6 Broad Approaches to Moral and Political Philosophy: Converging PerspectivesPart III Action around the World: Progress, Collaboration, Equity; 7 Developments in Climate Action around the World; 8 Building National and International Action; 9 Equity across Peoples and Nations; 10 Conclusion: How Ideas Change over Time; Notes; Sources; Index.
Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Toward Pro-Poor Policies: An Overview -- Part I. Aid -- Scaling Up: The Challenge of Monterrey -- New Perspectives on Aid Effectiveness -- In Search of the Holy Grail: How to Achieve Pro-Poor Growth? -- Aid and Growth Revisited: Policy, Economic Vulnerability, and Political Instability -- New Poverty Reduction Strategies: Old Wine in New Bottles? -- Part II. Institutions -- Crisis, Political Institutions, and Policy Reform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly -- State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies -- States, Reforms, and Institutional Change: The Dynamics of Failure -- Inequality before and under the Law: Paths of Long-Run Development in the Americas -- The Transition Process in Postcommunist Societies: Toward a Political Economy of Property Rights -- Part III. Globalization -- Lessons from the 1997-98 East Asian Crises -- Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Globalization-Induced Changes and the Role of Policies -- Income Distribution, Factor Endowments, and Trade Openness -- Globalizing Talent and Human Capital: Implications for Developing Countries -- The Economics of the Brain Drain Turned on Its Head -- Appendix: Program.
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The year 2015 will be a landmark year for international climate change negotiations. Governments have agreed to adopt a universal legal agreement on climate change at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in 2015. The agreement will come into force no later than 2020. This book focuses on the prospects for global agreement, how to encourage compliance with any such agreement and perspectives of key players in the negotiations - the United States, India, China, and the EU. It finds that there is strong commitment to the established UN institutions and processes within which the search for further agreed actions will occur. There are already a myriad of local and regional policies that are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build mutual confidence. However, the chapters in the book also highlight potential areas of discord. For instance, varying interpretations of the "common but differentiated responsibilities" of developing countries, agreed as part of the UNFCCC, could be a major sticking point for negotiators. When combined with other issues, such as the choice of consumption or production as the basis for mitigation commitments, the appropriate time frame and base date for their measurement and whether level or intensity commitments are to be negotiated, the challenges that need to be overcome are considerable. The authors bring to bear insights from economics, public finance and game theory