowing -- III. Quantifiers and Bound Variables -- 1. Functions and Concepts -- 2. Frege's Critique of Traditional Logic -- 3. The Quantifier-Variable Notation -- 4. Leibniz' Law -- 5. Concepts and their value-ranges: Two Paradoxes -- 6. Substitution vs. Intuition -- IV. On What There is -- 1. The Many Senses of the Science of Being -- 2. The Theory of Substance: From Aristotle to Leibniz -- 3. Frege's Critique of the Theory of Substance -- 4. Concepts: Modes of Presentation or Extensions -- 5. Referential Opacity -- 6. The Impoverishment of Ontology -- V. Assertion and Predication -- 1. The Development of the Modern Theory of Judgment -- 2. Intentional Directedness and Propositional Attitudes -- 3. Brentano and Frege -- 4. Strawson's Critique of Russell -- 5. Sortal Predicates and Contextual Identification -- VI. Psychologism and Cognitive Intuition -- 1. From Soul to Mind -- 2. Husserl's Breakthrough: Early Writings -- 3. Husserl and the Language of Modern Philosophy -- 4. Signs and Signification -- 5. Judgments and Propositions -- 6. The Context of Reference -- 7. Truth as Identity-synthesis -- 8. Categorial Intuition -- 9. A Productive Paradox -- VII. Husserl's Transcendental Turn -- 1. Kant's Transcendentalism -- 2. The Idea of Phenomenology -- 3. Regions and Dimensions -- 4. Propositions and Facts: A Transcendental Approach -- VIII. Reason and History -- 1. Esprit de géométrie -- 2. Naturalism and the Logical Calculus -- 3. Naturalism and Historicism -- 4. Essences and Historical Perspectives.
Section 77(2)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 ("the Act") provides that a director of a company may be held liable based on the common law principles relating to delict for any losses or damages which the company suffer due to a breach of the duty of care in skill in terms of s76(3)(c), losses due to a breach of a provision of the Act not mentioned in section 77 and losses due to the contravention of any provisions of the memorandum of incorporation ("MoI") of the company. This article poses the question whether the legislature was correct in formulating the legal nature of the duty of care and skill as well as the liability of directors for losses flowing forth from any breach of the company's MoI as delictual. The article will attempt to show that basis for liability is not necessarily delictual in nature but it could be argued that the basis could also be contractual.
In: The political science reviewer: an annual review of books, Band 28, S. 3-17
ISSN: 0091-3715